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5.9 hrs on record
The second part of orwell is a little bit less entertaining than the first one. But still delivers similar experience.

The story is parallel with the story from the first part, but you don't need to know the first story to play the game - but it makes the game better, because you understand some of the news articles better if you played the first game.

Retrieving data-chunks cost time now (1 data chunk = 10minutes in game-time not real time) which makes the game a LITTLE bit more "stressful" but it's not something i found to be intimidating.

In the "late game" the game gets a new mechanic called "influencer" which is pretty much a network of social media agens who spread a fake narrative you made up with data-chunks. I don't really like this kind of mechanic but I understand where the dev is coming from and understand the criticism on society with this part.

Orwell Ignorance is strength is a solid successor of the first game but it's not better. The story is good, but it feels WAY more linear than the first one in perspective.

My playtime was lower on the 2nd part as well, so keep that in mind - both games have the same pricetag of 10$.

But also for the 2nd part of orwell applies that the playtime gets more, the more you read from the story.

I think you can read way more in the 2nd part, and I skipped many of the documents because they were not needed for the story.

So I guess you have also playtime from 6 to 10 hours in this one, at a price of 10$.

It's okish and fair.

I would give Orwell: Ignorance is strength a slightly less solid 6.5/10 instead of the 7.5/10 I gave for the first one - but still would suggest to buy and play it.
Posted December 3, 2020. Last edited December 28, 2020.
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8.0 hrs on record
I like this type of games, where you actually don't have much to do and just experience the story.

Orwell is a dystopian future projection of surveillance.

Orwell itself is a crime-prevention system which is fed by foreign agents with infos they find from you.

There are no mini games or anything like that, you have to find data-chunks in documents, chats, or any kind of media which is available to you.

With these data-chunks the story unfolds, so keep in mind which data-chunks you collect an which not.

The playtime varies from 6-10ish hours - depends on how much you read. So the pricetag of 10$ is actually totally okay.

If you read every document you are paying like 1$ per hour, i think thats fair.

The art style is cubism, I think it fits to the dystopian setting.

I would give this game a solid 7.5/10
Posted December 3, 2020.
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7.6 hrs on record
It's a good game.

Some missions are EXTREMELY hard, but story and flying mechanics are great for an arcade-flying-sim.
Posted December 6, 2019.
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96.0 hrs on record (79.9 hrs at review time)
it took me longer than anytime before to chose if i recommend this game or not.

But i simply can't.

The career mode is better, yes. But its still feels like... generic reptitive bullcrap.
You shouldn't be able to outfarm every team as williams after one season and become world champion in the second one. thats completely hilarious and unrealistic.

i would prefer a way more realistic mode to the career mode, that you start in the F2 or as a test driver for F1 and have to prove yourself to get a place on the grid. anything you really need to achieve and not everything given like you are the best race driver in the history of F1.

Career mode has so much potential, DO IT. Give us story, give us press interviews, give us a choices-matter mechanic, give us consequences of our choices or things we said. ANYTHING. it just feels like you can answer whatever you want and nothing happens at all.


Disaster as always.
Only plus: Setting for ghosting for lapped cars.


You push F1 online as a competitive Esport and STILL rely on friggin Client-side hosted lobbies. What is this bullcrap?
Posted December 6, 2019.
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15.5 hrs on record (13.9 hrs at review time)
Bought for GTA Online.

Loading Screen Simulator 2019.
Posted August 23, 2019.
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306.4 hrs on record (33.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
casual but fun RNG based Auto Chess variant
Posted June 29, 2019.
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186.1 hrs on record (128.1 hrs at review time)
The current state of the game is a disaster.

The Singleplayer might be playable but Multiplayer is a complete mess.

  • Beautiful stunning graphics, game looks really good
  • Better handling model than last year
  • Very nice single player careermode
  • The "idea" of the multiplayer point-stuff and all this focus on "eSport" is a good thing, but see the cons for the bad part of the multiplayer.
  • Singleplayer Ai is nice. Multiplayer Ai still bad.

  • Online-Championship / Online Race: One Safety Car every... 60-80 Races
  • Online-Championship inbetween the Qualifying Sessions: Crashes for the Host everytime one Session ends
  • Strict Corner-Cutting Rule is a joke on some tracks and completely off compared to real life
  • Damage Model is kinda random. I play on "simulation". Sometimes i lose my tire with ~80kph or less against a wall. Sometimes i touch the wall with 300kp/h and nothing happens... seems very off.
  • Still no dedicated servers (Desyncs and Laggy as ♥♥♥)
  • If you drive with 2017 performance there should be an handicap-bar for the host to decide "how bad" someones car is, for example how the difficulty in singleplayer works (0-110). This is especially interesting for F1 Cups for Streamers who have a skill-diverse driver-lineup.
Posted October 21, 2017. Last edited October 21, 2017.
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1,016.4 hrs on record (1,006.1 hrs at review time)
What happened in the last 1 1/2 year?


- constant performance improvements
- new weapons / attachments
- new map(s) even if they are not that good as the first one
- balancing improvements
- connectivity improvements
- cheating prevention


- map choosing feature took them WAY too long and will be deleted after todays patch (22nd of June)
- cheating prevention took them WAY too long as well.
- miramar map is a disaster. even if they announced that it will be "a complete different way to play" it.. just su**s. it's a bad way to play battle royale.
- new map "Sanhok" is better than miramar, but doesn't feel like Battle Royale as well. but it's a good alternative if you are tired from "normal" PUBG.
- update policy is a disaster. taking features away you just added is a no-go (map choosing)
- Desync is still horrible - no matter on which server you are.

Overall: I really like the game, but the updates and the policy behind is completely garbage.
Posted May 13, 2017. Last edited June 21, 2018.
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5,545.5 hrs on record (4,770.2 hrs at review time)

today is the day i will uninstall Dota for the first and last time. The new Patch 7.00 delivered copies of other games, and is really trying hard to steal playerbase from other Genre-Games like League of Legends.

So i leave this 2cents here:

LoL HUD[i.imgur.com]
New Dota HUD

Text from Real_nimr0d from reddit - couldn't describe it any better:
Originally posted by Real_nimr0d:
"When you select any other unit in LOL there stats show up on top left, just like with new dota UI, look at the hp mana bars, items and everything in LOL UI and see how exactly the same it is in dota, wait that's not it, the kill notification in LOL is on top right, just like it was with dota 7.00 ui but after complains of eye strain and huge community backlash, they decided to put it back, why would they change all of these locations in the first place, a person with 2 brain cells put together can tell when you change something so drastically, it will cause problems, I for example have over 5k hours in dota 2, and for thousands of hours i;ve look at a particular spot for particular item, kill notification whatever, cuz it's in my muscle memory, and you think valve doesn't know this, they know it well and they know it all and they did anyway because they want LOL players to have a easier time when they play DOTA, you have to do some sick mental gymnastics to defend valve. And don't give me that scaleform bu**s*it, they could've easily put everything where it was with new UI."

My point to the HUD:
why are you hiding game information to players, which were in a glance every patch before? you have to hold ALT to see stuff - why? you have to hold it for seeing your stats, for seeing the current day-night-circle, and for several other stuff. why? WHY would you do that?
everything was there. but this is a hint that "Stats" will completely get removed from dota, to make it more accessible and easier for LoL-Joiners.

And my 2cents to some of the changes (forgive me for my bad english - i'm not a native speaker):
the map changes are the worst changes ever done to the map. shrines... like in Heroes of the Storm. Runes in the jungle... like in LoL (yes i know that they work in other ways there...), rosh to the point where it is in LoL (why?!).

fast levelling and gold: on average you get lvl12-14 within 15-20 min into game as a support now. plus: you get way more gold out of these filthy bounty runes, and if you level it: out of the bu**s*it-talent-sh*t (copied from HotS as well).
this is not dota anymore. if you want to play fast paced games go play LoL or HotS. Dota was never fast paced. and it shouldn't grow to another fast paced ARTS/MOBA.

faster leveling means faster game pace. better leveled supports means more kills in early game (because that is where supports are shining) which also leads to a faster game pace. more kills in early means more gold flow. means more items -> means faster game pace. so everything from the bonus 2levels you got from this update (because lvl25 is old lvl23) AND/PLUS the new Talent+Bountyrunes-Stuff will lead to a massive pace boost of the game - and that is uncharacteristic for dota, and i don't want that.
Talent Tree is poorly implemented (there are some heroes where the talents actually make sense... but most of them were just threw in so they are there...) and giving GPM AND/OR XPM advantages... (leads to faster game pace btw...) or giving Skill-Boosts (which leads to more kills - and you know what more kills are leading to...).
"Go and gank them" - how is it possible to gank in early game? if the game pace is fast enough (because your rotating supports need good Levels to go and gank efficiently). So it's only possible to gank them, because the game pace got faster. which leads to more kills because of more ganking - which leads to more gold - which leads to a faster game pace.
Rosh Pit: The winrate for Radiant was still 3% higher on average than for Dire. so why the f... do you have to move the pit? it doesn't make any sense to me.

Just.. don't play this game anymore. Go play LoL or HotS.

I will predict that Icefrog is going to remove all "Stat"based stuff from Dota, so it's easier for LoL Players to get into the game and the game gets easier and more "casual".
Posted December 17, 2016. Last edited December 17, 2016.
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4.1 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)

This game has HUGE potential to be one hell of a hollywood-movie. but it ends with a cliffhanger as big as kim kardashians back side. it could be an awesome love story with a nice mysterious side-story. with way more content to be delivered.. but there is only 4 hours of gameplay - no difficulty. it ends where it gets heartwarming or "close" for both protagonists. it could be "Episode 1" of at least 5 Episodes (like Life is Strange for example).

for 20$ it's too expensive for 4 hours gameplay. wait at least for 50% Sale.

ah and btw.. why can't i take the underwear? i can TAKE FRIGGIN EMPTY BEER CANS BUT NO UNDERWEAR? :D
Posted July 2, 2016. Last edited July 2, 2016.
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