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Excellent replay-ability. Very smooth. Interesting skill synergies. This game is in early access but it feels like a release. I hope they add more content.
Postat 31 martie.
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I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Postat 26 februarie.
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145.1 ore înregistrate (145.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This game has good story mode. You will only do it once. Otherwise it's repetitive endless grinds.
Postat 18 februarie.
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Money worth spent. Mounts are very satisfying to ride. Revamps to core mechanics. New cut scenes inside the game itself. Nice jump puzzles. A lot of quests to level now. We even have quests to collect the poop now (I'm looking at you WoW). I hope they add more content for this season later.
Postat 8 octombrie 2023. Editat ultima dată 8 octombrie 2023.
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After first DLC in Season 3 things mostly turned good. You get a lot of content just by leveling for endgame. Then you can do PvP and PvE content. Prepare to give yourself some goals because unlike WoW this game doesn't really give you those. You can just try to get everything maxed out, or just enjoy some relaxing activities here and there. Anyway for the price this game has plenty of content.
Postat 22 ianuarie 2022. Editat ultima dată 26 noiembrie 2023.
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I used to play this game when it was in Battlenet. They make you buy stuff then take that away from you. And they call it New Expansion (tm). Don't buy. If you already did, go to rehab...
Postat 1 ianuarie 2022.
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3.7 ore înregistrate
Повелся на рассказы, что все свалили из ВОВ в ФФ14. У меня начала гореть жопа, когда я только начал регистрацию в идиотской системе паблишера. Атмосфера игры серая и унылая. Никаких кошкодевок нет. Дают один спелл и иди поднимай уровни. По факту оказалось, что можно играть до 60 уровня бесплатно, если НЕ ПОКУПАТЬ игру. А если купить, то нужно будет платить 260руб подписку ежемесячно. ИЗБЕГАЙТЕ.
Postat 8 noiembrie 2021.
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Isolate yourself and play DooM to defeat global pandemic
Postat 22 martie 2020.
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13.0 ore înregistrate
you can feel the grind right away. ui is a mess. takes 5 min to kill 50 cobolds.
Postat 9 februarie 2020.
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4.1 ore înregistrate
This game sucks. It costs twice as much as L4D (I would guess that's royalties there) and is a TRO mod (total rip-off). It has like 3 DLCs to it... The graphics is very bad. There's not enough players online (cause V2 is out) and you get put in the match with bots for some reason? There are basically no tutorials, nothing explains how the game works.
Postat 9 ianuarie 2019.
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