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190.0 hrs on record (46.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Its fun to play - its fun to destroy buildings / etc and have them come crumbling down - ending all the enemy's inside/etc.. - do wish it was bit easier to knock down buildings - like if entire lower floor walls are gone, it should collapse but not always the case..
Posted June 27, 2023.
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269.8 hrs on record (32.2 hrs at review time)
Despite the negative comments/posts due to a past release.. this game is kinda fun - there are some things I do not get - or can figure out yet but I am only limited to area where I am at currently in the game. this is a many hour long game to really advance - I do not feel very high level yet lol.

I am enjoying doing some of the things currently - mostly trying to farm materials to build things.
Its in development soo expect some bugs potential and a little less polishing of things - expect future tweaking in adding more content, while also changes to recipes and items. Its made by the same developers of Stationeers game I have enjoyed playing despite it too being under constant development.
Posted January 11, 2023.
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27.1 hrs on record (11.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Early access review - So this game can be really fun in decent squad of players using mics.. following proper breach/clear tactics.. - it stinks when you get a group that is not talking and just goes around shooting anything that moves. but eh.. not the games fault - I enjoy the game for its tactical aspect - tho I have low hours its only because allot of that is spent playing solo - I really do enjoy the AI teamamtes tho. Would be cool if they make it possible to order AI teammates via Voice commands.. that would be EPIC play.
Posted April 27, 2022.
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290.5 hrs on record (114.7 hrs at review time)
Saw this game being played and thought ugh.. but I continued to watch some gameplay of it.. saw it was more then just single player and figured why not - at the time it was on sale and seemed to have some interesting base building and even had rovers to drive around..

So I bought it - been playing it off/on since not 100% diving into it but enjoying it as it comes together.
The Dev team is still working on content and tweaks and updates - as a big update was released a little while ago that got me into game to play more.

overall it fills a nice hole in my various space / base / etc building games.
My only one complaint was that my early alpha save file had to be deleted because an update changed so much that it made the save un-playable. but starting over afterwords was not hard and even nicer because of the bugs and stuff they fixed for that update.
while I still have not cared to do the endgame unlock planets quest stuff - I do enjoy going to the different planets / gathering resources and making bigger / cooler bases.
Posted June 30, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
491.2 hrs on record (186.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
While i write this review, the game is still in its early access release.

The game has allot going for it, Space? check - Building stuff? check, suvival agienst hunger / elements? check and check..
I would recommend this game for anyone who enjoys complex building, want to manually configure a airlock system using Logic circuts? you can do that, or take the easy way and use built in logic boards already - just configure the inputs to it right heh.

Want to build insanly complex filtration system that heats/cools and toasts marshmellows? well can do all that but toast marshmellows...

as of this review I have over 170+hrs into the game.. I have played it solo both in the "live version" and "beta version" even though its early access there is two modes of play for it. the alpha version is the less buggy early access game, while the beta version has all the early release stuff as the devs put it in - its not always 100% working as intended, Like the logic chip released just before i wrote this review - it came out but wasnt 100% finished, they are changing / adding and fixing the complexity of it. Some of its over my head in terms of configuring - but I do like base building, ship building (tho ship building is kind buggy still).

they still are coming out with things as time goes on - some planned features include a surface truck/car type vehical to drive around and explore more..

there are various sites to use for information to help explain or simplify some of the complex systems. like solar panels that track the sun, to allow for more power production from the solar panels.

Also while i wrote this review I was listening to music in via youtube (videos of people playing instraments to known music) and got bit cought up into that and totally forgot to finish the review lol.

Short answers - If you like building things as easy or as complex as can be, get the game.
there are several videos out of people playing this game, while I do admit watching a few people play made me think "herm I might enjoy that" - truth is, even if I hadnt watched a single vid of this game, Id have enjoyed playing it.

this is a game where most of the fun is in learning to use the tools/systems and stuff given to you in the game - to build your own adventure.. However - there are scenarios coming, like a little challange..
Posted September 14, 2018.
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8 people found this review helpful
19.0 hrs on record
I got this free because I owned the original -and was like AWESOME thanks..
now Im like ohh creation club.. nvm take it back..

seriously forcing paid mods on people to make a extra few bucks.. and from what I understand not all the mods are even worth what they are charging..

Another game I own (kerbal space program) is a game I play heavily modded.. that game allows gamers who delve into the modding life to put paypal links for their mods, so if I like a players MOD I can send a buck or something directly to the MOD author.. no middle man (except maybe paypal/petreon/etc) now with this creation club crap Bethesda wants to get a PIECE of the action.. kinda like the mob of old who has to have a piece of any action in their town..

I do not support this buisness practice.. Even if its the employees who are making the mods that are offical.. just make it a DLC and charge, not this 5 dollars for backpack.. 2 dollars for a skin upgrade crap..

GL to the poor workers/coders/artists who are going to loose jobs as bethesda loses money to people who nolonger wish to BUY (ie rent aparently) the games they make..
Posted October 3, 2017.
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13 people found this review helpful
375.6 hrs on record (336.1 hrs at review time)
Got this game in trade, right before it was released. I traded stuff to a guy who wanted what I had, and he bought me this game. Cause I really liked fallout series and wanted to play this game more then the stuff I had. at the time I thought OHH good trade Dunewolf.

Then later as more funds come my way I buy the season pass thinking alright awesome I can now play the updates they have announced and the "future ones" coming.. YAY...

Low and behold time goes by, lots of stuff is released.. I experiance game breaking bugs - things that corrupt my save game (play in OFFLINE mode once due to internet failure - got told "cant fix it your outa luck") forcing me to lose several days of levling and gameplay back to a much earlier in my game save.. having to do the whole far harbor DLC all over again including making the bases/etc I had..

out comes nuka world, renewing my intrest for a bit... but eventually grow tired of the game for other games I own. (still bitter about all the time lost in far harbor dlc and other things).

whole year later or more.. hear about another "UPDATE" for fallout 4.. think herm wth is it and is it worth it..
Find out its a PAID MOD thing, ie I pay them to update my game with crappy PAY to WIN mods.. or pay to customize the game.. I hear nothing of mod creators making the money like a link to a patroen or paypal /etc.. like mod authors for other games - no this update enabels bathesda to "take its cut" of any mod authors creation and to otherwise control what mods are supported or not..

I dont agree with that.. I also dont agree with the current EULAs games have that says the company is only licensing the game to me to play and I dont actually own it outright to do whatever I want (ie MOD IT) without their permission..

Ive decided I nolonger want to support this game company. infact from here on out id rather support indy developers who put "early access" games on steam, or buy games on deep discount steam sale.. if at all...

I stand behind the many others who feel ripped off with paid to play mods that add little for lots of money.. I am not rich and what little money I have is now going to go elsewhere then to bethesda in future.

Posted October 3, 2017.
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32.6 hrs on record (21.5 hrs at review time)
TLDR - I enjoy the game, hate the always on DRM/always online requirement and for that I say dont buy it, nor do I support paying full price for it. wait til its on bargin sale.

I bought Just Cause 3 on PC because I was getting tired of the console rat race.. and becuase i finally built a better gaming PC which will play 90% or more of the games out or coming out over next 5 years without major issues related to hardware.

I enjoyed JC 2 on console, so much, got it for PC too, enjoyed it there as well. soo JC3 was just natural thing to get one I heard about it coming out.

Things I enjoyed about the series is still there
things I didnt enjoy are still here too tho but its ok as I didnt really hate the bad stuff as the good stuff was still way better.

what would say I dont recommned about this game.. is the DRM - the always online required DRM.. like dont bother trying to put steam in offline mode and run JC3 - it just wont work.. I know - I found out the hardway one day when I lost internet for a day.. JC3 flat out refused to load/launch..
Now at first I didnt have a major problem with the online requirement for what is only a single player game (currently)..
sure I get there is the "challenges" some joe shmo from idaho got faster time then you at blowing crap up, so go do it again so everyone knows your best!.. isnt interesting to me.. which is why I always disabled the JC3 from connecting online. simple to do by creating firewall rule to block it.. worked fine - but still would pop up a website to "authereize" your copy of JC3.. which is BS DRM crap.. but ok the game still worked..

Lose internet totaly and well.. game goes bye bye or doesnt work..

So yeh - if you have spotty internet, or have times offline away from "online" then this game is not for you..
If I absolutly could go back and tell myself not to buy it (and beleive myself) i would not have bought it..
I didnt realize how bad the DRM was until I lost internet, and all the multiplayer games I own didnt work - and some of the single player games I have didnt either.. JC3 being one of them..

Fallout 4 sure did complain (tho did eventually work) about not being "online" and all the mods I had was disabled in fallout 4 offline.

Soo this is a buyer beware kinda deal here..
I nolonger will support companys that force DRM on people - nor force online only, even for single player games- so that is why I cannot recommend this game at full price nor at anything but bargin bin sale price.. (much like how I got into JC2 was bargin bin sale for console)
Posted August 11, 2016.
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21 people found this review helpful
184.9 hrs on record (119.4 hrs at review time)
So I never really get into reviewing things, unless I really like it or really hate it.
Ok so the good

The division is kinda like other 3rd person shooters, with the cover ability. enter cover and take less damage etc.
Various skills to increase damage or heal friends or boost defensive ability.
Its not a very good RPG in the normal sense, as one website review I read the story is told by the city and the intel you gather running around the map. Like other RPGs ive played, the charactor is kinda mute and has not backstory unless you make your own.

ok here comes some bad, yes there is no rich charector customization, its pretty bland affair with various pre-sets, You'll spend more hours ingame playing with your attire (because they forgot to include preview just the item, without putting it on first)
the max non darkzone level is very quick to get too, without really spending any money really if your getting good loot or working with a group. I personally soloed to 30 before the end of 2nd day game came out. Also there is a ton of crafting materials with there own levels, but once you max level anything below gold and some rare purples is bascially junk to be scrapped/sold.
Crafting materials from green to blue to gold is teadious.. 5 green to make 1 blue, 5 blue to make 1 gold and oh yeah can only make 1 item at a time then have to hit esc, then hold spacebar to craft (for PC).. there is no "turn all green into blue, blue into gold" without spending awhile clicking two buttons over and over.
The daily missions can be easy as pie, even on challenging mode if your with a competent group - otherwise it takes ages as people get wiped by enemy rushers with insta kill shotgun or random melee rusher.

Then there are the crashes, the random bugs that make items dissapear from inventory when your changing servers to join friends or run missions with random players, and the falling through the map bug that happens sometimes for that extra fun.

There is an expansion coming out for free soon, and another one planned beyond that.. after those two freebies its going to cost either per expansion or you need the "season pass" that all developers are starting to use.

For a time sink, this game has something I enjoy - but it lacks the really good parts of a true RPG experiance like Witcher 3.
There is repatition with missions, go here, do this / save them / kill them / protect this / destroy that.. its a formula all RPGs have and repatition is to be expected. more so with shooters, because there is only so many mission types suited for a game like this. If your expecting to build settlements, and raise a colony or army, this game isnt that.

the game also lacks the ability to swtich gear sets, like weapons/armor/etc with a preset loadout, its such a big thing for other shooters and shooter RPG (planetside 2 multi loadouts for each charactor type / COD games with various loadout presets and player sets)

almost forgot to mention - loot storage in the main base is set to a stupidly low level, and currently there is no known plans to change it to make it upgradable for larger storage ability which increases the teadious affair of managing your loot, to point your getting rid of most of your stuff to just keep free space for more drops. if you like to collect rare/cool loot.. this game isnt for you at all.

AS long as the shooting parts stay good, and there is stuff to shoot ingame - ill keep playing it.
But Its not the end all be all of shooters, nor is it the best RPG experiance ive had. as a RPG its not great, but ive played worse games that are slotted as "shooter RPG" (dust / planetside 1-2)

If you have the computer horsepower to play it - this game is very detailed, in terms of visuals, very little to interect with beyond the preset loot / venders / random citizen in need of aid / locked door.

I enjoy playing the game, not as much as I could - if they fix the items going missing / crashes / some other bits (wareable item preview / loadout settings to make switching easier)
Posted March 26, 2016.
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