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29.3 hrs on record (12.2 hrs at review time)
This game has made ascend to enlightenment by helping me reach my inner Zen by channeling my Chi into being one with the machine.

Highly relaxing, highly recommended. OHMMMM
Posted March 21. Last edited March 21.
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44.5 hrs on record (19.9 hrs at review time)
So I really like this game a lot, the gameplay of it and of course this exploratory nature of space.

Now the game has two categories that are content and mechanics.

The mechanics that are there are really interesting, like of course what I mean mostly is the space travel and the space ships like building and this is for what it is pretty cool I think.

Now as far as the content goes, I am still in the early stages of the game but from what I am experiencing there is relatively lot to do which ties pretty nicely into the mechanics of the game including the content like the story.

From what I understand the critique of the game is that there is not enough content, and that the mechanics are shallow but because this game is relatively unique, it's a storytelling game from a RPG survival/action perspective, and because there aren't really a lot games like this out there (I do not consider No Man's Sky to be in the same category as this game) I think we have to be, critics or not, satisfied with what we have here and ought to enjoy it and at least show some thanks, perhaps not praise but that is up to you, for what we have gotten.

Remember that people loved older games from this developers catalogue and they were also kind of "shallow" and "superficial" yet for some reason it was all right because they were great games and I see a great game in this too at least one that I can and am so far enjoying. I do not want to jump on the bandwagon and cry about stuff that people think it's a given while it's more of a gift.

Yes game could have been a lot more and such and so, but just look at Star Citizen. How long the development on that game is going on for and what type of incomprehensible (not yet available, I think) system you need to run that game well. And it's nowhere near finished after sinking so much time, money and effort into it it's obviously clear to me that we ought to thank daddy Howard for what we have got because even though you don't want to admit it....

It's a pretty darn neat game.

Posted March 3. Last edited March 3.
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33.2 hrs on record (29.2 hrs at review time)
Predecessor of Dying Light 2 and a very fair game by that.


Times have changed so things look different these days and some would argue for the worst or for the better but not just in how a thing looks, I must say that when I first booted up the game the graphics but not just the textures the whole world resonated with me because I find it really beautiful. The buildings resemble and remind me of my youth (minus the zombies, hahaha), a place where I lived as a youths really had such similar buildings, not by the sea side but regardless this sort of architecture always appeals to me and resonates with me just kind of like a sort of Brutalist Architecture so whenever I am in the game I think of this and just at times take a moment or two to just take in the sights and sounds because the game has both and I mean that in a very good quality I think.


This is one of the finer zombie games I feel like. A lot of about it is really great and I enjoy playing it and in that regard because I think it's quality product I would recommend this to others because they might, for varying reasons have a great time with the game and might even, which I know people are, be touched by it.


Playing zombie games isn't just about fun it's also about the melancholy of it all, where certain things touch upon the soul and the game has an abundance of that even when I think of the time that when the game was released, how that time has passed and how for instance well for one we all grew a bit older but also how design of games changed in the meanwhile where the games of today really look very high fidelity but sometimes some older games, even moreover regardless of how they look, are gems and this one is certainly one of them and I am glad that I found it and also am glad that I like it so much.

At its core it's just kind of a melee zombie shooter but I like using the bow and arrows and there's plenty to do in the game since it's got an interesting storyline that I like experiencing.
Posted February 24. Last edited February 24.
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62.5 hrs on record (53.5 hrs at review time)
Okay this is shaping up to become a wonderful game.

We had melee and some quite interesting combinations of fighting zombies with great parkour but now we have gotten a guns update which just adds to the mix of even more variety of in which way we can choose to fight zombies in this city.

Personally I always liked bow and arrows but the weapons, guns are a nice addition to the otherwise beautiful game.

I hope they keep expanding and also adding to the story itself because at the end of the day what is a zombie game without plenty to hear, see and do. ;)

Posted February 22. Last edited February 22.
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3.4 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Bust a fat Xenonaut.
Posted February 22.
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2.6 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
You know that feeling when you fall in love?

Well this isn't it because games are virtual goods so it's kind of hard for one to fall in love like in a physical sense however that does not mean that one can not appreciate something that isn't real and in that sense, as other reviews and a lot of them can contest at this moment in time (overwhelmingly positive), a lot of people feel this way about this particular game.

For one I was a fan of Star Wars: Republic Commando, a tactical shooter that reminds me of this game and even though this particular game feels more arcadey that does not take away from its core.

What I see when I look at the core, without staring is that the game looks beautiful and that it plays really nicely. This combination is already something that would engage me with a product like this and on top of that I really am interested that is to say: intrigued by the story. I already kind of am a fan of technology and the potential future it holds, albeit depicted in a warring sense in this game but still it does not take away from the wonder of it all. I think the developers have been meticulous in designing and building this game and it shows.

I do like it a lot. I have been postponing the notion to buy it for a long time and now that I have I am satisfied with how the game plays and how it looks and again its story. It is not something I would necessarily go out of my way and to buy again let's say at full price because it's a type of game that except the story and the action found contained within the story I do not necessarily like in terms of let's say the skill aspect where in a PvP; Player versus Player environment I am kind of not interested in competing but with emphasis on competition and the fact to really get some skills you have to learn them first which isn't a huge problem the issue with me is that to get good at a game let's say in an online environment one has to develop like let's say create and sharpen and maintain those skills in which sense I'd rather play 100 games than just simply get really good at one. Even though this has happened in the past, that I've dedicated myself to one particular game for a long period of time and had even gotten good at it, let's say that age and slowly but surely growing older does not help in this regard of like being able to achieve what once was possible even though I do not speak for everyone when I say this but somewhere in between there lies a truth.

A truth that goes something along the lines of;
I'd rather have thick plot armor than a poor experience online, by which I do not hint at my own skills and the willingness to use them but rather I'd fight in a Co-Op with my brothers against the big bad (that's like powered by an AI of sorts or just a CPU) rather than fighting against them. Against Us. Also fact that sometimes cheaters can ruin the fun (not commenting on Titanfall multiplayer which I know or just assume that a lot of people are a fan of but rather: speaking in general terms) is something I am not so much willing to deal with too much "these days" or since they kind of swarmed the online games, but that's something for another time...

Anyway, I am and still will remain more of a fan of tactical first or even third person shooters and most of all: immersive sims but I think that a few aspects of those things in this game, despite its fast pace can be somewhat found and this is why I do like the game contextually, thematically and as well aesthetically and I would recommend it to other players to jump into it and play at least the single player component because it is pleasing and fun.

Dedicated to (the game and) memories and shared experiences.
Posted February 19. Last edited February 19.
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9.2 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
Okay just a heads up.

This is a pretty cool game. It has multiple characters that you can and must switch between that also have management in terms of maintaining their health after damage they take and which type, where also through switching you can go and do different tasks with each one where if a character gets damaged or sustains an injury you can go to the field hospital and until they recover play with an other character which not just is convenient but adds to the suspense and management aspect of the experience.

It has other managerial aspects like ones pertaining to base building and maintenance through gathering ... resources by which you upgrade your settlement and I think gear too. There are outposts that you can reclaim and the game also has some RPG elements relevant to the individual characters like for instance Cardio / Wits / Fighting / Shooting (and specialization in those fields) and a in game radio which you can use actively in game.


Gameplay itself is decent like aspects of action that relate to shooting and melee are okay and there are finishers, just as there is a day and night cycle for that extra immersion and scares. Game feels initially a bit clunky and IMHO could use some polish to make the characters feel a bit heavier or just to polish up the gameplay because today we have been spoiled when it comes to some games and how their gameplay plays and feels like, but the responsiveness of movement is good enough. It is obviously a survival game which with management aspects is really cool because I like tinkering like that in my games. Gathering resources, surviving, building a base and expanding it and exploring.

Now as I periodically continue playing I might come back to complement my review like suggestion with other details that I think are somewhat important to mention but I came here to mostly say that the perception of the game for whatever reason to me didn't seem all that great at first since I've known about this game for already a long time but didn't think much of it until now I have tried and I must say that I like it because of the aspects mentioned above.

Of the more action oriented zombie survival or action games that I've played recently this one takes my fancy and I very like the idea behind it and to a great extent the execution (heh, ''execution") of this one which again gameplay wise feels a bit basic or "unpolished" but the ideas behind it are good as is the gameplay in general kind of sufficient to keep you at it for a bit I would reckon.

It's basically like the Sims only for adults played through the 3rd person and set in a post apocalypse like the Wasteland.
Posted February 18. Last edited February 18.
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100.1 hrs on record (71.5 hrs at review time)
Who let the sail out?
Who, who, who, who, who?
Posted February 12.
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4.2 hrs on record
"Delve into a world...''

A beautiful series of games about Ancestral Simulation (theory) which plays out thematically like a mix of "Lara Croft'' and "Indiana Jones" set int a relatively huge open world setting with freedom to play the game as you wish, to approach it as you go with many things to do, chase, explore and witness (story wise) and this is the game that started it all.

Really awesome games that together mix and combine historical story elements of the real world, one we live in and blend them together with action survival and suspense or excitement of relatively well crafted adventure games just unprecedented in the scope they portray and the experiences they convey. We could to some extent label these games as "archeological" in nature as well as analytical in some cases relating to the puzzles contained, which is just awesome. If you thought our world was already fully explored, as I now and then get the impression, then delve into these worlds and find out why and how.

If a(n action) game could describe what a real Virtual Experience is about, what it would feel and look like I think these games would very well explain and showcase it.

It is downright one of my favorite types of games and I am very happy that they have made so many games like this one, in essence improving in future iterations on what has been developed initially with each iteration in some way having some sort of improvements in terms of gameplay while at the core retaining the original idea.

Next to the subject matter of these games, which sometimes introduce the player with some "alternate'' theories about our world (like the aforementioned "ancestral simulation theory" or even to some extent "conspiracy" theories) I especially am a huge fan of included archery archetypes included in later games from what I can see starting from Assassin's Creed: Origins although admittedly the gameplay in games before that introduction is also satisfying while I have to once more empathize how much I love the archery aspect included in later games, but knife throwing and in some Assassin's Creed gunpowder weapons are also very nice to play around with because in essence all of these games are games about Assassins and things they do in the worlds they inhabit and their tools of trade.

Very, very glad Ubisoft made these games and that a lot of their other games also often include features that are relative to long games and large open world games. I hope they continue making such games because in essence these games are quite Unique too besides the obvious ways that they at face value contain.
Posted February 8. Last edited February 8.
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42.3 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Yeah so this is a wonderful game.

It never caught on with me looking at reviews themselves because for some reason even though I really am into immersive sims and love that genre despite in this category not being really too many games I have to say that this one feels good and I say that, it feels good because also starting the game and dwelling within it for the first dozen of minutes I really was thinking that it kind of looked poor which is somewhat understandable because today we are spoiled with the graphical fidelity many games have, but this initial impression really changed after the first big plot twist of the game commenced and unraveled and from that point on even the game started looking better to me and so together with how the game feels to play I really grew fond of it.

The gameplay is slow and methodical, there is a lot of exploration and going back and forth through the levels which depict a place that is finite in nature and let's say beyond Earth even if the initial impressions would make you assume that. Game plays at points like a cross between a sort of adventure detective game and a FPS with in the background the RPG element making you have to level up or upgrade to progress and further explore the previously inaccessible areas.

I really love some aspects that this game has that fall under the category of immersion which among other things are: sneaking, ledge mantling, leaning that you can do to look around corners, game's realistic level design and the darkness that the game has in some areas be it because the areas are unlit or have shadows in them that give the feeling of the game relatively moody atmosphere and some utility at least in terms of perception and suspense where when you are walking through the game world it feels exciting even if not much is happening for you do not know what is around the next corner, kind of feeling. I think the features the game has I mentioned that are related to immersive sims and game immersion are some aspects that for all I care could and may be included into more games, things like leaning and mantling onto objects to get to a higher ground and also then this aspect that the game tauts where they go like "play it your own way'' which simply means multiple approaches to a situation or a problem which I really love because this gives the games that we play much more depth and longevity at least in terms of how we perceive a level and what we can do in it. Think along the lines of linear games like corridor shooters but then amped up to feature much more in say such corridors than simple tunnels and simply traversing them from point A to point B.

So okay furthermore I like the alien and the horror/survival aspect of the game because also is something that when I looked at the game's review videos on YouTube really didn't appeal to me because I was thinking that the enemies like the morphs were kind of weird and somewhat boring but having now experienced the game itself I can say that it feels good and even moreover I found myself Googling or searching online ("Binging" if you will) if there is going to be another iteration of this game to be released and if one is in development from Arcane Studios which who's games I've played since Arx Fatalis basically and personally really love the Dishonored series (Dishonored 1 is good and great even but I really love 2 and Dishonored: Death of the Outsider) and so I was excitedly looking online if a Dishonored 3 will release and if a Prey 2 will release and there seems some positivity surrounding these wants and expectations but somewhat cautiously hoping for the best because some recent Arcane games didn't get the greatest of receptions like for instance Redfall and I have Deathloop and am yet to try it so I hope at least that latter one is good but okay so.

I really do appreciate Arcane Studios games. I love that they have put in this game some Looking Glass (Studios) references because they were responsible I think for the very first immersive sim games ever on the market. Even this game, Prey is sort of like Bioshock an offshoot of System Shock 2 made by the aforementioned developer studio but that's not really such a bad thing because System Shock (1 and 2) are really great games and I always feel like I could just randomly, at any time jump into those games and just play and enjoy them to a great extent.

Arcane Studios has some great aura surrounding them in terms of what they can potentially do for PC gaming and especially alas to say: niche but non the less dedicated and specific fan base of players who love immersive sims. And then here is looking for more games like Dishonored and Prey from them.


Played some more of the game and got to the point that we receive, let's say a gift of cybernetics and just now kind of realizing or realized how mind-blowing this game is... It's also stacked in layers in that sense of revealing more and more as you go which of course is like a gift by itself because it releases surprise kind of notions that are contextually tied into one's perception and even sort of sense of the world, wicked as it might be (power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely) and yeah I got to say... This, these revelations make the game even better I think. It's always a shock encountering things that are sort of revelations in the sense of things that you didn't realize before but then sort of learn to see and sometimes even are able to put into words.. It's... it's like a system shock really.

Arx Fatalis, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Dishonored, Prey... Are all kinds of games that at their core carry this with and share it with the player. These sorts of stacks and layers in terms of depth and reveal and it is really the reason why games like these one learns, builds affinity with and learns to appreciate and appreciates to love really.

I really got to say that and how like Arcane has made something that was already modular even more so steep but tangible.

Now, as I play this game let us gather around and pray for a sequel.
Posted January 26. Last edited February 1.
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