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기록상 34.0시간 (평가 당시 10.9시간)
DOOM Eternal is rather controversial, primarily due to it not being DOOM (2016)...again. But honestly, if you go into this knowing it's different and not expecting more of the same, I'd be shocked if you were disappointed.

Eternal is gold. It takes the best parts of 2016, amps all of it up, and tosses in various new mechanics resulting in a game that is so exhilarating, fast paced, and gruesome that you just can't look away. All of the controls are tight, the game runs well, that incredible soundtrack is back...

I struggle to find anything to take issue with. After a decent learning curve, de-programming previous DOOM muscle memory and play styles, you get into such a flow of ripping and tearing. It's satisfying and thrilling.

I can't recommend it enough. If you're on the fence, just go for it. Give it a chance. And enjoy.
2021년 4월 15일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 29.4시간 (평가 당시 11.1시간)
Control is a blast. It runs well, looks great, has an interesting and unique story, and is just straight up fun to play. It took me a little while to really understand the game, but once I settled into its flow as it slowly but steadily feeds you new powers I just couldn't stop playing.

I highly recommend it. Give it a few hours of your time, and I think you'll be hooked like I was.
2021년 1월 12일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 86.7시간 (평가 당시 5.5시간)
If you liked the prior games, you'll enjoy this one. Lots of quality-of-life changes, solid graphical improvements, and the same addicting looter-shooter game play. Gun generation is a lot more varied.
2020년 3월 18일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 31.8시간 (평가 당시 3.2시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
I've been following this game through development for a long time. Simply put; it's amazing. Buy it.

As a fan of rhythm games in general, and especially VR rhythm games, this hits all the right notes. The difficulties are perfect, the visuals are excellent, the music is purpose-built, and the hand-placed notes make it incredibly accurate. The 10 songs are all very solid to play over and over again, which is important for a rhythm game with limited song selection.

An editor is apparently forthcoming as part of their Early Access goals. With how popular this game immediately is with the VR community, I'm optimistic that with the release of an editor you'll see hundreds, if not thousands of fan-made songs to give this title infinite replayability.

That being said, $20 for a VR rhythm game with this level of polish and obvious care put into it is absolutely worth it. One of the most satisfying VR experiences thus far.
2018년 5월 2일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 12.6시간
The only way this game could be better is if it had a sequel...
2016년 11월 25일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 1.6시간
Fun game with tons of inspiration from Limbo. Similar visual style, same controls, same murder death machines. Different style puzzles, though. I'd rate Limbo above this, but it's definitely a fun game. Very short for $10 at around 2 hours to complete the whole thing, but if you enjoyed Limbo and can pick it up on sale I'd recommend it.
2016년 1월 30일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 29.6시간 (평가 당시 0.7시간)
Abysmal port. Truly impressive how horrible it really is. WB managed to make a game run terribly using the Unreal engine in 2015. It's a feat.

I'd like to review the gameplay. I'd like to review the story. I'd like to tell you how much I'm enjoying playing the conclusion to the Batman game series. Unfortunately I cannot do that because I bought this game for the PC. This is entirely unacceptable for a AAA title, and really baffles me.

I purchased this thinking, based on the past several games, it would run well. They always have been solid PC ports - not the best, but definitely good. They looked great and played well. I'm not sure what happened, but they broke the mold with this one. The graphics menu is a joke with only a handful of settings including gems like "Anti-Aliasing: On / Off". On / Off? Games that are 15 years old include more options. No mouse sensitivity setting. Seriously? Can't disable motion blur. 30 FPS lock. All things you've read somewhere before. It is truly abysmal.

But the best part is the fact the console versions look and run better than the PC version, regardless of what hardware you have. There are effects that are entirely MISSING from the PC version, like Ambient Occlusion - not that you could enjoy it unless you have a $4k PC with dual Titan X's anyway.

I'm glad this game is no longer for sale until they at least begin making it acceptable, but in its current state I'm not sure if that's even possible. It is so vastly broken that it would take a dedicated team months if not a full year to bring this thing up to where it should be, or even on par with the previous games.

Huge disappointment, and an incredible waste of time and money by WB. I hope this goes to show other publishers that we aren't willing to throw money at a severely broken game. Good for everyone who refunded this garbage and made them realize how badly they messed up.

Here's hoping for some MASSIVE fixes...
2015년 6월 26일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 158.6시간 (평가 당시 6.6시간)
What to say about The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth...

Basically, buy the game. I normally recommend waiting for a good sale, but I simply can't do that with this game. It is absolutely, unequivocally worth full price from the start. It's such a massive improvement over it's predecessor which was, in and of itself, a fantastic game.

You will spend countless hours playing this game over and over, attempting to unlock specific items, characters, achievements, or just for the heck of it. I sincerely cannot recommend this game enough. Not sure? Buy the original and give it a shot, which frequently goes on sale for as low as $1. You'll get the gist of the game, but not near the experience that Rebirth provides.
2014년 11월 9일에 게시되었습니다.
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