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1 person found this review helpful
74.3 hrs on record (56.5 hrs at review time)
A good improvement over Dead Island and Dead Island: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Of course, that doesn't mean its groundbreaking or will knock you off of your seat. It means that it is a pretty fun, perfectly average zombie parkour game that is a lot of fun to play with some boys. Get it for under 10 bucks and you got a good deal.
Posted December 7, 2019.
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3.8 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
The difficulty in this game just put me off of the whole experience. The first few chapters are a fun mix of puzzling and combat with aliens that feel fun to engage with and kill. The new weapons are cool and some are actually used for platforming and puzzling. Then the black ops people show up and the game just goes from fun to incredibly tedious. I am playing on medium difficulty and the black ops people take tons of damage to kill, while their guns do a ♥♥♥♥ ton of damage to me. It's just not fun to engage with these enemies, yet this is all that you see from 2 hours into the game until the finish. I can't change the difficulty on the fly so I feel as if the only option here is to just bail from the game entirely.

I finished on "Foxtrot Uniform" and only had a few chapters left, maybe an hour and a half to finish the game. ♥♥♥♥ it, the game is only going to get more ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ from here. Not worth the headache
Posted December 6, 2019.
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0.8 hrs on record
Just not very fun to play and doesn't capture that hl2 charm. The level design is a big factor in making this mod a bit of a slog to play. It's confusing, with tons of areas having branching paths and rooms that don't really stand out against each other. At one point, I activated an elevator and the mod told me to go back to that elevator. Problem was, I had no idea how to find this elevator because the camera showed it in a very nondescript location that looked like all the other locations I was just in.

The difficulty also slows down the game, too. Hard mode is not really a fun difficulty to play. It is essentially +enemy health and damage and -your health and damage. The game spawns a ton of enemies in all the areas you play in, and these enemies will absolutely one or two shot you if you're not careful. The most challenging part of the game is constantly spamming the quick save key, even with the difficulty cranked down to easy.

Eh, it's free so I can't really hate it that much. It makes me want to play a proper valve half life game, for whatever that is worth.
Posted December 3, 2019.
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204.0 hrs on record (200.6 hrs at review time)
Planet coaster is really fun to play when you just want to do really basic things, but the second you try to do anything advanced, the cracks in the spline system start to show. After playing planet coaster for 200 hours, I have gained a serious admiration for the grid system in the old RCT games. You couldn't do much with a grid, but you could do exactly what you wanted to do without any fiddling around.

Want to create a plaza system with wide open paths? Nope, can't do that. What you can do is randomly place wide path pieces and hope that they will connect in some sort of half decent way. You can try using a grid system but when you connect a grid path to a non grid path, the grid path becomes curved. Have fun with your tiny little gaps between path pieces.

Want to construct a path that runs along a gentle hill? Nope, can't do that. Your hill will look really sloppy from one angle and the path tool will pester you with TERRAIN TOO UNEVEN FOR PATH. You can try using the smooth tool, but it won't help at all. There is no hill tool, you can only push and pull terrain. Unlike in the old games, there is no plopping down a hill and path in a few minutes. Making a hill in PC takes hours, and it will never look right.

Want to create a smooth coaster with elements that feel right and look well? Nope, can't do that. The preset elements can't be manipulated very well, and they often force you to use jarring transitions that don't lead to a smooth ride. You will have to create your own loops and twists, then spam the everloving ♥♥♥♥ out of the "smooth all" button until you get something that half resembles a coherent object. Again, this is something that takes way too long to do compared to the older games. Credit where it's due, though. The heatmaps are pretty helpful although some explanation is needed on exactly what causes excitement, fear, and nausea.

What makes these issues all the more aggravating is that there isn't enough content in the base game to justify this trouble. You get a small amount of flat rides, coasters, and scenery, and the rest is locked behind DLC. The icing on the cake is that you can't filter out DLC when you use the workshop. If you don't have the DLC you can't use workshop blueprints that do, so your searches will usually contain blueprints that you can't use. After the career mode ends, you need a lot of imagination to keep playing. Of course, that imagination will never actually match the reality of what you can do ingame, unless you spend dozens of hours fighting the game's systems.
Posted September 14, 2019.
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25.3 hrs on record (24.4 hrs at review time)
The difficulty in this game seems to be tied to the vehicle you are driving rather than the difficulty setting you choose. You can absolutely wipe the AI with the slower 1960s and 1970s cars, but once you go any higher it becomes nearly impossible to beat the AI. On top of this, the AI is skewed horribly towards one or two opponents doing the best. It seems that I am racing against S. Leitner and Leitner only, because he is the only opponent that gets close times to me. Everyone else is minutes behind Leitner. What is the point of having 15 opponents if it just boils down to a duel between me and one other racer?

It feels like this game has a massive learning wall that seems to lack any incentive to ascend. There is no point in trying to get better because the AI times feel so arbitrary. There is no point in trying the newer cars unless you're some sort of masochist who likes to lose to a magic leaderboard.
Posted February 26, 2019.
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15.8 hrs on record (4.7 hrs at review time)
Locking most of the content behind a playwall is a bad sign. It makes me feel like I am losing because I am new at the game and I don't have the better gear/characters. I would rather just lose because I am bad, not because I haven't put the 40 hour investment into a game hoping that I will get all of the content promised. Of course, you could just buy the characters because of course thats an option. Gotta nickel and dime people who paid 20 bucks for a game.

This feeling of being low geared is made worse by the game's non functional matchmaking. I was commonly matched with and against people 75-100 levels higher than me. I can't learn how to play if I am getting killed by players who know the game and have all the fancy weapons. If I was matched with new, lowly geared scrubs like myself, it wouldn't be an issue.

Perhaps this system is used so players pour 50-70 hours in this game and the stockholm syndrome kicks in. "Well, I got 50 hours out of it so it wasn't that bad, I didn't lose much". Perhaps it was used because they saw it used in the popular battlefield franchise. Whatever the reason, it results in a game that is only welcoming to those willing to make the investment of time or money.
Posted February 17, 2019. Last edited February 17, 2019.
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1.6 hrs on record
It seems like there is something here but it seems like the main element of the game, the dream hacking ♥♥♥♥, is kind of boring. It essentially boils down to walking forward waiting for stuff to happen to your character. The first one takes nearly 45 minutes to complete. This is nearly 45 minutes of very little happening. I can watch an episode of the office and bust a fat one on your mom's face and still have this game's dream ♥♥♥♥ going on.

It's a shame, really. The world is somewhat immersive and the visuals are pretty decent. This is a cool concept that is marred by half-assed execution.
Posted February 15, 2019.
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119.4 hrs on record (79.9 hrs at review time)
One of the most glaring problems at the core of Fallout 4 is the lack of player agency over the game. This is due to a few elements that seem small but really affect the whole. The quests do not give any control over the player, since most of them end in the same way (shoot ♥♥♥♥ until it dies to death). Yes, there are some quests with charisma checks, but most times you're just doing those checks to get more money out of people, not to end the quest in any different way. The locations also strip player of agency, too. This is because locations respawn enemies after a certain amount of ingame time, and quests also respawn enemies in those same locations. You might feel badass because you single handedly cleared out a factory full of robots, but all your work is wasted because a quest respawned those enemies in that area (a quest which just requires you to shoot the enemies until they die to death). You also can't affect the story in any meaningful way, too. There are no real ways to affect the outcome of the story, you just select which ending you want and which faction you want to ally with. This leads to a huge lack of investment from the player in the story.

Without any real ability to affect the game in any way, I find that there is little reason to actually care about playing the game. What is the point if it all ends the predetermined way that bethesda has chosen for it to end? If my character and story is the exact same as your character and story, then there is no point to playing the game. This is in stark contrast to new vegas, where you could really craft a character and story and have a pretty unique playthrough compared to other players.

With the release of 4, Bethesda has indicated that they are not interested in making engaging RPGs for true fans of that genre. Instead, they seem to be aiming to water down the experience as much as possible to appeal to the lowest demographic possible. This is typical of the creatively bankrupt gaming industry. Why make a ton of money making something unique when you can make a metric truck ton of money making something absolutely bland and uninspired?

♥♥♥♥ you, Todd. ♥♥♥♥ you for ruining the Fallout franchise. One day the money from the mass market will die up, and your position as a laughing stock in the industry will be truly cemented.
Posted February 4, 2019. Last edited February 7, 2019.
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1.3 hrs on record
The mechanics and story are somewhat interesting but they get kind of stale really quickly. Jumping is cool but the game never really goes anywhere past that. The game is either way too easy or way too frustrating. Often times I can easily spot the route I am supposed to take but the route requires absolute perfect work or you miss it by literally inches. This is immensely frustrating and it lead me to just drop the game midway through and watch the ending on youtube. There really isn't much benefit to playing this game firsthand.
Posted January 12, 2019.
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1.3 hrs on record
Constantly having to fight the camera makes this game unenjoyable to play. It really is a shame, because the world and atmosphere is done well.
Posted November 21, 2018.
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