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6.6 h registradas (6.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I am not a big fan of writing negative reviews but certain things have to be said. Although it was not exactly the type of game everyone asked for, it still had some potential due to its delayed release as well as how fun and chaotic it turned out to be.

However, after more than a year of extended (due to delay) development, not much got really added and there is still a single game mode, a handful of characters, and as of now only three maps (one of which got added during a post-release update).

The game is very fun and chaotic as mentioned above, but after a few hours, it does not have much more to offer. Sure the cosmetics are really nice but most of them are locked behind paywalls and even a battlepass.

I think it is very sad, I wish Resistance received more support, or at the very least that RE:Verse would have gotten more gamemodes and replayability.. but unfortunately this game is already pretty dead and I doubt we will see it emerge. If after such a long delay it did not change, I do not see it improving in the future.

You can try it out as you get it for free for buying RE:Village, but I advise against buying the battlepass.
Publicada el 15 de diciembre de 2022.
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75.9 h registradas (48.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Resident Evil 4 is one of these titles that sits among the top 10 best video games ever made and released to this day. It essentially inspired countless games released years after it and pretty much brought change to a franchise that had difficulty innovating at the time.

You play as Leon S. Kennedy, 6 years after the catastrophic events of Raccoon City that led to its destruction by the US Government in order to stop the T-Virus from spreading across the country. The former rookie cop is now an agent working directly for the President, whom sent him to save his daughter from her kidnappers, in a remote village somewhere in rural Spain.

This game is filled with action, intense moments as well as a very disturbing and eerie vibe at times. The levels are extremely varied, from a village to a castle, or even a mine or a military island complex. The story and humour is a bit over the place but I personally enjoyed it. As much as the controls can seem clunky at times, you very easily and rapidly get used to it and it turns into a very fun game.

Not only does the game comes with a pretty sizeable campaign, but you also get to experience another set of campaign where you can play as Ada Wong, as well as the famous Mercenaries game mode where you can play a few interesting characters with their own abilities and loadouts.

It's a must-have and you must play it, especially if you are planning on going through the Resident Evil franchise like I did. There are many people who consider it to be the best RE game, and even many who don't necessarily agree still consider it to be a masterpiece.
Publicada el 24 de mayo de 2022. Última edición: 24 de mayo de 2022.
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123.5 h registradas (122.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
As someone who played since the very release of Verdun, I saw it grow with time. Each time I return to it, I am surprised by how much it is evolving.

Verdun is the definitive WW1 video game experience out there: historically accurate while remaining fun and including various factions.

I highly suggest you try it out if you are a History fan like me.

Chauchat ftw
Publicada el 16 de marzo de 2022.
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81.2 h registradas (65.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Often considered the best game of the Fallout franchise by many fans, Fallout 2 is a Post Nuclear Role Playing Game and manages to take everything that made its predecessor awesome, while adding many features, expending the universe, continuing the story and adding countless locations, factions and new weapons.

The combat system, though sometimes very luck-dependent, is very satisfying and tactical.. and there is a lot of pleasure to have from it.

But the most fun to have from this game is not from the combat system, rather from its deep story, universe and atmosphere. The world has been devastated by the bombs, civilization has found its way back. From the newly born New California Republic, to the charming city of Klamath, there is so much to do.

The game sincerely and openly allows you to roleplay in any way you want. You can be a gangster, a boxer, an NCR ranger, a slaver, a hunter.. anything! Hell, you can even be a pornstar in this game. There are many endings per city and factions and choices DO matter in this game!

For those who played Fallout: New Vegas, FNV is pretty much the sequel to Fallout 2 and you will find a lot of things that are similar and you will see how loyal New Vegas is to its predecessor. As for those who are new to the Fallout franchise, I would suggest you first start with New Vegas or Fallout 3, as the first two games can be very difficult to get good at, and you might wanna get into the Fallout universe first!

I love it and 100% recommend it!
Publicada el 26 de enero de 2021. Última edición: 26 de enero de 2021.
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183.1 h registradas (138.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Far from being perfect, this game is always either overrated or overhated...

...And I can perfectly understand why. In one hand, it is far from being the best Fallout game of the whole franchise, but on the other hand it has been the way many people have discovered Fallout in the first place, and then went to play the first games, or fell in love with its universe.

I used to be very skeptical toward Fallout 3 as a game, even finding it boring, or too linear.. Until I finally gave it a proper chance.

You see, if you just follow the main quest or the compass markers, you are NOT going to enjoy this game at all, you will feel like every new game you have given a chance to is going to be the exact same boring trail. The thing is, by playing this way, you are not playing it correctly and you easily finish it in less than 15 hours.

When you finally decide to explore the various locations of the vast Capital Wasteland, you quickly discover new locations, with their own hidden lore.. you meet NPCs, with their own backstory, some needing your help. If you don't mindlessly follow the compass markers, you will find random buildings or locations, you will then go inside, explore, find some lore.. Fallout 3 is an open-world RPG, not a shooter, so go exploring and set your own objectives and priorities!

It takes any man to complete some main quests and visit Vault 87 or Raven Rock.. But it takes a true passionate explorer to find the Republic of Dave, Andale, Paradise Fall or even the intriguing Vault 92.

Many people have been making an unfair sum-up to this game, saying it's all about the goodie two-shoes Brotherhood of Steel against the Evil unforgivable Enclave.
While i can agree this game tends to easily fall into the caricatural good vs evil tone, the Brotherhood of Steel actually is criticized by many NPCs, and the Enclave's goal can easily be justified, even though many choice opportunities have been completely ignored by Bethesda such as the quarrel between John Henry Eden and General Autumn .

Concerning the DLCs, The Pitt and Point Lookout are easily the best of the lot, offering you two new stories, with their own locations, unique items, NPCs and crisis to solve. Operation Anchorage is NOT to be judged for what it is, it is both an Historical representation of what happened in the Fallout universe during the Liberation of Anchorage in 2077, and a huge caricature and mockery of American Propaganda and perhaps of linear First Person Shooters. The only thing that makes Operation Anchorage worth finishing it is obviously the loot.. which you can easily get during the early stage of the game. Mothership Zeta is also intriguing and has tons of interesting loot. Finally, Broken Steel is a good way to conclude the story of the Lone Wanderer, but we will all agree that the " Two Weeks later " story is barely written.
For those who already know about it, let's agree that this whole drama about the value of your sacrifice, and the way the narrator treats you for DARING to send Fawkes doing the job instead of you, or choosing the Enclave path, is shameful, and is truly the contrary of what it should have been. Shaming the player for his own logical choices is in my opinion the biggest flaw the game is facing

Many other things could have been said about this game, but I wanted to emphasize on how important it is for you to play this game, to give it a chance yourself and obviously to play it the way it is meant to be played. If you have any problem with the game, either check the Fallout wiki, or the various available guides on Steam, especially concerning bugs or the lack of Steam overlay.

Fallout 3 is a very good game, perhaps not a good Fallout, but it remains both a very flawed and classic game.

Give it a chance. It's better than you think, but don't expect a flawless game.
Publicada el 15 de agosto de 2019. Última edición: 19 de enero de 2020.
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9.2 h registradas (8.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A mod so well done you want to see it as a game, a story so well written you want to see it as canon

This mod is taking place between the events of Portal and Portal 2, you play as Mel, a young Olympian Athlete who participated in the 1936 Summer Olympics, in Germany.

In 1952, volunteer to participate in the Aperture Innovators Program as a test subject, her life is about to change.

After being in suspension, she awakens, what happened to the facility ? much of it has been in decay. How much time has passed ? What is this voice ?

Portal Stories: Mel is an experience you ought to play, it is a free mod, so wonderfully made I actually consider it as its own game. Its story is so well written and well-imagined that if it was a Valve game, you would have no issue accepting it as canon to the rest of the lore.

The puzzles are very intriguing and well-made, I recommend you install this mod and play it, you will enjoy it as I did.
Publicada el 29 de junio de 2019. Última edición: 19 de enero de 2020.
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1,547.2 h registradas (1,417.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This game is arguably the best Fallout game, or at least, I would put it up there with Fallout 2. As suggested by my number of hours on this game, it is one of my favorite video games of all time.

Fallout: New Vegas is an action-RPG developed by Obsidian Entertainment, released in 2011. It serves as a direct sequel to Fallout 2 and takes place in the region of the Mojave desert surrounding the city of New Vegas. You play as a courier sent by the Mojave Express to deliver a package but get shot in the way, you wake up in the city of Goodsprings where your adventure begins.

This game truly holds to its title of RPG: there are many factions in this world that you can join, ally or fight. You can fully customize your character the same way you used to in the old Fallout games, being able to choose traits at the start of your playthrough and also choosing a SPECIAL build along with perks you gain every two levels that will enable you to build your character up. The factions are varied and their actions are very well defined and explained, and the karma system was replaced by the reputation system. There is no more relevance in good or evil actions: you do as you please, pick your side, whether it is the ruthless Caesar's Legion, the flawed (but freedom-loving) NCR or my boss, Mr. House. You can also go an independent route if you like neither of these, but it's mostly so you can shape the factions as you wish without obeying anyone.

Overall, the game has a very good replayability value as there are still things you will discover after 1000 hours, and you can still add mods. Besides, the game also has DLCs that make you explore new areas with quests, characters, weapons and armors that add a lot to the story. Please make sure not to miss out on those!

The game has its technical issues however, having countless bugs and the tendency to crash from time to time. This is easily fixed by mods however, and this doesn't change how good of a game it is. Another thing is the game might give you a strange impression: after a few hundred hours, you might have the feeling that something is wrong, that things are missing in this game. It is because the game is literally unfinished, with countless deleted features and Obsidian had a very limited time to complete the game for Bethesda Studio. Please, be mindful of this fact when playing the game.

I hope this review will convince you to buy the game and try it out. This is a bit all over the place, but believe me, there are too many things to say about this game so I tried summing up what matters the most here. Have fun!
Publicada el 11 de agosto de 2014. Última edición: 16 de mayo de 2021.
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