ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Capitalism Currency [OPEN SOURCE] (Discontinued)
 Toto téma bylo přilepeno, takže je nejspíš důležité
Impulse  [vývojář] 14. říj. 2017 v 7.50
Global Gus.ini Settings
this GameUserSettings.ini (short gus.ini) is usually located at

Main tag to put above, only required once for all Capitalism mods

Options for NPCStructures

Options for supply and demand logic
DeactivateSupplyAndDemand=false DisableHarvestMultiConsideration=false DeliveryCycleTimer=60 UseAlternateS&DSaveFolder=false ChangeCurrencyName=Glory Coin,GC ChangeSilverCoinName=Honor Coin,HC ChangeCopperCoinName=Blood Coin,BC

States minutes to refill S&D amounts.

General options for Capitalism system
RemoveSkinsFromPlayerInvOnSpawn, to prevent singleplayer cheating... Be aware of the circumstance that traveling to another ark is also counting as spawn and will remove skins and costumes too. So your players need to upload them first to be save. For more information on this system, have a look at its discussion page.

Prevents GloryCoin, HonorCoin and BloodCoin from being uploaded via vanilla terminal when set to true

allows for global class pruning if e. g. Rcon is not available for admins and a mod actor does cause issues/server crashes (this pruning logic will be executed before all other capitalism sub routines). It does work with the item class that is used for actor placement, too. An example would be: PruneActorClassesFromMap=/Game/Mods/CapitalismCurrency/DinoGarage/PrimalItemStructure_Capitalism_DinoGarage.PrimalItemStructure_Capitalism_DinoGarage

If UseAlternateS&DSaveFolder is set to true it will use save path
instead of

Structure placement limits
You can also deactivate a single entry with -1, the values below are default settings. If you do not add them to your gus.ini, the system will take those default values. Players with admin rights do bypass set limits. If you use the last "Capitalism" entry of shown defaults, this setting will cover the majority of structures, but as total (means: NPCTrader, PlayerTrader, Bank1, BountyHunter, and Research).
NPCStructuresUseStructureLimits=false NPCStructuresPlayerStructureLimit=25 NPCStructuresTribeStructureLimit=100 NPCStructuresServerStructureLimit=250 NPCTraderUseStructureLimits=false NPCTraderPlayerStructureLimit=10 NPCTraderTribeStructureLimit=25 NPCTraderServerStructureLimit=100 Bank2UseStructureLimits=false Bank2PlayerStructureLimit=2 Bank2TribeStructureLimit=5 Bank2ServerStructureLimit=20 Bank1UseStructureLimits=false Bank1PlayerStructureLimit=2 Bank1TribeStructureLimit=5 Bank1ServerStructureLimit=20 BillboardsUseStructureLimits=false BillboardsPlayerStructureLimit=10 BillboardsTribeStructureLimit=25 BillboardsServerStructureLimit=200 BountyHunterUseStructureLimits=false BountyHunterPlayerStructureLimit=2 BountyHunterTribeStructureLimit=5 BountyHunterServerStructureLimit=10 ResearchUseStructureLimits=false ResearchPlayerStructureLimit=5 ResearchTribeStructureLimit=20 ResearchServerStructureLimit=50 AdvancedPlayerTraderUseStructureLimits=false AdvancedPlayerTraderPlayerStructureLimit=3 AdvancedPlayerTraderTribeStructureLimit=5 AdvancedPlayerTraderServerStructureLimit=50 CooledPlayerTraderUseStructureLimits=false CooledPlayerTraderPlayerStructureLimit=2 CooledPlayerTraderTribeStructureLimit=2 CooledPlayerTraderServerStructureLimit=25 DinoTraderUseStructureLimits=false DinoTraderPlayerStructureLimit=2 DinoTraderTribeStructureLimit=2 DinoTraderServerStructureLimit=25 PlayerTraderUseStructureLimits=false PlayerTraderPlayerStructureLimit=10 PlayerTraderTribeStructureLimit=25 PlayerTraderServerStructureLimit=100 CapitalismUseStructureLimits=false CapitalismPlayerStructureLimit=50 CapitalismTribeStructureLimit=250 CapitalismServerStructureLimit=500 DinoGarageUseStructureLimits=false DinoGaragePlayerStructureLimit=1 DinoGarageTribeStructureLimit=5 DinoGarageServerStructureLimit=50

Additional Server Policy
As soon as you place a StatisticsProcessor into your world, the system will start to prompt your users to accept the data protection, terms of use and license agreement of the Capitalism series. This will happen as soon as players look at Capitalism actors. You can add your own server market rules and terms to it if you wish. Format for this is:
<Name of Link>:;:<Link to your webpage>
You also need to escape slashes, see this example[]
Here is the example for the space you'll have:

Options to disable subsystems and workers
If you do not want to use corresponding subsystem
DisableItemVerifier=false DisableAITweakerImplant=false DisableDinoGarage=false DisableBank2Worker=false
DisableItemVerifier: If NPCTerminal isn't used, disable background worker to preserve server performance.
DisableAITweakerImplant: If AITweakerImplant isn't used, disable background dino scan for item reactivation after server restart to preserve server performance.
DisableDinoGarage: If DinoGarage isn't used, disable background dino scan for unique dino id distribution every 30 minutes to preserve server performance.
DisableBank2Worker: If Bank2 isn't used, disable background worker, for interest, currency check and archiving to preserve server performance.
Naposledy upravil Impulse; 24. dub. 2020 v 6.55