Arma 3
SU-35 Flanker E
TeTeTe3  [δημιουργός] 13 Αυγ 2016, 6:14
SU-35 Flanker E ISSUES
Please report any bugs and issues here.
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Εμφάνιση 1-15 από 57 σχόλια
Как изменить камуфляж самолёта ?
So far found bugs:
- S8 are guided rockets in mod
- None of weapons cant affect RHS vehicles
The Laser Guided Bombs dont hit the target...
When will the update come for it? :(
TeTeTe3  [δημιουργός] 12 Νοε 2016, 6:47 
There's currently no update in the making, sorry. We have not isolated the cause for the LGB miss yet.
TeTeTe3  [δημιουργός] 16 Νοε 2016, 16:48 
We have a test build now available, but it needs to be tested for the LGB accuracy. Any taker?
The LGB still does not hit, and the S-8 is still guided, i posted a video showing that in the forum. Pls fix!
TeTeTe3  [δημιουργός] 1 Μαρ 2017, 19:58 
Finally we found a fix for both problems, an update is pending currently.
The 30mm cannon, did not get any leade indicator, if you lock it on a target? Or am i missing smth.?
The F-18 has a service menu that pops up when it stands on a nimitz, hangar or Hemtt.
The Su-35 only has it when next to a hangar. And that only works with some, Chernarus hangars do not work.

This wouldnt even bother me as much if it wasnt for the fact that on some maps a Zeus-spawned Su-35 is limited to its regular loadout, which, consisting of AA missiles and 4 Agms, is pretty boring.

Am i getting something wrong? Please help.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από KING JONG; 22 Μαρ 2017, 11:26
TeTeTe3  [δημιουργός] 22 Μαρ 2017, 15:22 
WurschtBanane, what classes of vehicles and buildings should enable the SU-35 loadout menu?
I would argue that making only the Tempest rearm trigger it would be good. Because in some missions i dont want people to acess the service menu but i can not prevent it, unless i destroy all hangars.
TeTeTe3  [δημιουργός] 26 Μαρ 2017, 5:06 
I've just checked the code and the Tempest and Zamak ammo trucks should both enable the service menu. But I agree that it would be nice to make that configurable for individual missions.
Guided Missiles are not capable of guding. They just fly sraight forward like rockets.
Also, could you change the keybind E, which used to toggle the afterburn, to another key? Since for most players E has been already assigned to turning right.
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