Arma 3
Dynamic Recon Ops - Altis
baby yoda executed by the state  [developer] Jun 22, 2016 @ 12:57am
Bugs and Known Issues
Please post any bugs discovered here.
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117 Jun 22, 2016 @ 8:24pm 
nothing happens. im just a picture in the sky
baby yoda executed by the state  [developer] Jun 23, 2016 @ 2:17am 
Originally posted by escamilla117:
nothing happens. im just a picture in the sky

Hi escamilla, thanks for trying out the scenario! Are you running the mission with any factions from mods or the default Arma factions (NATO, CSAT, AAF)?
Kudlaty Jun 25, 2016 @ 4:11pm 
Hi! Are you using some AI scritps in this mission ? They seem to be quite easy to beat. Sometimes they don't react properly. For example roadblock guards most of time jjust go prone when under fire, instead of firing back and looking for me. AI's reaction to vehicles seems quite strange.I can go straight into patrol with Hunter, most of them just stare at me - only few actually trying to do anything. Did exactly same thing in editor and they tried to scatter and shoot me with GL's maybe even threw some nades.

Other thing that i found wired was insertion from air, when helo reached drop point me and my mates got kicked out from it - and that's ok, but! It was flying so fast and in AO direction that we were basically thrown straight into it :D (funny this time AI's reacted better than expected ;p )
baby yoda executed by the state  [developer] Jun 26, 2016 @ 3:13am 
Hi Kudlaty, thanks for the bug report! You're right, the roadblock and bunker guards had gotten stuck, they should engage as expected now. I haven't been able to reproduce the reaction to vehicles though, I've eaten plenty of missles and grenades while testing it out, but let me know if you're continuing to have issues there. I don't have any AI scripts running in this mission so they should always react as normal Arma units do. Have you tried bumping the difficulty setting up to 'Infantry' on the mission setup menu?
I've also modified the air insertion so be a little less weird too - you should be kicked out of the heli a little further out and the drop marker should appear closer to that actual point too.
Glad you're enjoying the mission otherwise though!
Bushcat Jun 26, 2016 @ 10:29pm 
Google wolfpack a.i 3.Its the best a.i mod out there, a mix of the best bits of other a.i mods.
I highly recommend it.You will need 7zip to extract the gz files.
Kudlaty Jun 28, 2016 @ 3:01am 
Hey, it's me again, found another issue :)
When I play mission alone and die - mission ends, then it goes back to looby and there's one slot less. If I want to play it again with all 4 characters to choose I have to go back to mission selection screen and start mission again. I choose your mission from list and click play and... nothing happens, it won't start. I need to restart game to make it work.

Other thing, would it be possible to add arsenal to helicopter? Sometimes we're starting from air at night - this just asks for some supressors.

Regarding AI issues with vehicles maybe I just got (un)lucky, sometimes they actually react well, other times they're dumb - just like you said Arma AI :D And yeah I always selected 'infatry' difficulty.
baby yoda executed by the state  [developer] Jun 28, 2016 @ 9:13am 
Hey Kudlaty, thanks for the report! I've experimented with the issue you've had in the lobby and I can't reproduce it yet - I've had some similar weirdness in the past with other missions so it might be an Arma bug. Sorry that's kind of a cop out answer but I'll keep an eye on it and see if it pops up on my end too. I believe that dying players removing a playable slot is intended though.

I'll look into adding an arsenal or inventory to the helicopter too - you're right, getting silencers on at night is pretty important.
root Jun 30, 2016 @ 10:45pm 
Hey, I just wanted to jump in here and add: Add an asernal to boats too please! My friends end up with boat missions all the freaking time and I've just resorted to running another mod that lets me get into zeus so we can load ourselves out. Not the best solution so I'd love to have one that works better with the map.

Honestly, I'm no arma-pro with hundreds of hours, but this is by far and above the best dynamic scenario I've had the pleasure of playing. It doesn't break the immersion of the game from the very start to the very end. Other dynamic scenarios I've tried have some funkyness at the start/end that break the immersion for me. Yours is excellently well done :)

EDIT: Follow up because I didn't want to double post.

So I think your scenario breaks both FHQ CombatMode and C2 Command&Control, any chance you know whats up with those two? Possibly the scripts used in the scenario?

(just for convience sake ツ)
Last edited by root; Jul 1, 2016 @ 9:52am
baby yoda executed by the state  [developer] Jul 1, 2016 @ 12:14pm 
Hey, thanks for the feedback! Yeah the boat start is meant to trigger mainly for situations where there are no valid land areas for a starting camp with the occasional chance to occur for regular ground starts too. More as preparation for Tanoa than anything else, where it'll probably be required more often. It's definitely triggering way too much at the moment though, shouldn't be a problem to adjust that.

I've got an idea for how to implement arsenals for heli and boat starts that shouldn't affect the mission flow too much so I'll implement those soon too. It's cool to hear that you're finding the immersion is kept all the way through, that was one of the aims I had when I started work on this. I also wanted to keep things as simple and quick to use as possible so that for someone without hundreds of hours in the various Arma games it's a good way to jump into a replayable mission without too much fiddling around - so it's good to hear that's working out nicely for you too.

As far as FHQ and C2 go, I haven't tried them out with this mission myself - it's a shame they're breaking with it, and someone else mentioned the same issue with MCC4 - I will look into it but I can't promise anything at this stage. Hopefully as they're all breaking that means there's a single common problem, but we'll see.
Kudlaty Jul 4, 2016 @ 4:39am 
Just got an idea about arsenal thingy. Adding arsenal everywhere could break immersion and change balance in mission (everyone going titan and heavy sniper rifles...). Would it be possible to create some preset (for whole team) loadouts that will be choosen at this mission settings screen (where you choose insertion point, AI skill etc.) ? So you give players to choose for example:
a) 'recon team' silencers, optics maybe some explosives but no launchers. Basically very light and agile infantry.
b) 'sniper team' sniper rifles, ghillies and stuff snipers should have.
c) 'assault team' heavy machine guns, grenade launchers rocket launchers, all that jazz that makes noise and throws lead at enemy :D
This way you could keep actuall really good flow of mission without thowing selection screens at player while he's already in game.

Just a rough idea that, I think, may fit this mission.
baby yoda executed by the state  [developer] Jul 4, 2016 @ 5:04am 
Hi Kudlaty, thanks for the input! I've actually updated with an arsenal start button and the arsenal is now no longer available during the mission itself, which is along the same lines as your idea. The problem with having preset loadouts on the menu is that it doesn't allow players to use weapons from mods or faction specific equipment.
The way I've done it now does mean that there are an extra couple of steps between pressing the go button and actually being in game but I think the tradeoff is just about okay. Let me know what you think of the new arsenal start if you haven't tried it already!
Kudlaty Jul 4, 2016 @ 6:06am 
Just tried out current implemenation of arsenal. Really well done! I like fact, that before you choose your weapon you can see time of day, weather and objectives. And you're right about custom weapons, I'm playing mostly vanilla weapons so I missed that ;p
Again there's one thing with air insertion. Not really a bug, but thing worth to look at. On paradrop you loose your backpack, not sure if that's intended. I may be mixing up missions but there was possibility to use parachute without loosing backpack.
Bairro Jul 6, 2016 @ 4:54am 
Hi mbrdmn, yesterday tried to play with two friends for three times :(. The scenario enters normally, but stopped in the introduction. The scenario hasn't crashed, just not leave of the initial introduction screen. In single player mode works normally, but when I leave the scenario, I have to restart the game to be able to play again (only I tried in SP mode). Sometimes the screen stays black after introduction (this happened in both SP and the MP mode).You can hear the game sounds, move, shoot etc, but the screen're black. Another question is about saving and loading the game. You can save the game, but I can't load it, and appears the message that mission failed.
Last edited by Bairro; Jul 6, 2016 @ 5:03am
baby yoda executed by the state  [developer] Jul 6, 2016 @ 7:17am 
Hi Kudlaty, yeah you'll always have your backpack replaced by a parachute on the paradrop. I'm actually considering your idea again but just for AI unit loadouts, hopefully I'm not bloating the menu with too many options though!

Hi Bairro, thanks for the feedback. Sorry it's giving you trouble, sounds like you've got a few frustrating problems there. When you say it stays black in the introduction do you mean after the menu or before you even see the menu? If you get a moment would you be able to share the RPT logs from your session with me?
CrusaderKiller Jul 6, 2016 @ 9:06am 

I was playing a scenario where I had to blow up a wreck. I did that and got credit for completing the task, and my next task was to get out of the AO to get extracted. I got my team to the map icon for that tasks, but an extraction never came. 20 minutes of real time passed along with 30 enemy casualties and still no extraction? Is there a chance it crashed? or am I doing something wrong? Thanks...great mission again man!
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