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50.8 hrs on record (24.8 hrs at review time)
best game i've played in a long time. it's such a treat for a game that feels this amazing to also have such a solid art direction. though i was biased already liking machine girl going into this, they really nailed the full ost and this is one of the few games i haven't muted the music for since like, 2013? storywise, i didn't pay attention cause that sort of thing doesn't really interest me, though i'm sure it's not too shabby overall. but above all, the game is dictionary defintion dopamine, and it's so addictive to go back and try for better times. i got neon white on sale, but in my opinion it's worth far more than the $25 asking price. it really shocks me that only one person on my friend's list has played it (solid times btw man.) so if you're reading this, idk, i'd just really recommend you give it a shot.
Posted January 9, 2023. Last edited February 4, 2023.
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270.6 hrs on record (269.9 hrs at review time)
one of the best games i've ever played (is what i wish i could say but if you don't make this game your second/third/'however many alts you make' full time job you'll either have to drain your irl wages or face reality and quit playing like i did) (i won't lie though i miss it all the time) (but don't do it though) (thanks) (you're welcome)
Posted August 20, 2022. Last edited November 16, 2023.
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215.6 hrs on record (159.1 hrs at review time)
i'll never find the correct words to explain how i felt playing elden ring. if you're looking to experience the ethereal wonders that video games made you feel when you were a kid, this is it. my jaw dropped multiple times every time i launched it, and not in the "two soyjacks pointing meme" sense, but from actual disbelief that so much was able to be packed into this and in such a calculated yet liberating way. every game i've played since feels like it's pointless or just pales in comparison, and that's not me being cynical just to be cynical, i'm just saying that everyone should play this and hold every incoming game to this kind of standard. i feel a deep sadness knowing i'll never experience it for the first time ever again.
Posted May 24, 2022. Last edited March 28, 2023.
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17.8 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
vr is the future
Posted July 18, 2021.
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20.0 hrs on record
i really enjoyed this, i've been wanting to play for it years and recently i decided to finally bite the bullet. i will say, it's not for everyone, but i also don't think it's outdated. the tank controls admittedly take a minute to get used to, and at first, seem intimidating enough to potentially just not play. but i really feel like being limited by these slow controls really makes this game feel like it's own world. there's moments during the combat where you'll land a few crits in a row or run past a boss when you're one hit away from death that would feel average in any other game, but feel so badass in this one. this game came out in 2005 and it still managed to legitimately spook me a handful of times. not necessarily because of the creep aspect, but moreso because i would turn around and have like 10 zombies just staring at me tryna beat/eat my ass to death. i would rate this game a G/43 so i'd say it's probably the best game ever, but also i was disappointed by the lack of in-game currency and loot boxes so i'd have to say it's probably the worst video game i've ever played.
Posted July 8, 2021.
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297.8 hrs on record (241.3 hrs at review time)
hands down the best battle royale, in my opinion. wonderful gunplay and movement, good weapon balance, easily accessible yet incredibly useful characters, etc. a good amount of the people i run into playing this game are really good at it, so it's certainly a challenge, but the versatility in the movement options makes a lot of sense and gives an even advantage overall, so you certainly have to focus, but you can certainly get a few dubs and work your way up to getting a bit better. i love this game with all my heart, don't really have any complaints i can think of either. just hoping i finally get those heirloom shards one day so i can look like a certified badass gamer lol
Posted June 15, 2021.
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23.8 hrs on record
pretty good. i never grew up with banjo or any of the n64 platformers, and when i did try banjo sometime in high school, it never really gripped me. with that said, i definitely see why there's complaints from fans of those games. this game drags along sometimes and i literally remember that's why i stopped playing it a week after it came out three years ago. but we're in quarantine now and i have depression, so of course i stomached the rest of the game ;)

for real though, the platforming's great, the characters and world are very lovely, and there's a lot of potential. but it feels like it just falls flat sometimes. i 100% completed this game, and while it was satisfying, it didn't feel as rewarding or memorable as i'd have hoped. but, i still think you should give this game a go if it gets a decent sale price or something! or try hat in time cause that game SLAPS lol i'm going to bed
Posted May 2, 2020.
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19.6 hrs on record (15.0 hrs at review time)
the gameplay is absolutely wonderful. at first all of the new additions such as dashing or the flamethrower felt kinda daunting to me, but after a bit it feels incredibly natural. i'd say my only complaint thus far would have to be the tutorials that pop up upon encountering a new enemy type, overall slowing down gameplay for a moment. don't get me wrong, i love that all these enemies have unique ways of going about killing them, but i'd much rather have a small popup on the side that i could press tab to expand if i chose. otherwise, this is basically just everything the first game did, but better. also shouts out to mick gordon your guitar work is bonkers
Posted March 24, 2020.
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376.9 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
if you don't own this game i'll literally buy it for you
Posted December 3, 2019.
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55.6 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
I've played through all of the Soulsborne games, and those are all easy mode compared to Sekiro. In those games, if you didn't want to parry or master the combat, you could use i-frames/sidestep pretty much any attack and still see good results. Not in Sekiro. Here you are immediately required to study boss mechanics/combos, as well as impliment variety into your combat. Basically no more R1 spams.

I'm only on the second boss so I'll write more later, but I'll leave it at this. If the Soulsborne gameplay is your cup of tea, and you're looking for an experience reminiscent to learning DS1 for the first time, definitely pick this up. You owe it to FromSoftware.

And George Bush, probably.
Posted April 9, 2019.
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