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Recent reviews by Leg4cy

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1 person found this review helpful
60.1 hrs on record (57.1 hrs at review time)
It's Magic, what else is there to say? :)
Posted November 22, 2023.
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2.1 hrs on record
K.I.S.S. review:
- Very clunky movement (you have been warned)
- Loot system is a joke
- Difficulty is a laugh
- Impossible to stop animations after you start executing them
- Some items are named as null_something_something (they forgot to map the item name?)

Unfortunately, I can't recommend this game at such stage of development.
Posted April 19, 2023.
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291.1 hrs on record (258.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I highly recommend this game, albeit, word of advise, be careful when you make your diet based on bugs and olives, eventually, it will seem like you totally bugged the nutrition system :)

I will add more details later, but highly recommended.
Posted November 28, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
382.5 hrs on record (382.4 hrs at review time)
This game is great if you play it with friends.

If you play it solo, not so fun.
Posted November 30, 2020.
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1,270.8 hrs on record (178.4 hrs at review time)
Just wanted to edit this comment to say that I'm glad I stopped playing the game entirely for a long time.

Once again, Bungie is able to fully deceive their fans, even if I wanted to come back, I would have to pay again to have access to what I previously had? What a joke.

I hope your game dies faster than what you expect from this milking of your fanbase (is there still any fanbase by now...?)

Up yours as well Bungie decision makers :)

Respect your stakeholders, or face the consequences like many other companies have faced.

- - - - -

I would love to keep recommending this game, but I can't.

Bungie decided to take a pathway that didn't made me any happy. Basically, they are looking into attracting new gamers to the game, without looking to their veterans.

For instance, they made the game free-to-play along with 2 expansions that we had to pay for back in Battle.net, they didn't even give us Silver to spend in the in-game store, or any special emotes for our support towards the game so far, no exclusive ornament, nothing. Instead, we had to deal with all those cheaters (also known as "hackers" or "modders") in Crucible and Gambit (mostly in Crucible). Making a game Free-to-play opens the doors to these kind of people that play with fake computer information (like a virtualized environment).

Now, with the recent season, they have decided that it takes too long to get the perfect gear and with high stats. The veterans had to grind hundreds (to not say thousand) of hours in order to get the perfect gear piece with the correct stats and with the correct element.

Right now, people can reroll the element of any armor piece, plus, all dropped gear piece through Prime Enegrams or by doing the strongest difficulty Nightfall have really high stats.

For some reason I was starting to be unhappy while playing this game, I couldn't realize what was making me unhappy.

Making a pause at playing this game made me realize what was wrong. They make us feel like we need to play almost 24/7 in order to not lose exclusive seasonal ornaments/emotes/whatever cosmetics & titles.

So, overall... It's a big round NO from me towards recommending this game. It's wrong to put people under psychological pressure to get stuff that is exclusive to a certain season, the same way it's wrong to mistreat the older player base.

I hope the Community Manager from @Bungie reads this, and I hope you look into the numbers of those that have created their accounts a long time ago and started to stop playing without any apparent reason. The reason was most likely this one and they didn't even bother to express their opinion.
Posted November 28, 2019. Last edited December 6, 2023.
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102.5 hrs on record
Great fun if played with friends, otherwise, it's a bit boring.
Posted July 1, 2019.
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63.5 hrs on record
This game is really good and has evolved a lot since it's release.

It's really worth buying and playing it. Try to get a clan and your friends of it, and you guys will get tons of fun for many hours to come :)

If you can grab it during a Promotion, don't even think twice if you like tactical co-op shooting with some PvP elements to it.
Posted November 23, 2017.
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4 people found this review helpful
1,918.6 hrs on record (523.5 hrs at review time)
I hereby express my displeasure with the way how Rockstar treats their customers.

If I could ask for a refund, that would be what I would do at the moment.

Well, apparently, they are even penalizing the players who played legitimately. Each update that comes out, they just withdraw the money from the account.

So, forgive me to ask:
Why do not they remove the deaths too? Why not repay the "Cargo" money that was destroyed by modders, just because it's fun? How many times did I had to restart my game (sometimes the computer) because I had perma fireplaces that wouldn't be removed from inside of my character until I would restart the game memory.

Is this what they call Justice? Is this the kind of Justice you want for your games?

If you can give me a Refund for the game, really, do it, because I really don't want to play your game any more and I will be on my watch about future Titles of Rockstar, just like how I do with all EA Games. I'm just one person, but if everyone starts doing the same, you know it will hit you where it hurts, aka, your pockets.

And yes, you can go and check the money I received and since you are on it, also check what I wrote before looking for a new server. And since you are still on it, see how these 10 Million were put into the account in a matter of seconds through CEO Reward spam (I wasn't even in a CEO).

Also take the opportunity to see how long I've been on that server.

And More: Take the time to check that I left 12M at that time, and that you removed them, however, you are always removing at every single update, as if I have my account permanentely Flagged to get all my money stripped away at every single update.

Thank you for nothing Rockstar :)

Venho por este meio demonstrar o meu descontentamento com a forma como a Rockstar trata os seus clientes.

Se pudesse pedir um reembolso, seria o que eu faria neste momento.

Pois, pelos vistos, estão em inclusive a penalizar os jogadores que jogaram de forma legítima. Cada atualização que sai, toca de sacar o dinheiro da conta.

Então pergunto:
Porque não removem as mortes também? Porque não repõem o dinheiro dos "Cargo" que foram destruídos por modders, só porque é divertido?

Onde está a justiça? É esta a Justiça que pretendem para os vossos jogos?

Se puderem dar-me um Refund, por favor, façam, porque a minha vontade é não jogar mais o vosso jogo.

Podem ir verificar o dinheiro que recebi e aproveitem que têm a mão na massa, e verifiquem o que escrevi antes de procurar um novo servidor. Aproveitem, já que estão com a mão na massa, e vejam como esses 10 Milhões foram colocados na conta numa questão de segundos através de spam de CEO Reward (eu nem estavan uma CEO).

E já que estão com as mãos na massa, aproveitem também para ver quanto tempo estive nesse servidor.

Mais: Aproveitem para verificar que eu deixei 12M de parte na altura, e que vocês os removeram, contudo, continuam sempre a remover, ou seja, colocaram alguma Flag na minha conta e retiram-me o dinheiro todo o tempo todo.

Obrigado por nada Rockstar :)
Posted September 1, 2017.
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