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Останні рецензії користувача Chefski

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Показані результати 11–20 із 20
1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
15.1 год. загалом (5.1 год на момент рецензування)
At the time of this review, I am still playing. I am really enjoying the game but I have no idea if there is a story here. Little man with a robe was given a mechanical arm after his arm got chopped off and now I am running around doing puzzles and enemies that may or may not be evil. I have no idea.

The platforming, graphics, puzzles, and gameplay is fun but I legit have no clue what I'm working towards or why I'm remotely doing what I'm doing.

Will update when I find out why I am killing things and running around with my mechanical arm.
Додано 29 вересня 2022 р..
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2,365.9 год. загалом (2,365.7 год на момент рецензування)
game was ok but i was expecting 3k hours, not 2k hours. meh...
Додано 15 вересня 2022 р..
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64.9 год. загалом (33.7 год на момент рецензування)
This is the very first Borderlands game I've ever played (Yeah, I'm pretty late to the series....)

Game is great, it's fun. but the story is absolutely equivalent to Super Mario Bros. level of depth. I enjoy the missions, but the game is basically a mission/fetch/find quest for over 30 hours and that's about it.

I'll edit my review later, but if you enjoy FPS RPG (early day) type games, you will probably like this but not love this. I hope the sequels add depth.

The menu system and upgrade system is also pretty bare bones.
Додано 11 вересня 2022 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 14
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123.8 год. загалом (82.6 год на момент рецензування)
I have over 80 hours but it should say 30. The game can corrupt your save file so please make manual backups!

This game is a Dark Souls clone if Dark Souls had ranged guns and rogue-like elements. It's a brief single player story but the pudding is in the gameplay. This game is incredibly fun and even more fun if you have friends, but I don't so that part is not fun, it's sad. I need friends in my life.

GRAPHICS - Great stuff. Not confusing this with real life, but it looks great and you won't ever say something like the graphics suck.

GAMEPLAY - It's fun as hell and fluid. I like to shoot the guns more than I do like to whack stuff, but you might be different. It's really good. If you like video games at all, you would at least appreciate this.

STORY - Ehh... Something about 'The Root' who are like tree people who wants to inject kids with their lifeforce so they can take over? I think? Who cares. It's fine. It's better than Super Mario Bros. storylines.

REPLAYABILITY - Fantastic. I wouldn't play it for a 2nd time if otherwise. It's RNG so every playthrough is different. I hate that but I guess I like it. I want more unlocks so I keep playing.

SOME PROS: Boss fights are great like Dark Souls. Lots of them and they are all different. You get cool rewards and they can be hard as horse manure - just like Dark Souls. Theres LOTS of variety to armor and weapons - just no shield because it's not Dark Souls. Pay attention. It's additctive and that's a good bad thing.

SOME CONS - I wish I could equip more than 2 weapons at a time. It's kind of annoying. Why give me like 20 weapons and mods if I can only use 2?

Idk, this is a great game. I might edit this later. Probably not, but this is the review so far. I recommend it to people who hate roots.

The DLC is kind of lame so I hope they are prepping a sequel. 1 DLC should have been free, the 2nd is just rat people and rat enemies in a snow level. Not sure why they went with rats, but here we are.
Додано 31 липня 2022 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 1 серпня 2022 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 85
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 2
38.4 год. загалом (35.2 год на момент рецензування)
This game is essentially the knock-off replica of Dark Souls. I picked this up after Darksouls Remastered and finishing Dark Souls 2. I have about 40 hours in it so obviously I enjoyed it enough to beat it and review it.

It's good, not great. Here are some positives and negatives:

• If you enjoy DS, you will enjoy this by proxy. The devs do a good job recreating the overall feeling of a FromSoft game. This has the same mechanics - e.g., "bonfires", similar fighting mechanics, RPG level-ups, host of magic and weapons, etc.
• It's got the same difficulty of 'GeT GuD' - but easier a bit
• You can tell the devs love DS and I am looking forward to the sequel to see how they grew as a team
• The story is easily-er understood and not vague

• This is "clunky and slower" is the only way I can describe it. It's DS, but it's... ... heavier..?
• The bosses are basically all human-like. No giant monsters, etc.
• A lot shorter than what I experienced in DS1 and 2
• The items you get are limited and kind of exhausted caring about pickups halfway through. They have the items you need but it starts to just feel incredibly limited on items collected or "shards" (Magic boost, fire boost, lightning boost, energy boost - and that's basically it)
• It's by far the best DS close or copypasta game out there.

This is a game I want to love and I think their admiration of Dark Souls is great. It's good, not great. It is 100% obvious a Dark Souls copy, but it's not as good.

If you are like me and want a stop-gap with DS or just miss the DS vibe, this game will keep you occupied. I really am more excited for their sequel because I want to see how they have grown as a company and dev team.

I have no idea how to review this to explain my feelings here. Awesome job, team, but we all know this is not a FromSoft game lol. Recommended.
Додано 17 червня 2022 р..
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127.9 год. загалом (58.0 год на момент рецензування)
This is the first Souls game I have ever played up until this point - May, 2022. I'll try to keep it short.

One night I said, ok, I'll try it. Installed it. Spent an hour dying immediately, then immediately again, then again immediately. Grovelled a bit, went on Reddit to complain, and said "Ok Chefski, try again." So I tried again, died immediately. Tried again, died, but not immediately. Tried again, moved forward, then died immediately. Then, wait for it, I did NOT die immediately.

Long story short, you need to get past the anger, frustration, deaths, learning curves, confusions, and I would say when you get to 3-5 hours in, something clicks. The game is great. It is NOT a hard game. It is a HARD GAME TO START.

58 hours in and I am probably only 25% into the game. Does that mean I suck? I have no idea. All I know is I level up way too long and too much than I need to because I am a paranoid freak.

Graphics: I went and added a ReShade so it's very good now. 7/10 normally.
Story: ??? I have no idea. A half dead guy is alive trying to do somehting? I legit have no idea. I may try and figure out what is going on here. I just know I am basically dead until I make myself human for a bit.
Difficulty: 26/10 at the start, 10/10 once you are playing

FInal notes: I have zero idea what other souls games are like - and I hope they get better and QOL changes added, but I like this game and I enjoy farming XP and levelling up until I am way too OP for the next boss. Dark Souls often will say "Oh yeah? You think you're good and OP? Well F-hew here is a boss that will kill you immediately"

10/10. would die immediately again just to not die as easily later to have fun. story i have no idea.

Edit: at the time of this review, i have no idea there is online to this game ever since it's never been working since i started playing. to me, this is a 100% offline single player game.
Додано 7 травня 2022 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 7 травня 2022 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
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0.8 год. загалом
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
I bought this game during the Steam 2020 Winter Sale and I refunded it. Apologies to anyone who is not going to like this review, but it's my personal opinion.

Other people said it right, it's good if you have friends - but even then, ehhhhh.....

I bought it like an idiot thinking "post-apolcalypse, PvE, crafting, base-building" - nice! I love games like Fallout, 7 Days to Die, Stranded Deep, most FPS RPG's, etc. I was sadly let down. There is no real PvE, and if there is, in the hour I played it, I came across a band of NPC enemies that just walked away and disapeared into the wilderness after I saw them. The best way I could describe it, since i caught the aftermath of them killing other NPCs, and walking down the road, was that I'd never see them again or know how often this actually happens.

I saw 1 other player who randomly killed me twice, then nobody else for the remaining 45 minutes. The crafting consists of maybe 5-10 basic wall,floor,roof components. I cam across a "base" and it looked like some wooden fort you'd think you'd see if only planks existed in the world. There's only like 10 options or less to build from.

The game might be good if you like Day-Z or other wide-open games where you won't see much action. One of the players in the server said it best after I asked, "What do you do in this game?" and the answer was, "Loot, Kill, Build". There's not much else to do - it's an open world, scarce, primative base building game with little PvE.

I wlll say the graphics look good - but be prepared to run into trouble. My rig is not top of the line, but I have a 1080 Ti with a 7700k and I was running into major FPS issues. I had to turn it down to about medium to hit 50/60fps at best.

I think this is not a bad game, but it's important anyone else with the mindset I had when going in possibly read this. If you're looking for a post-apocalyptic game, make sure you purchase this with friends and expect a less-busy Day-Z PvP experience.
Додано 2 січня 2021 р..
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21.3 год. загалом (17.7 год на момент рецензування)
If you enjoy South Park, then you enjoy this game. I don't care if you even like games. You could hate games for all I know, but you'll like this one.


Because it's freaking South Park.

10/10 Southpark
Додано 12 червня 2015 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 2
1.2 год. загалом
It's mini golf. What else could you ever ask for? Change the F in 'golf' to D and you get Mini Gold, which is what this game is. Great golf. Good place to take a date. I'd take a date there, if I ever had a date to go on.

9/10. I'm lonely.
Додано 12 червня 2015 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 14
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 5
2.4 год. загалом (2.0 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
Woke up in a house and nobody was home. The place was a mess and someone left the TV on. Turned the TV off and went to sleep. Woke up in another dimension with strange portals. Walked into a bunch of catacombs and a dark swirling mass came after me. I turned a bunch of lights off and woke up. TV was still off but the house looked different.

10/10 sleeping simulator. Would dream some more.
Додано 12 червня 2015 р..
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