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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika Chimponaut

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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
0.0 godz. łącznie
I do enjoy the music in the game, but that's not really the reason I purchased this. I bought the game on a huge discount because I wasn't sure if I'd really like it. I ended up really liking it and bought this to support the devs.
Opublikowana: 20 sierpnia 2023.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
201.6 godz. łącznie (92.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I didn't go in with many expectations because I remembered it had a rough launch, but I ended up really liking the game. The story campaign was pretty interesting and darker than I expected, but in a good way. The voice acting is good as well.

The end game loop gives you some freedom in the types of missions you play, but can get a little repetitive after going through it a few times. I still like it though and feel like it's a pretty good end game. Pushing difficulty levels and better loot come at a nice pace. I found skill selection and gearing a bit confusing on my first play through, but as I'm starting a new one I feel like I have a solid grasp of what gear stats and skills I should be picking up.

I really like summoner classes, so in terms of what I liked about classes and skills I can only say from a pure summoner perspective. I don't know how fun melee or ranged builds play. If you're like me and like summoners, I think Wolcen's summoner is one of the most fun. However, you do need to beat the game and unlock skill duplication to really make the build shine. Like I said though I enjoyed the campaign so I don't see that as a big downside.
Opublikowana: 20 sierpnia 2023.
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Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
230.5 godz. łącznie (229.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Even though it has its flaws I love this game. It's a solid isometric rpg with interesting lore and setting. It has the best magic system for any type of game like this in my opinion. You can customize and create new spells based on types of magic and accent sigils that have different effects. A great game the deserved a sequel.
Opublikowana: 24 grudnia 2021.
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109.0 godz. łącznie
It pains me to give this a negative review but I feel like I have to put this out there. It's not the game itself but how buggy and broken the digital version is. When I originally played this on hard disk I don't recall any bugs at all. No crashes no save corruption, nothing. I was feeling nostalgic and decided to play the digital version as current pc doesn't have a disk drive.

Well right off the bat I got stuck in the starting area and clipped through the ceiling and got stuck forcing me to start over. At first I thought well that's weird but lets keep going. Movement feels way clunkier than I recall and you have to constantly be careful not to get stuck near objects. Half the dlc don't register even though I downloaded all the official versions off EA, and I finally gave up after all my saves in the Project overlord area got corrupted.

If you can find an old hard copy on ebay or something absolutely do it. This game has a great story, memorable characters, and is an all around great game. The digital version though is garbage. At least that's my experience. If others can play this fine then that's great but my experiences here say you should just stay away. I really hope Bioware will do a remaster at some point but I have no idea how likely that might be.
Opublikowana: 23 sierpnia 2020.
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2,211.2 godz. łącznie (359.9 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
If you like smashing giant monsters into hordes of troops then this game is for you.
Opublikowana: 22 listopada 2019.
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0.0 godz. łącznie
If you're like me and like to leisurely walk around as your pets run around wrecking things then this is the exansion for you. I had really high hopes for the base game as I was such a big fan of Titan Quest, but didn't really get into it. I liked a lot of features of the game, like the reputation system, but the pet classes didn't click for me. I didn't like how the occultist felt and even the shaman left me wanting after it was released. The new Necromancer however is freakin awesome. Better than the D3 necro by a mile.

So if you have the base game and like pets this is a no brainer to me.
Opublikowana: 6 listopada 2017.
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Nikt jeszcze nie uznał tej recenzji jako przydatnej
64.5 godz. łącznie (33.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
If you like turn based tactical combat and fantasy rpgs get without hesitation.
Opublikowana: 10 października 2017.
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Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
0.6 godz. łącznie
The interface sucks, you cannot undo a selection. It's bafflingly bad.
Opublikowana: 2 stycznia 2014. Ostatnio edytowane: 27 września 2014.
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