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9 people found this review helpful
9.0 hrs on record
It is hard for me too not recommend this game because on it's own, TWD:ANF is a solid game with a somewhat-thrilling story and incredible graphical aspects; alas, the game is plagued by comparisons to the former two games in the series.

Story: 6.5/10
- Starting off as Javier, a banned baseball player due to gambling related issues, you're thrust into a flashback scene where the story begins to set off slowly. All in all, the brothers have a weird connection and the story relies on these two's experiences. Unfortunately, A New frontier is lackluster in terms of adventure. The story progresses much faster than I would've liked and the characters we're presented with lack depth. Indeed, there are multiple characters to meet but none of them deliver a sense of purpose; I really could not care less about the characters involved as they just felt forced. To worsen the matter, Clementine is no longer the main character (albeit her presence is still felt in most of the game,) and the replacing main characters are just plain boring. Throughout this playthrough, the game just didn't feel complete. Don't get me wrong as it is by no means terrible, it's just that when compared to Season Two and the Original TWD, there exists a lack of immersion and quality. Furthermore, the story is much shorter compared to the two previous games making for somewhat of a unpleasant experience for Walking Dead pro's.

Gameplay: 6/10
Here's the part where most people will probably disagree with me; A New Frontier offers very little actual "gameplay" where you walk around and interact with the environment. I say most people will disagree with me because the majority felt the lack of this gameplay as inhibiting the overall experience; I must admit that I believe the complete opposite. I prefer the way A New Frontier included more QTE's and more actual story time than having to look around for stupid clues/puzzles/items, that for me ruin the immersion. Unfortunately however, A New Frontier presents players with the worst dialogue in the Walking Dead games. The choices you have are very un-interesting and overall dialogue between characters seems bleak and without much context. Once again, compared to the other two games, A New Frontier felt unfinished and desolate so to say.

Graphics/Sound: 8.5/10
At last, some good marks for this game! Upon first launching A New Frontier, it is immediately visible just what good work Telltale have put into their latest addition to the series. Graphics feel crisp and character outlines are very intriguing. Overall environments look better and character models are more improved upon the former games. In addition, the sounds present much better immersion and quality, making this game pretty nice if you're more into the graphical aspects

Overall: 70/100
TWD:ANF is by no means a bad game in any way shape or form. It is just devoid of quality/character development/ and an intriguing story that we're so used to seeing from Telltale Games. Walking Dead fans will surely agree with me on most aspects but the game itself is mediocre/fairly good at best.

Posted July 22, 2017.
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11.8 hrs on record (10.7 hrs at review time)
Alien Isolation is a terrifying game. The scare factor is present 24/7 as you never ever feel as if you are safe. This intensity becomes so frustrating in a good way that I was very glad to finally finish the game; my horrors would finally end. The Alien is not scripted making it even more fearful as you can never predict when you are about to die. The sound department was also a huge plus as the game's sounds were perfect for instilling a fear that will long remain within me. Despite these great sounding factors, the game is plagued with redundant moments, a horrible storyline, and bad stealth. I often found myself walking through corridors wondering if I had been there already and it is ture; A:I gets extremely repetetive very fast yet it preserves its creepy and terrifying experience
Sound: 9.5/10 - The game's impeccable sounds and voice acting make it a dreadful experience from start to finish.
Fear: 10/10 - I have never wanted to quit a game more than I wanted to quit Alien Isolation. Its a constant rollercoaster of fear and horror as the Alien simply cannot be harmed. It truly made the movies proud.
Campaign: 4/10 - The story was probably one of the worst stories I've ever played-through. It's filled with repetetive go there, do this, turn that on, moments, making for a very terrible experience. There are a few good moments but they are very rare and the last few hours are just absolute crap, followed by what could be the worst ending ever.
Gameplay: 8/10 - A:I has very solid shooting and gameplay mechanics but the stealth could be a lot better. The other enemies besides the Alien are very forgettable and annoying.
Overall: 78/100 - Alien Isolation is a must-buy for horror fans however, if you are expecting a good story and amazing stealth gameplay you should probably look elsewhere. I repeat, Alien Isolation is an amazing and very scary game but the campaign hurts it far too much.
Posted September 6, 2015.
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15.1 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Layers of Fear is a psychedelic horror game and let me tell you; it really lives up to that genre. The game is infested with mind-blasting tunes that just seem to beautiful yet eerie, adding to the already dark atmosphere. The latter sums up the game as there is so much to see and click that you are automatically sucked in by the story and the atmosphere. Throughout the story (so far) the main objective, creating an ultimate painting laden with mind blazing darkness, is very successfully accomplished. 30-40 minutes into the game you begin thinking whether you're high on LSD, that's just how vivid the game becomes as the pictures begin to morph and the game begins to puzzle your mind with tricky scenarios; wherever you turn your camera something will happen, doors will lock themselves, eyes will look at you, and much more. It really is a psychedelic horror game as I found myself in chills various times throughout the 1.4hr-ish campagn so far.
Sound: 9.5/10 - The game has fantastic soundtrack and terrifying sounds that play throughout the story to fill your mind with terror
Story: 8/10 - Could use much more polishing as you are practically thrown into the game without a clue as to whats happening, slowly beginning to understand just what exactly is going on whilst picking up art pieces.
Fear: 10/10 - The game consistently throws new traumatic occurences your way, making you believe that there is no shred of sanity left inside you. Perfect jump scares and an eerie atmosphere make it difficult for me to not give the spooky department a 10/10
Other: 8/10 - The game is extremely short as of now but during that length, its truly brilliant. Other things such as a lack of replayability also take away from the final experience. One thing I found myself wondering was why the developers built so many dressers and shelves with a multitude of items within them that you cant even use.
Overall: 88/100 - A freaking fantastic game with a promising future, but lack of content atm and too many tools that you cant use simply hurt its final score.
As of now it really isnt worth $10 because the story is just 1h30min long but in the future, the $10 will be the biggest bargain ever
Posted September 5, 2015. Last edited September 5, 2015.
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565.9 hrs on record (58.0 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
13 years after the original Counter Strike was released, Valve have unleashed upon us: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Thank god, a CS game that finally does the original one justice. CS:GO is by far, one of the best FPS shooters available on the PC market and here is why.
Sticks to its guns: 9/10
13 years did nothing to sway the game away from its original creativity and rules. The game still has the same maps but with graphical advancements that finally make the game look beautiful. All the maps are updated to fit the Source Engine's magnificence and the newly introduced grenades and weapons fit right into the game. The only problem I've had with the sticking to its originality department, is that the aiming in CS:GO doesn't work as it did back in CS 1.6. It took me several hours to get used to it as in my brain, I was still accustomed to the way the aiming worked in CS 1.6.
Valve does it again: 9/10
Simply put, CS:GO is a descendant of TF2. The game now efficiently uses crates, keys, random drops, domination/revenge, to play as they did in TF2. The CS:GO market is booming momentarily and knives can be sold for thousands of $. It is insane how Valve managed to do all of this to add to the addictivness of the game.
Sound: 7.5/10
CS:GO's sounds are good, but they do not stand out from the majestic sounds of Battlefield 4. The guns sound lame and they are lost in a rift of what Valve tried to do; assemble sounds that are reminiscent of CS 1.6, but also fit in to the modern era of shooters. They failed at doing this but nevertheless, the sounds in CS:GO are still good.
Multiplayer Experience: 10/10
Just like CS 1.6, CS:GO is perfect because of the fan-base. People have always loved the CS franchise and CS:GO was never going to be a let down by Valve. With constant updates and tweaks, the experience to be had in CS:GO is absolutely fantastic as 100k+ people are on at all times making it very easy to find a game.
Overall: 8.8/10
CS:GO is a game that does the series justice. It is piece crafted by such expertise that no fan of the franchise will be disappointed
Posted January 8, 2015.
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10.8 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
Bioshock Infinite is by far the most excellent game of 2013 and it is going to be pretty difficult for other games to knock this one down from that #1 spot.
The character development in this game is simply fascinating and you quickly become attached to these characters and their story.
Gameplay 10/10 - The gameplay is superb and there is nothing lacking here. The skylines and Shooting work perfectly together, while the usage of vigors also offers a lot of variety
Sound 9.0/10 - The voice acting is great and the many twists and turns in the sound will leave you breathless
Story 10/10 - BioShock Infinite's story is simply mind-blowing. Once you reach the end and what an end this is, you'll be asking yourself: What just happened?
Variety - 8.0/10 - Sadly, once you're done with the 8hr Campaign, there is nothing else to do until the DLC's come out, however the Campaign is so worth another go
Verdict: - 9.2/10 - Bioshock Infinite so far is my favorite game of 2013 and without a doubt my favorite story from every videogame I've ever played. This is definitely worth the money.
Posted August 12, 2013.
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11.7 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Euro Truck Simulator 2 may as a joke to many gamers but it goes without saying that this is by far one of the best games I've played this year and here's why:
The game is extremely vast and enjoyable, I was quickly fascinated by all the detail that the developers have implemented in this simulator. The fact that you can create your own lifestyle as a trucker and have your own company grows on you quite quickly.
What I enjoy mostly about this game and that makes it extremely unique is the fact that you can put your own music into the Document file of this game and simply hit the radio with your favorite songs and relax to the awesome scenery that this game offers
9.3/10 - Simply astonishing.
Posted August 12, 2013.
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17.7 hrs on record (17.6 hrs at review time)
Far Cry 3 is definitely one of the BEST EVER games that I've played.. and This is why:
Story: 10/10 - The story in Far Cry 3 is phenomenal.. I enjoyed ever mission more than the other and it never got boring. You play as Jason Brody and you have to rescue your friends but the story develops way beyond that. The transitions that are to be seen in this and the characters are just wonderful.
Graphics: 10/10 - Greatest graphics that I've seen yet.. Not even BF3 is this great. I played it on Medium and oh god.. It's just fantastic
Multiplayer: 9.5/10 - The multiplayer is also a very welcoming component of the game and was very fun, however it wasn't creative
Sound: 9.7/10 - Some of the music was a little annoying at times, but in other times it was fascinating and along with the brilliant voice acting I turned the volume to max and put my headphones on and enjoyed what new things this game would throw at me.
Overall: 9.8/10 - This is (in no doubt whatsoever) the Game of the Year for me.. The best storyline that I've encountered yet and along with all its beautiful environments, it's innovative characters, its astonishing sound, this game manages to amaze everyone.
Posted December 23, 2012.
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8.9 hrs on record
The Darkness 2 was a great game to playthrough. You play as Jackie Estacado, a mafia leader who has constant visions of his dead girlfriend Jenny. The Darkness confuses Jackie and makes him delusional, pushing him to believe certain events. The game was really good and the most unique FPS I've ever played. Darkness 2 doesn't come without its errors. There are some bugs and glitches there but the overall experience is good, however some parts where you are facing the light can get EXTREMELY! annoying. It is VERY frustrating but other than that, the gameplay was very enjoyable.
Story: 8.5/10
Graphics: 7.5/10 - I didn't really like the cartoon based graphics
Gameplay: 9/10 - Gameplay is a very strong field in the Darkness 2.
Sound: 7.7/10 - The Darkness 2 doesn't do anything brilliant with the sound.
Originality: 9.5/10 - Darkness 2 is one of its kind, however, despite the fact that you can control the Darkness, its a simple Shooter game
Overall: 84/100.
Great Game!
Posted February 10, 2012.
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3.8 hrs on record
F.3.A.R was a great game and I had lots of fun with it. The game is intense, SCARY AS HELL and fun. Although it can get a little repetetive and the sound/voice acting isn't anything special + the outdated graphics make this game: well less fun. The story was really interesting. Pointman and Fettel (brothers, sons of Alma) have to reach their mother and also erase their past. I played the game in Co-op with my friend and we had LOTS of fun with it. The game's scaryness adds to the fun.
Gameplay: 8/10
Graphics: 7/10
Campaign: 9.3/10
Scaryness: 9.5/10
Overall: 85/100
F.3.A.R is a really great horror game. Lots of fun to be had in Co-Op and the enjoyable story is fun to finish. I recommend it to everyone who likes horror games
Posted January 7, 2012.
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14.4 hrs on record
Saints Row: The Third is a good game but sometimes can get frustrating and boring. The game's story is quite interesting and the more missions you do the more you're interested in finishing it. The voice acting is quite great, the graphics are in some interesting cartoon-ish way but do the right thing and the main gameplay is well meh... The game is EXTREMELY buggy, ESPECIALLY in Co-op but overall shooting mechanics and stuff are good. I liked the game but it kind of got boring later on although the ending is well worth it giving you 2 choices of finishing it. If you like GTA style games, you definitely want to pick up SR3. The game's also hilarious and fun with a friend.
Graphics: 9/10
Campaign: 8/10
Gameplay: 7.8/10
Sound: 8.5/10
Overall: 8.0/10
Saints Row 3 is mostly a fun game but can get quite boring at times. Still recommend it to people who enjoy Open World games.
Posted December 31, 2011.
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