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60.3 hrs on record (30.4 hrs at review time)
To start off, for me personally as a fan of the Legacy of Kain franchise, seeing a return of stacked dimensional level design is very nostalgic and hits all the right notes.

The design of the enemies and the world is quite good for what it's aiming to be and the style of the original Lords of the Fallen game.
The combat feels a bit floatier than a Souls game, however it's also a bit forgiving depending on the scenario. This can cause diff weapons like swords to feel samey but reliable, and certain magic spells to almost always hit the environment instead of the target, even point blank (looking at the holy sword slash).

The game's performance is hit or miss depending on your device. It's running very smooth on a steam deck, while sometimes you'll see random frame drops and freezes or crashes on windows... however with the latest updates I haven't had much of either. - I'm using an AMD 6800 GPU.

Overall for me the game is worthy of an 8 but I can see people going as low as a 7 because of serious performance issues.
Posted January 11.
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250.7 hrs on record
Best and largest Fromsoft game hands down. Can't wait to see it grow even more.
Posted November 25, 2022.
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15.3 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Good stuff - Not perfect - room for improvement

The gameplay loop turns into a incremental progression game quickly, which some people love and some hate.
I'm on the side that likes it, but i wasn't expecting it from the start, imagined the game would have more with managing the arcade.
As it stands, the first week you spend mostly doing laundry work and cleaning while sneaking in a few arcade games here and there.
From the 2nd week you probably have enough arcade machines to turn a profit only with cleaning up the place and making certain machines popular. During this time you've also probably unlocked upgrades to purchase both for your arcade and for yourself and can set some daily goals for yourself.

The highlight of the experience are the playable arcade games, at which you'll need to get good at in order to actually raise their popularity. This might annoy people who are strictly into the management aspect and weren't ready for leveling up their arcade skills IRL.

My biggest gripe is that there are random bugs like unable to pick up certain pieces of trash, like crushed cans on a windowsill. Or in my personal case, playing on the SteamDeck, it says it's verified.. and sure. It runs well, however it's in 720p and the interface elements such as the laundry pop-up or the text when you get the tutorials go outside the screen you can only see half of them. The game offers no option to resize or reposition the UI.
I've even tried outside of the game to force it to run in 1080p, hoping to downscale the rendering in-game. However when launching the game it's still running in 720p and i don't have an option to change that.
Posted August 16, 2022.
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55.5 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Early Access: Ticks most boxes expected from a factory game. Very fun automation and easy to get into,

Would love to see multiplayer, customization, and eventually some enemies or other types of challenges for the players who are into the base defence aspect, such as in Riftbreaker, but not necessarily the main focus.
Posted November 29, 2021.
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10.8 hrs on record
One of the best remasters ever.

Great love and care were taken to restore as much of the visuals while maintaining the same style and original gameplay while including a few quality of life improvements to the UI.
The audio is a fantastic experience all in itself. You get both the original and remastered versions of the same old songs, with even a few new ones by the original band.

With a faithful remaster come some of the original issues and gripes, but nothing a fan of the original isn't aware of.

I can highly endorse this game to ANYONE that's even the tiniest bit of a fan of the C&C universe.
Posted November 25, 2020.
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12.8 hrs on record (12.7 hrs at review time)
While I feel it failed to capture the SotN atmosphere, maybe because of the 3D graphics, or the theme, It's a solid 9/10 Metroidvania i'd recommend to anyone who is into the genre.
The controls feel tight and responsive, weapons are varied enough and feel good to use. I'm halfway through the game, having gotten one of the bad endings, pushing through to see the rest. Might revisit the review once i've finished it.
Posted July 2, 2019.
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254.4 hrs on record (224.6 hrs at review time)
Football, cars, flying like a jet? Easy to learn but EXCEEDINGLY hard to master madness!
Posted November 24, 2017.
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0.0 hrs on record
Bought the controller alongside the Link. While both function perfectly under certain conditions, LAN cable, proper game support, they feel like fledgling tech, they do all they set out to, but there is room to grow.

What I mean by the above is:
-Controller plastic seems flimsy and why oh why would you add a shiny part where you have your hands placed?
-have not had any issues with the hardware breaking down on me, then again that might be the luck of the draw
-button placement takes a bit of time to get used to, but honestly once you do, the controller is comfortable
-i see it as a plus having to tinker with the settings to get the perfect config for my game, others might find it a bother
-the haptic feedback just simply works.. i can feel where my finger is on the touchpad or when the trigger activated etc..
-the traditional rumble might be missed sometimes
-the gyro makes this controller a ton of fun to use for shooters as well as long as you aren't aiming for a competitive edge
As for the Steam Link:
-works as intended, easy to set up, but has a lot of issues on wifi
-you need an router that supports AC WiFi or it will have a lot of buffering issues.. but if used with lan wire, flawless
Posted February 25, 2017.
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0.9 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Launch game, see monster...
Trick of the light.. nothing there.
Bastard behind, waiting... swear like an irishman
Give monster a hug, monsters are people too.
11/10 would stalk unsuspecting monster again
Posted November 25, 2016.
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100.5 hrs on record (25.8 hrs at review time)
I've not sunk enough time into the game to consider myself versed in all it's subtleties, but from what i've played, finishing the game once I can happily say it was an enjoyable experience.
To adress the elephant in the room at the time of this review the microtransaction shop is not in any way gamebreaking, beeing fully there for cosmetic stuff and not game enhancing capabilities, unless you count a a shared guild stash.

DISCLAMER: Be ready for a long review and while i've tried to be objective there is no such thing my experience beeing coloured by games of the past. There's also a TL;DR down at the bottom of the review for those who want a synopsis.

To start off the review I have to draw a comparison to Diablo, the grandaddy of Hack n Slash RPG's.. This game mostly resembles Diablo 2 both in it's atmosphere and in it's approach to dungeon design, combat and loot drop. This can work both to the game's advantage and disadvantage, as most new players might prefer the breakneck pace of Diablo 3 combat, the straight forward loot progression and simplicity of level design in newer games. For me the only thing that could be improved upon, from the above would be the combat, adding some of the fluidity that comes with newer games.
But enough with the similarities, here's what's different, and what might put off some people while drawing in some others:
Leveling up in PoE will get you get a few points to spend in specific atributes, the difference comes in the form of skills and the passive skill tree.
Skills unlike in other games, are not inherent to your chosen class, they are found in the world through quests or loot drops in the form of gems. Gems have to be equipped in specific coloured sockets in the armor you are wearing, making the loot system that much deep and rewarding, but we'll get back to that a bit later.
Skills level up and gain XP, as your character, while you have them equipped. You have the option of leveling them up, to get a more powerful version of that skill, or not, for with great power... comes great manacost..! Skills can also be augmented and improved by other passive skill gems to add extra elemental damage, bounce, last longer etc.. whatever you can think of you can probably enhance, to the detriment of your mana cost.
The passive skill tree is a giant web of intricate design, that min/max players will have a blast figuring out, while casual players might get a headache from, it allows to forge your character into specific roles, or enhance certain skills to act differently or become highly potent. The skill tree is shared between all classes, but the starting point in it is different; both a downside and an upside to this is that the skilltree will be familiar to players building new characters to try out different classes, and this also might bore some calling the game out for it's lack of diversity.
Enough about the skills! Let's talk LOOT!
..or not? The loot in the game provides different values other than the highest number on the item. Everything in this game revolves around the skills and skillgems, the loot plays an integral part in it. A good item might be one with high stats and a couple gem sockets, a great item might have half the stats of the other one, be of common rarity and by having 6 gem sockets.
Sockets and skillgems are of 3 different colours, red, green, blue. As you can imagine the socket and the gem must match, but what makes the system even more complex is the fact that you can improve a green skill with a blue and a red or whichever mix of the 3 you'd like or no mixing and just one color.
This is done by links between sockets in your item and possesing the right enhancement gems. As you can imagine your item might have 6 sockets, and none linked, or just 2 linked. You'd think but what are the odds of getting that kind of loot? Well there's a solution for that.. and no it's not microtransactions.
Posted November 26, 2013. Last edited November 26, 2013.
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