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3 people found this review helpful
14.3 hrs on record
One of the blandest games in existence.

And one of the most over-rated for sure. Its purpose is to waste your time. Its a grind but not even a good grind. It lacks identity. It "borrows" stuff from other games cause they actually don't have stuff of their own.

Its thing is that its "pixel 2D roguelike" and other than that It has ZERO redeeming quality.

I can not recommend this game to anybody. Even if you have a LOT of free time, there are WAAAYYYYY better roguelikes than this with much more style, much better combat, and much better story.
Posted February 2.
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21.6 hrs on record
While it looks like AA game, it is going below that so much. It has some things going for it, like "cute" and explorable. But on the other hand, it has so much bad things, like awful platforming, bad combat, bugs in movement, water movement, repetative music.

AWFUL auto aim system that CANT BE TURNED OFF. It locks on to random things, it won't let you deselect what it decides. I checked the accesibility options, turned everything OFF, but it still does that, camera moves on its own, especially when trying to control some other creature in game or fight multiple enemies.

It is trying to present itself like a game for younger people, and then it tryhards like DS. And I looove DS, but there is no place for it in a game with this attitude.

Kena has 0 personality and the game plays on "OHHHH ITS SOOO CUTEEE" card and expects it is enough. Going by steam reviews, it looks like it is for majority, but the story and characters are laughably bad.

I love exploration games, I love story driven adventures. This looked like a sure pick. And then it failed more and more as the time went by. Not recommended and deleted from steam account as I try to keep my steam library trash free. Buyer beware.
Posted January 28, 2023. Last edited January 28, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
Lets put the ball down for a second, because all of the justification for this DLC content just doesn't cut it.

First of all, I was thrilled when Echoes were announced. Base game is one of the best games in the last decade, and that should say enough about where I stand on the original Outer Wilds.

And this DLC reallllllyyyyyy starts of strong, as you will jump into the spaceship once again, explore a clue or two in that great vast Solar System and after another initial WOW moment (already two in first hour of the game), the hype will, slowly and gradually, die down.

First of all, there is that one location to explore. Which is fine by itself. But of course, there will be no travelling around, because every loop will start out the same way for the first 2 minutes. Maybe it does not sound much on paper, but it really kills the beginning of the loop as of the original's opposite "I can go anywhere" mindset.

Second, all of the clues that you found in the original game, especially the ones from Nomai writings are non-existant. There are no big revelations through reading, there are no quirky and funny moments that you can relive through Nomai messages. This "other" race is not that big on written text and it REAALLLY kills one of the better parts of the game and that is: outer wilds writing.

That leads us to the next thing, because your journal will be almost... useless. And that is such a shame. Yes, it will fill some obvious stuff, but some minor things (that actually can be important) will be left out.

And why is that? Because this new race is all about symbols, being cryptic and very vague. And your journal just does not have the UI to support important stuff that you see through a new version of the clues.

So, then and only then, we are coming to "stealth" sections of the game (which are the main "complaint" in most reviews). First of all, I don't mind stealth section in a game. Second, I don't even mind "horror" section in a game.

But, to do a very big part of the DLC in a even more time limited pitch black areas where you must navigate a world with little to no vision at all is just.... boring. And then come the "scares", which personally I was fine with, but they just don't belong in the world of Outer Wilds. Yes, we know about the OG Anglerfish, but even there you had to go on first planet to get the info on them, second planet to get the ways to get past them and confront them on third planet. You had to LEARN how to get past them, and in this case its more of a trial and error thing.

Oh yeah, and when people said they wanted more Outerwilds, I can guarantee that majority would say Ash Twins or Brittle Hollow. Very rarely I can imagine someone saying, give me black and on foot version of Dark Bramble. Its not a diss at Bramble, its a great planet, but not great enough to carry half of the EXPLORATION game. And here they thought, that it would maybe be fun. Well it was not. I played OW for exploration, not for rudimentary stealth mechanic.

All in all, I see people defending the DLC as if its their duty. I don't hate it, because it had fantastic moments, but all in all, would I buy it now with the knowledge that I have about it? No, I would not.
Posted October 3, 2021. Last edited October 3, 2021.
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44.3 hrs on record (40.5 hrs at review time)
Deathloop (or Disho Wilds) is your classic Dishonored gameplay in a timeloop, but without any limiters or low/high honour stuff. You can go ballistic from start to finish and enjoy all your carnage and mayhem that you leave behind.

Graphic and art style design reminded me of a game called "We happy few". While beautiful in its core, it does not have to be necessary good looking for your taste. I personally liked it very much. Music gave the boost to the atmosphere with some awesome 60's and 70's vibes. Voice acting of all 9 characters is done great, and once you get to know their habits and personalities - it all falls into place.

The idea behind the game is great, but from the start you got (for this type of game) too much hand-holding. So, what I did, I turned off the quest markers and got lost in the world. Exploring on my own and drawing conclusions from the stuff I gathered. You can always turn them on if you feel "stuck". That for me, bumped the immersion on a better level.

Have in mind that the whole island of Blackreef is full of non-story related secrets, so if you are not the type of gamer who just wants to finish the game, there are some interesting side activities involved.

But I have a few gripes with the game too. First of all, there are 4 locations in 4 different times of day. While the locations are slightly changed as the day goes on, there will be a feeling of repetition of some tasks and some locations.

The road to the ending is a one way street, there is only one possible path to finish the game. I know that it's a complex world to start with, but I feel like the 2-3 added changes to eliminate all 8 targets in the same day would feel a lot better. Also, I feel the ending left me with a lot of questions, no matter how I did choose to end it.

But when its all said and done, I really enjoyed my time on Blackreef, and I will probably go back to try and finish some interesting side stuff that I left unanswered.

While saying that the game is worse than Disho and Prey is personally for me TRUE, that does not mean much, because those 2 are one of the best games in 2010 decade.

If I would rate them it would go something like: Prey > Disho > Deathloop > Disho 2. And still they are all fantastic.
Posted September 22, 2021. Last edited September 22, 2021.
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81.6 hrs on record (62.3 hrs at review time)
First of all, an absolute recommendation for the game. Been gaming for the last 30 years, and this is a prime example why to still play. Games like these don't come often, but boy, when they do...

Second, I kinda secretly hated the game for quite some time. I've played it for the first time about a year ago, and was absolutely amazed. But I got stuck. I could see the end in sight, but just could not connect the dots. And to be fair, looking in a guide or getting some help from the Internet didn't feel right. Maybe for some other game, that I just "wanted to finish", but not for Outer Wilds. Because from the first minute, game was surprising me on every step of the way so it just didn't feel right. So.... That was it. I ended up deleting the game, but kept looking at the install button every once and a while.

So, here I am, watching the (true) end credits and damn, I said it once already, this is why we game. This game probably does not need any more positive reviews, but I can't let this one slide.

A beautiful story, told in such an unconventional way. A gameplay loop, played like nothing I can remember I played before. A whole galaxy to explore, so many paths to take, so many things to see (and do), so many secrets to be found. All that presented to us in such a unique way, with the atmosphere created by a mystery of sounds, music and messages left from the ones that came before. And you have only but one task: go and explore. You don't need any objectives, waypoints, quick travels, leveling or abilities. This is all you, from start to finish.

One of the best games of the last decade. For sure.
Posted August 23, 2021. Last edited August 23, 2021.
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115.3 hrs on record (75.4 hrs at review time)
Such an underrated game. Personally, this is the current best title this year for PC. I don't know why the game didn't get the praise it deserves on Playstation, but playing it from start to finish was a joy.

For me, the game changer was ONE MAJOR THING: Play it in SURVIVAL mode. I know that it may sounds like it's too much, but once you figure things out (and the game will give you that time), you will be much more immersed in the world.

So, no HUD and no on screen indicators. Just you and the road and problems along the way. This eliminates potential overwhelming feeling of the open world games. You will feel at ease as the time goes by, but it keeps things fresh for a much longer period of time. Even then, it's not a "tryhard" game, it feels like perfectly balanced mix of story and gameplay with a small added mix of "survival" feeling.

Story is OK, it keeps the game going, but it's not something that is groundbreaking in any regard. It's a personal journey of Deacon St John, and he is fully fleshed out character. He is not on the Arthur Morgan level, but he easily belongs in the category of great main protagonists.

Supporting cast is OK, some are acted and written a bit better, some a bit worse, but they all have their role to play.

As far as the combat goes, everything felt on point, from fighting random zombies on the way, human ambushes or even hordes. Every encounter has its own approach which can vary on a lot of things. Did you make too much noise? Did you pulled zombies to the human camp? Did you go in during the day or night? Are you going full stealth or guns blazing? Melee or ranged? The options are there, its on you to choose your path.

Also, I must add fantastic bike driving as it is really a big part of the game.

The game runs great. I played it when it came out in 1.0 version, and for me, there were no issues from day one. Also, it looks fantastic and sounds great. Colour palette personally is 100% on spot, because I really enjoy that overall dark green, brown, rainy, dirty feel. Of course, locations and colours will vary as you progress through the campaign.

If you feel an itch for a quality open world action adventure - think no more. Days Gone is one of the best things out there at the moment.
Posted July 22, 2021. Last edited July 22, 2021.
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8.8 hrs on record
First of all, I am not that big on Lovecraft and those motives that are being (so often) used in a lot of games in the past decade. Call of the Sea is one of those titles, and while I really enjoyed the adventure it gave me, for me personally it was a bit too much storywise. Others (who enjoy that kind of stuff), will probably get a kick out of it for the fact that there are a lot of references to his work.

But still, Call of the Sea is not a horror game, but heavily relies on the adventure part, and the lighthearted main protagonist Norah. She is on an adventure that will change her life, searching for her missing husband, who is actually trying to find a cure for her unknown disease. What comes next is a really thoughtfully crafted story, that works really well with the combination of Norah's monologues, environmental storytelling and the puzzles that are core of the game.

I may expected that the game will be a bit "richer" walking simulator, but this is a fully 3D first person adventure title. Norah will uncover the secrets of the island (and herself), and while the game is not that difficult, every situation rewards you with that a-ha moment and the satisfaction of a job well done. Narrative is also driven forward with personal stories of the crew that came to the island with her husband months before.

Visually beautiful, with some really good voice acting, Call of the Sea is a title for everybody that have that adventure itch to be scratched, Other than the final puzzle of the fourth chapter (that I still cant explain how i managed to solve), slowness of Norah even when running, or some over the top story elements - I really can't find any reason to not recommend the game.

For me, it was a drive from start to finish that I enjoyed for the vast majority of the time invested. If I would have to give it a number, lets say that it would be an 8 out of 10 and maybe even a bit more.
Posted February 12, 2021. Last edited February 16, 2021.
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42 people found this review helpful
44.6 hrs on record (19.8 hrs at review time)
To old players: It's the same old fun with slightly slightly better graphics, all DLC-es included, cross-play with consoles included and Autolog reactivated. Other than that - there are no other major improvements in the game. But if you loved the game, and you have the urge to go through it again, and maybe re-invite some old rivalries with your friends - I say go for it, because it is fun and beautiful as you remember it.

To new players: For me, this is the last NFS game that really captures the true essence of what Need for Speed franchise really is. There is no cringey story, there are no upgrades, there is no use for the open world except for relaxation. It offers something a bit different: one of the best SPEED experiences in the game. You will jump into "Racer" or "Cop" campaign and blast though the different levels of super cars. And I wholeheartedly recommend that you try this approach instead of whole 2010 decade of NFS games.

I have not experienced some major bugs in the game.

Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remaster is a great racing game and a great throwback to some older NFS games (and I've played them all since the first one). For me, Porsche Unleashed still holds the crown, but this one is really extremely fun, especially if you have friends to compete with in online modes.
Posted November 12, 2020. Last edited November 25, 2020.
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17.3 hrs on record (8.7 hrs at review time)
This is BY FAR THE WORST MAFIA game ever created.

AND Mafia 1 is still TOP 10 GAME EVER.

They could not get ONE thing good.

Graphics sections are maybe the best, but then again, you have soooo many games that are much much much better looking than this (RDR2, Death Stranding, Control, Metro Exodus)

Music is just repetative and boring. While the music in original was also 3 tunes that had charm, here are more than 3 but they all feel flat.

Mission are not added, but what's added is some ultra stupid amount of cut scenes during the missions that should "enhance immersion" and they do nothing.

The reason they do nothing is THE CAST OF CHARACTERS. AND MY GOD THEY GET 0 out of 10 for that alone.

First of all Paulie IS CATASTROPHE. His voice acting is OVER THE TOP NON STOP. He screams and shouts, but unlike the original Paulie that had some charisma while doing it - this one looks annoying and talks annoying.

Tommy - LOOK HOW THEY MASSACRED MY BOY!!! One OF THE BEST PROTAGONISTS IN THE VIDEO GAMES EVER (Michael Sorvino THANK YOU FOR the Tommy I remember) is now A DOUCHE. HE is wiseass, smartguy, smartass, assguy whatever - he talks like this see, and he walks like this see, and points like this see, and HE EXHALES EVERY SENTENCE THROUGH THE NOSE - GIVE THE MAN SOME NOSE DROPS FFS !!!

And yeah, even Sarah is now some tough girl from the hood! While I salute the fact that woman rights came so far in 2020, this game is set in 1930. Original Sarah was MUCH MUCH MUCH more suitable to the setting of the game. I AM AMAZED SHE IS NOT BLACK ALSO.

Btw. Sam is what??? Ross from Friends???

AND THEN LETS TALK ABOUT THE WORLD. That is flat as Taylors Swift ASS. There is nothing ADDED to that world that you'd like to go and see and explore. No, its just cigarette packs and comic books to pick up for no reason at all (THAT YOU CANT EVEN READ).

And the controls. Shooting is like some PS 3 title in the range of Uncharted 1 at best.

ANIMATIONS you ask? Well up yours animations, because when Tommy jumps down, he doesn't change stance, he just falls 2 meters like a rock and he is on his feet.

BUT YOU KNOW WHAT WE HAVE??? We have that sweet sweet UI that WONT GO AWAY EVER. Doors are opened on X, and we will make sure to tell you on every door exactly that! We will tell you that you open it with X on every door. Did we mention how you open the door? Its X! And also for every other item we will point tell you how, point you in the correct direction, put THE GPS on your MINIMAP because hey its the 30's, we all had GPS back then!!!

And bugs??? They have those for export. fuggedaboutit.

There is ZEROOOOO reasons to play this game instead of Mafia 1. Yes, the graphics are "edgy" in the original but you know what? If you are all about them polygons, well you dont deserve to play the original anyway.

I love Mafia series, Mafia 1 is one of the greatest games ever, Mafia 2 is a really solid title, Mafia 3 has it's charm in the setting and in the music and in the atmosphere and in the main story.

BUT THIS??? This is an INSULT to every Mafia fan, people that created the original, and to every player that loved it. Yeah yeah, some will say, "wow this game is great, i played original and this is much better". I say NO, for the reasons above and many many many more.

Mafia 1 > Mafia 2 > Mafia 3 > Mafia: DE
Posted September 28, 2020. Last edited September 28, 2020.
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48.4 hrs on record (46.9 hrs at review time)
While the game still has the same issues with 4K resolution and optimization like on launch day, that is simply not big enough reason to not recommend it.

In Full HD game runs in 60 FPS (or more), granted, maybe not constantly. But still, with a frame drop here and there (in my experience, not had major bugs or something) it is an enjoyable game and still visually excellent.

Game itself is actually a mix of AC map navigation and TR exploration and fighting. But it is better than them in every aspect, since combat is something innovative and the world itself is also something we didn't have the chance to see before.

I am not a fan of an open world games that much, so I was sceptical about it, but it has a really good story and mystery behind it. Main plot is the thing that will drive you forward, it is intriguing with memorable characters (at least the one that matter). There are of course many forgettable encounters, but the story as a whole and the way it was told - I enjoyed it from start to finish.

I was not interested in some classic open world stuff, but as the time progressed, I did some of the optional content, and exploration and search for some of those things was totally fine. But I didn't went overboard with it. Just enough to change the pace sometimes.

If you are going for a long game with tons of places to explore, HZD can offer you a decent amount of fun through combat and exploration, really nice story and storytelling. If you can close one eye on some of the port issues of course.

Game will not blow your mind by any means, but its a really solid open world action adventure. 8 out of 10.
Posted August 27, 2020. Last edited August 27, 2020.
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