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20.2 hrs on record (20.2 hrs at review time)
Posted November 22, 2023.
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167.8 hrs on record (30.8 hrs at review time)
yeah, it's that bad.
Posted November 30, 2021.
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7.7 hrs on record (4.6 hrs at review time)
Hubba hubba
Posted November 27, 2020.
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45.1 hrs on record (24.5 hrs at review time)
It's fun and casual
Posted January 23, 2020.
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7.8 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
A game that vehemently disrespects it's long time players. Not only a glorified time sink, but also a money sink.
Destiny REQUIRES the purchase of DLC content to remain relevant in the PvP space. You cannot be max light without the purchase of advanced DLC. Any free to play gimmicks are quickly seen through after a few days of play. Holiday events, though touted as free, will let you get so far to only get ♥♥♥♥ blocked near the end by being given a challenge that won't be available to you unless you had DLC content. Meaning you can't complete the holiday event.

Supers are growing to be one of the most toxic and cheapest gimmicks in gaming. Destiny perfects this. Press middle mouse to win gimmicks should not be in skill based games.

The story is sh*t. The dialogue is sh*t. Using meta weapons is the only way to stay competitive. Do well only to get killed by a magnetic lock on staff/spear welding ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Or a ♥♥♥♥♥ flaming hammer thrown with a blast radius of the entire map.

Nothing about this game is truly enjoyable for longer than a week until it becomes a grindfest with little rewards short of a paywall.

But hey, the game looks and performs well.
Posted November 30, 2019.
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50.6 hrs on record (45.8 hrs at review time)
Hot garbage.
Posted June 28, 2019.
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33.3 hrs on record (33.3 hrs at review time)
Prey is an absolute masterpiece of narrative, visuals, and gameplay.

The story intrigues and grips you like a good novel. Prey easily explains the player's newness to the situation at hand and allows you to learn with him/her as you progress through the story with multiple avenues of approach that often lead to new secrets aboard Talos I. In comparison, if you enjoyed lurking through Bioshock's Rapture, you'll enjoy delving into the lives of the crew on Talos I by seeing and listening to what life was like before all hell broke loose. The beautiful architecture is truly something to marvel on the crysis engine. Amazing atmospheric lighting sets the mood wherever you are from cold sterile labs, to warm crew quarters - however the game will always keep you on your toes with shapeshifting enemies regardless of where you find yourself.

If you enjoyed using plasmids and Dishonored's rune powers, you'll find pleasure here in Prey as well. Noticing the abilities of your enemies, you can 'mimic' much of what you see used against you. Be wary however, this is technically a first person shooter... but it's not really a first person shooter in regards to testing your screen centering skills. Prey's focus is on exploring Talos I and not so much on shooting your way through all your problems. On some difficulties you'll find yourself having to be more conservative about when to shoot and when to stealth. This introduces the amazing crafting system when supplies are low. Arkane littered the world with useless junk - in many instances this claim would be negative; however, in Prey, you rely on this junk. Using random object found in the world you can craft consumables, upgrades, and a variety of tools to enhance your survivability and experience traversing through the space station.

In total, Prey is a work of art sadly overshadowed by the titles it was released beside in 2017. But that shouldn't keep you from giving it the chance it deserves today.
Posted May 11, 2019.
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8.8 hrs on record (3.9 hrs at review time)
Have you ever played an FPS game where oftentimes you'll say to yourself, "How did I not hit that guy?? I'm looking right at him!!"

Yeah, well this is the turn-based strategy game that will have you saying the same ducking thing.
Posted March 30, 2019. Last edited March 30, 2019.
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2.7 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
Big ouch
Posted November 21, 2018.
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91 people found this review helpful
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2,649.4 hrs on record (1,463.3 hrs at review time)
Where to start with Rainbow Six: Siege.. I rarely write reviews for games, but when one takes as much time as this one, I feel obligated to vouch for it.
With around 1500 hours in, I'll start by saying that I've been with Siege since about a month after release. I was hooked however in the closed technical test (beta?) And I've been absolutely in love with it ever since. So this is about a year after release to be reviewing it.
The dynamics of this game is unlike anything I've ever played before, and it instantly drew me in when I realized how intricate the gameplay can be in terms of strategy, team composition, and communication.
In Siege, starting off you'll quickly notice the learning curve ahead of you, there's so much that goes into being a "good" player beyond twitch shooting. This game will require patience. You will rage, you will call BS on so many things, but you'll be hooked, because when things go your way, all your patience feels so satisfyingly rewarded.

First off, the most topical and subjective thing that attracts me to Siege is the theme of the game. Special Ops teams made of the best CTUs from around the world. Instantly had my attention. And then kept it when I realized the unique playstyles to each character in terms of their abilities. (I almost hate calling it an ability, imo the word suggests something a little more "fantastic" or "magical.") Maybe it's also subjective to say that the game takes itself a bit more seriously than others, which I also really appreciate. (Coming from someone who put 1050hrs into teamfortress 2)

I think the reason that I can't get enough of Siege is the desire for a game that requires a degree of cleverness, but infuses it with the rush of a 1v1 at match point. There's nothing like it. The game is quiet, it's just you and the opponent on the map, you have to use your senses, utilize your "ability" and combine it with some wit, to gain the upperhand. I haven't come across anything like this in a game before.

On top of all this the meta changes so nicely every few months since this is probably the first game that Ubisoft has ever stayed actively balancing. Updates could be more frequent, but when they do come, they are heavy. Coupled with this, the Ubi Siege team is incredibly responsive in listening to the players. The Rainbow Six subreddit is always buzzing with suggestions and impending fixes. Finally, the community is just great here. We all go through the same relative ♥♥♥♥ in the game, but something about the skill curve demands a more mature player, and that's what I'd say a big part of the community is made of, mature people. (Some bad ones in there, but overall, one of the best communities I've had the pleasure of being a part of.)

A few tips:
-Learn the maps
-Find your playstyle, and pick operators that work with it
-HAVE A MIC, team communication is so important in Siege, it will save you so many matches
-Have a good headset in general, the game relies on sound so much that you'll save yourself a lot of unfortunate deaths if you can hear the enemy first, sound is key
-Have friends, the game changes dramatically with a squad, and for the better

If you're looking for a game that hasn't been done before, something with a high skill cap, a competitive scene, and makes victory feel SO rewarding, play Siege. It's worth it.
Posted December 10, 2016. Last edited August 28, 2018.
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