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Reseñas recientes de Loveiathan

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Publicada el 12 de septiembre de 2021.
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121.0 h registradas (3.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Reseña de Acceso anticipado
I like this game a lot. Certainly worth full price.

-Good rate of introducing mechanics and weapons
-Fun gunplay
-Nice movement
-Not infantilizing
-Fun mix of mobs, mini-bosses, and bosses
-Online co-op

-No hats

At time of writing there are small, small, things to be finished because it's in early-access, but I figured those things aren't worth writing about because they are going to be addressed. I hope this game doesn't introduce mobile-game-like payment models. It's great.
Publicada el 21 de febrero de 2021.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
1,403.1 h registradas (1,176.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Absolute multiplayer gold.

It's a marvel that a multiplayer game can be both so accessible, and so challenging to master. The best parts of what made Quake, such as, mastery of movement, mastery of projectiles, and mastery of mechanics. And it's so easy to understand and hop into if you have a slight history of playing video games. I don't think it's quite mario-party levels of accessibility but as far as action-y online multiplayer games go Rocket League is the most accessible and one of the most deep to master. Wait for a sale or not, it's pretty good. Not a fan of the micro-transaction system but w/e I've never liked a loot system that's pay-to-open anyway.
Publicada el 29 de julio de 2020.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
0.6 h registradas
precisely the game I've been waiting for. miss the old ut days, this is what the genre needed to be fresh again. hope to see community maps really prevail in the future.
Publicada el 24 de mayo de 2019.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
8.1 h registradas
A thrilling work of art.
Publicada el 31 de diciembre de 2017.
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76.9 h registradas
Dark Souls II is a sequel to the cult classic Dark Souls game and it unfortunately lacks every subtlety that made the first game such an intoxicating experience. To explain these subtleties would be to ruin what makes the discovery process so fun, but I will respond to anyone who wishes to know what I think in a personal Steam message.

As a story telling experience, it lacks the reason to be it's own story (The DLC sort of corrects this problem.) As a combat experience, it lacks the tight mechanics that made the first one fair and engaging. The hitboxes are not as the appear at all, there is input lag on movement, and a well-designed mechanic -- rolling -- is hidden behind a stat called "Adaptation." Its level design is good, but lacks the metroid-vania style *world* design that makes it replayable. The game feels nearly as linear as a game like Darksiders does. Forgettable bosses that are just 2/3rds big armoured people with formulaic attack patterns. Dark Souls II is a pretty good Souls-*like* but pales in comparison to its predecessor. I couldn't, with good concsious, reccomend anyone looking to understand what souls is *about* by reccomending this game.

As a personal aside to establish what my opinion might, or might not, mean to a review reader, I purchased the original Dark Souls four times. Once on console, twice more for friends looking to get into the game, and once on PC. I pre-purchased the deluxe edition of Dark Souls II on console and afterwards the PC version. With collectively 700+ hours into the souls series (1, 2, 3 and Bloodbourne) I still don't reccomend Dark Souls II. I would reccomend Dark Souls II *last* if you want to know what Souls is about.

May the flames guide you.
Publicada el 10 de mayo de 2016.
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53.7 h registradas (30.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Don't bother with the story, not even Nightmare mode -- especially Nightmare mode. Just stick with the Multiplayer.

Honestly, if CoD is just going to be Multiplayer it should be worth like $30 dollars less. I want so much more than money back after playing Nightmare mode.

But the multiplayer is all right though. It's still just Cod.
Publicada el 8 de febrero de 2016.
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6.8 h registradas

This one is tricky to review because it's so much it's own game that it's hard to compare it to something or draw a correlation between fanbase and the game itself. For the record I really really like Dark Souls, and I like this game for the same reason I like Dark Souls -- simple mechanics, imaginative bosses, and great atmosphere.

The controls are almost really tight, the bosses are almost really well designed, and the artstyle almost complements the world excellently. This game is almost really really amazing.

I won't review the story because it's not a game you should play for the story, and anyone who thinks the story is bad or shallow doesn't realize it's not an RPG. It just has a fantasy artstyle.


The controls are simple, but leave a little more to be desired. The rolling and running share one button which makes the dodging slightly clunky. Often one finds themself in a situation where they want to run one way but because the were facing a slightly different direction they rolled in a non-desired direction and thus killed themself -- this is my biggest qualm with this game.


The bosses are super original and have interesting attack patterns. But the intense player-tracking makes the bosses feel unfair sometimes. It often feels like one is not outsmarting the boss, but rather the game itself. Although it still feels amazing to finally kill a troublesome boss with one well placed arrow. The "Gotcha!" feeling is superb and makes killing bosses very satisfying, especially on hard-mode.


The artsyle makes key areas, such as areas containing bosses, feel massive, but makes the spaces in between feel empty and void of detail. Travelling from place to place can seem like a chore but if the world were bigger, which is something a lot of people suggest, the travelling would be loathsome; so in terms of gameplay the world benefits from not being massive.

If the game were slightly bigger, it could use more bosses, more structures, and more little puzzles and secrets to compliment it better, which I think would do this game a huge favour.


This game is almost really really awesome, and it's painful how not stellar it is.

It has everything required to be a widely loved and played game, it just needs some tweaking. Unless the devs believe this product, as is, is exactly as they envisioned it. In which case it's an all right game. Perhaps this game could have an awesome, balanced, better sequel that could be all of this.

Publicada el 21 de junio de 2015. Última edición: 21 de junio de 2015.
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5.0 h registradas
Amount of emotion evoked > Amount of money + Time put in
Publicada el 13 de julio de 2013.
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