I do NOT accept random friend invites
Most often used quote: "DAT RANGE"
(Merasmus cap in showcase?? check its level)

Market/Trade holds can go to Hell
Tired of this speedrun meta, I just want to play the game...

I'm a gamer, I play lots of games, but I mostly enjoy Nintendo and platformers. won't stop me from enjoying everything else. I much more prefer co-op games rather than any form of PvP; I can't carry a team against other players.

Also if you tracked me, yes I intentionally troll u by being unintentionally bad.
And have never been in Low Priority before.
Gold3(aka s3) and 2029mmr (+33)

If I do not have an outstanding trade on TF2Outpost then I'm most likely not going to trade with a random. If you must, trade offer is at the bottom.

I'm usually fun and friendly, but don't like random friend requests or invites. (98% chance i'll decline when its random) Most notably I refuse to speak over any voice chats; I have nothing to say [vocally] most of the time, and any other time I can just type it.

I dislike clan tags in names I think they're dumb and take up too much space.
I often name or title most of my screenshots.

Random Lore__
A magic-empowered being, a master of the elements. The only limit is the imagination behind the spell. A Master in custom arcane spells.
Commonly a human with a fox tail or an anthropomorphic vulpes vulpes form without the dark markings.
Recurring enemies consist mainly of Dark_Lunacy and Hate, two manifestations of evil born of darkness and hatred. Recurring friends consist of Lunacross and Sukotto, both who cannot co-exist with Lunacy. Solacy is another magically gifted friend who is more based around the sun than the moon. Luna is Lunacy's female form, a canonical rule63.
The rest is mostly yet to be revealed lore.

I'm also too cheap to spend any cash. :P (still need a job for years)
I complain because it's true.

Someone else want to play Medic plz?
(-6 gmt)

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060
Memory: 32696 Mb RAM
332 Mbps download
32 Mbps upload
no VR

also steam told me to tell you I'm awesome and like cookies
one last thing - you just lost the game

New Steam Library suuuuux
Anything that requires phone numbers suuuuux

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Twitch'a'twitch! []
Trade Offer (15 day trade hold)
Currently In-Game
Core Keeper
Recent Activity
29 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
793 hrs on record
last played on Jun 1
26 hrs on record
last played on May 4
WonderSparks Feb 16 @ 10:32pm 
Well heck, now I've gone and lost the game, don't remember the last time that happened to me.
Serves me right for being a curious little bastard. :episweat:
Drako Lo Garnus Jan 21 @ 1:14pm 
Lunacy Jan 9 @ 9:46am 
ducks Jan 8 @ 3:11pm 
i checked out your profile because i thought you were someone else... you made me lose the game and i haven t lost for 5+ years at this point. :(
Al Capone Jan 4 @ 9:21pm 
Happy New Years!
PsychaChi Dec 29, 2023 @ 6:00pm 
Cutie :3