
Recensioni recenti di Grottomacy

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1 persona ha trovato utile questa recensione
11.3 ore in totale (9.0 ore al momento della recensione)
a 5 out of 10 the same as payday 2 at launch

pros -

gunplay - gunplay is simpler here and feels so much better imho

cons -

barebones - so the masks are costumes seems so limited here it just feels like they didnt learn their lessons from payday 2.

servers - so the servers are always down, i know shocker. its not a valid excuse nowdays overkill has 2 games and 10 years of experience theres no excuse.

no host/kick/vote -
so no host kick or host at all, text chat only, no voice though like i said barebones for no reason.

progression system - so they system isnt based on general xp but these tedious challenges, it makes no sense dont know why they gutted payday 2 xp system it was really good imo.

overall it seems overkill didnt learn any lessons from previous titles. It will most likely go the route of back 4 blood where a disastrous launch will likely cause people and shareholders to abandon the series/project a year in.
Pubblicata in data 24 settembre 2023.
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39 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
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46.9 ore in totale (45.5 ore al momento della recensione)
a 6 out of 10 mediorce.

worse than fallout 4 somehow?
so this game was surprising bad


skills trees/melee - skill trees have basically the same stuff as fallout 4, but are still useless.
Melee only has 2 to viable skill trees and satisfying stealth doesnt work because of enemy ai. Unnarmed builds are locked behind 3rd tier combat for some reason. you will be pinned down alot if you play ronin or chef be warned. and if youre a hoarder/selling like me the bartering skills are useless because one crimson raid base will drain all planets credits just selling everything.

the garbage encumbered system returns - like why is this even a feature we have zero g on planets and its futuristic spacec we could have low grav boots or modules that could easily fix the encumbered system or any weight problems completely. I dont know how they could miss it here, a complete waste.

no minimap/local map - so if you played fallout 3 you'll remember how quickly and easily you got lost/turned around like its basically the same here, accept you have no map. I found out later the scanner F has a breakcrumbing mechanic so i guess that replaced getting back to the ship or objective sort of still not very well done. you will have to memorize locations yourself.

apartments/housing - the dreamhome perk and outposts are the only viable living spaces. Unfortunately you cant decorate apartments you buy. possibly have to buy furnishings like skyrim. Unconfirmed for now.

ugly/immersion shattering npcs - these npcs are ugly as sin and wear mostly gaudy weird clothing, almost copy/pasted from cyberpunk and most of them are black/asian. I havent seen white or european generated npcs.

romance - so you dont have many choices for straight romance i found naggy british space karen sarah awful
and andreja a hostile, anti capitilist, anarchist wannabe awful too, wont chase either of them.

crafting/cooking - so cooking isnt universally unlocked and you cant find recipes and you cant customize receivers or melee anymore fallout 4 did this really well not sure why they gutted it.


melee has a actual decent block mechanic even though its useless here +

ship combat is fun for the most part when ship is ugraded +

tl:dr go play fallout 4 and skyrim you'll have more fun than this. buy on sale to see if devs make it better not worth 70 or 100 bucks.
Pubblicata in data 5 settembre 2023. Ultima modifica in data 6 settembre 2023.
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204.4 ore in totale (95.8 ore al momento della recensione)
a 5 out of 10 Mediocre
1. gunplay is fun
2. customization is decent

1. no kick functions
2. Matchmaking flat out doest work for specific chapters
3. little counterplay to special spawns
4. Special spawns. They decided to incorporate ubisofts terrible spawn directly behind you mechanics
5. cant switch out attachments on guns fluidly

Overall its recommended if you just want to goof around on recruit and do casual runs. Other than that its somehow mostly the same or worse than left 4 dead 2 only things that are better than left 4 dead 2 are gunplay and customization. That's it literally, not worth 60 bucks buy on sale and when patches make the game better.
Pubblicata in data 26 ottobre 2021. Ultima modifica in data 26 ottobre 2021.
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130.7 ore in totale (70.6 ore al momento della recensione)
a solid 7 out of 10 decent
1. wonky driving and shooting mechanics

2. not much to do at the end of the game

3. pretty bare bones in terms of customization only 3 clothing shops no barbers no car mods

4. money doesnt mean much since you wont be able to spend it on anything useful

5. friend calls are super intrusive and happen even on missions though this is lessened at end game but still a hinderance

6. awful grey and bland color schemes

1. deep meaningful story

2. hanging with your homies is entertaining

3. world feels alive for that era and has decent attention to detail

overall a decent experience bogged down by poor optimization and technical issues and bizarre design decisions
Pubblicata in data 5 aprile 2021. Ultima modifica in data 6 aprile 2021.
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9 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
19 persone hanno trovato questa recensione divertente
1.4 ore in totale (1.3 ore al momento della recensione)
a 4 out of 10 bad
like skyrim but all the fun and enjoyment is removed wolfs, trolls and sabercats with 4000 health in the starting area and overly difficult for seemingly no reason and michael bay style cutscenes and flashes in every scene like devs why did you put end game skyrim enemies in the starting area what are you doing.
Pubblicata in data 5 aprile 2021. Ultima modifica in data 5 aprile 2021.
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2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
49.4 ore in totale (17.5 ore al momento della recensione)
a 6 out of 10 mediocre

1. level gates

2. ludicrous money checks

3. janky unpolished gameplay from 2011

4. bugs

5. day 1 patch purposefully censored the game

1. certain combat scenarios are fun

2. voice acting is good

3. story is good

tldr basically a worse version of dead island in the cyberpunk universe
buy on sale and wait for bugs to be patched
Pubblicata in data 10 dicembre 2020. Ultima modifica in data 15 dicembre 2020.
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1,454.2 ore in totale (117.9 ore al momento della recensione)
a solid 7 out of 10

1. the perks are much better and more expanded than fallout 4

2. the camp is much better this time smaller and you dont have to worry about settler happiness meters

3. camp and character customization is extensive


1. really bad gamebreaking bugs

2. out of touch devs

3. solo lobbies cost money

this game has the red dead dev team syndrome where they have the ability to the make the game a masterpiece but choose not too. ps imho if they make invite only lobbies primary servers it would have made the perfect game
Pubblicata in data 25 novembre 2020. Ultima modifica in data 25 novembre 2020.
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235.1 ore in totale (225.6 ore al momento della recensione)
a 5 out of 10 mediocre
slightly more fun than ff14
1. the god awful need greed system from ff14 returns literally copy paste (why are mmos afraid of instanced loot?)
2. same get on your mount and ride for 9 minutes then kill for 6 minutes then backtrack formula from other dated mmos (this is the entire game in a nutshell)
3. no shortcutting terrain
4. heavily focused on microtransactions literally everywhere even for game mechanics
1. Free to play the entire campaign till 60
2. apartments are easier to get than ff14 a much needed improvement
3. all class stories are overrall much better
4. stories queues are optional hell yeah some good solo fun
overall quite a bit better than ff14 but most of the frustrating mechanics are still there be wary
Pubblicata in data 13 novembre 2020. Ultima modifica in data 13 novembre 2020.
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3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
25.8 ore in totale
remember being 15 in 2006 and going on an adventure with bootleg aladdin and his homies and og bunny waifu fran i do a better and improved ff12 experience a 9 out of 10 a must own get it
Pubblicata in data 13 luglio 2020.
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1 persona ha trovato utile questa recensione
102.7 ore in totale (69.6 ore al momento della recensione)
basically just and old social game since the only real combat strategy to win is just fanning pretty boring single player allows mods and makes it super fun and bobas fetts ultra utility makes it better too overall pretty fun spankis jedi customization makes the game more in depth
Pubblicata in data 16 gennaio 2020.
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