Arma 3
Dynamic Recon Ops - Altis
Machine Gun Kelly Aug 27 @ 8:23am 
@Osama Bin Laden - Provide my quotes where I said such. Otherwise be a man and apologized to all of us for your lies and false accusations.

We await to see what you do.

My bet is that you're a coward with no evidence and no apologies.

And to 'help you out' liar, I have NEVER mentioned my military service on here - EVER. Or ANYWHERE outside of 'face-to-face' with people. And VERY few at that.

So go ahead, show me 'all this bragging' I have done.

Machine Gun Kelly Aug 12 @ 2:13pm 

-rep very toxic idiot
TIBICAR 104. GB VŽ Aug 12 @ 1:06pm 
-rep very toxic mod
SMILEDOZER Jul 29 @ 12:55pm 
nvm i yeeted a MAAWS at it, did the job. great scenario.
SMILEDOZER Jul 29 @ 12:39pm 
How do you disarm the IED's on Disarm missions?
Machine Gun Kelly Jul 23 @ 9:16am 
@Chuck McDanger - LOL! :)

That would be a slight issue... ;)

Thanks for being honest enough to come back and letting us know!

Believe it or not, the small things that we do unbeknownst to us, do not lie about who we are...coming back shows character...

Chuck McDanger Jul 22 @ 11:54am 
oh no it was a complete miscommunication and he was using dynamic COMBAT ops lmao thanks for the reply though
Machine Gun Kelly Jul 22 @ 9:48am 
@Chuck McDanger - VERY little details on things to answer properly.

3 things DO come to mind:

#1 - He is using a modified mission.

#2 - He is cheating (I can do what he is doing with my menu as an example - no big deal).

#3 - He is using scripts and 'dropping' to the console and running the 'cheat scripts' there.

Without a LOT OF DETAILS, this is about all I can say.

Chuck McDanger Jul 19 @ 2:43pm 
my buddy can load in like, tons of squadmates and like 8 vehicles, and i can only load in 8 and two vehicles, does anyone know whats up with that?
Machine Gun Kelly Jul 19 @ 10:56am 
@J-Money - Do it YOURSELF!

Also, QUIT BEING LAZY! If you have bothered to check 2 or 3 pages BACK, you would have seen YOUR ANSWER ON HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN MISSIONS!

Lazy people never get anywhere in life. ;)

Hard work ALWAYS pays off!

You want us to GIVE YOU your answer when you can not even click a button 2 times! Really?

Grow-up, act responsible, and work hard.

J-Money Jul 16 @ 1:01pm 
Machine Gun Kelly Jul 7 @ 11:35am 
@Skrull - I run this mission along with ARMA and 220+ mods (major ones) and I have no issues.

Most 'normal' mods should work fine. I would 'keep an eye' on ANY mod that modifies ANY AI behavior/action.

'AI Mods' with such missions as this one, CAN cause the mission to FAIL.

Any other type of mod and you should be fine!

Skrull Jul 6 @ 7:29pm 
Which mods are compatible?
Machine Gun Kelly Jul 2 @ 5:25pm 
@SempeR - One of the last steps is to pick your 2 starting vehicles.

Do not know what more can be said.

SempeR Jul 1 @ 6:17pm 
where i can get a car or etc. becouse i need to run all that km on my 2s
Machine Gun Kelly Jun 22 @ 1:58pm 
@Kote - Subscribe and try!

Kote Jun 21 @ 7:19am 
I'm interested...Can I use zombies as civilians?
Machine Gun Kelly Jun 18 @ 3:21pm 
@Nightwolf2112 - hahahahahaahaha and YES, that WILL make a difference! Stupid ARMA! ;)

WEST <> West <> west <> wEST <> etc.


ARMA returns the names of "WEST" and "EAST", as well as EXPECTS THIS. And if your config did NOT have it listed EXACTLY as this, it WILL FAIL.

Scripts will too.

This is true for ALL programming languages as well. This same thing would have even happened if this was an Excel spreadsheet.

What I do, at times, in ARMA, is to 'get the name', then remove all spaces before and after the text, then convert the text to lower case. This 'step' eliminates what you happened to you. As well as providing a CONSISTENT 'answer' for ALL text. i.e. - All text will be in lower case.

I always try to 'qualify' the input myself.

It is a pain, but "xyz" does NOT equal "XYZ".... ;)

A = 65
a = 97

(ASCII Values)

Thanks for the update! Good job!

Nightwolf2112 Jun 18 @ 8:32am 
lol i did notice that in the group configs that i had West instead of WEST

but otherwise format was the only difference i could tell. additionally, i had different subeditorcategories defined which are different than what is used by the vanilla groups, but i honestly couldn't see a full reason why.
Machine Gun Kelly Jun 18 @ 7:01am 
@Nightwolf2112 - Thank you for letting me know it works. Never used it myself, I have heard nothing but good and ZERO issues using it either, so I am glad its working for ya! :)

If your CURIOUS, you could compare the 'old configs' with the ORBAT configs and see what the difference there is...for there IS one! ;)

I am glad you got it going though!

Let the Blasters start blasting!

Nightwolf2112 Jun 18 @ 12:08am 
@MG Kelly, yea looks like going through the ALIVE ORBAT is fixing the major issue. I've tested it on a star wars faction of mine while I waiting for approval to update the New Model Army faction... particularly since that's the one most people are asking for assistance with.

just wanted to give you an update and provide those who have the same experience as I a solution. Thanks again mate
Nightwolf2112 Jun 16 @ 8:04pm 
hmm... likely it's the second option as my configs were written per the biki and also making various faction compats over the years, so i'm not sure why i'm only now finding this issue.

thankfully with the alive orbat manager i'm able to import the units i've already made and just rebuild the groups themselves and force the faction to be set as BLU/OPF.

but i appreciate the feedback and tips :lunar2020confidentrooster:
Machine Gun Kelly Jun 16 @ 7:54pm 
@Nightwolf2112 - As someone who has been with the series since OFP, NOTHING in ARMA is easy... ;)

BUT, that is also what makes it so 'flexible' too... :)

JUST based on what I have OBSERVED over 23+ years, is, it is one of three things:

1 - It is not 'crafted' per 'ARMA' rules.

2 - You are missing expected 'default' squad configs.

3 - Both '1' and '2'.

IF I remember correctly, and I am going to use SILLY EXAMPLES:

With v.01 of ARMA up v0.99, the used 'unit config format 1.0'. WITH AND AFTER ARMA v1.0, they switched to 'unit config format 2.0'. They DID announce this. As my modding is scripting and not unit configs, I paid little attention to this. And the was a few years ago too.

Do note, if it is one of the above, OTHER mods MAY also have an 'issue' as well...

Good luck!

Nightwolf2112 Jun 16 @ 12:05pm 
hmmm sounds like this is going to be more of a pain in the ass than anything. i even tried some of the star wars faction mods i have and none of them are showing either and i literally copied the basic NATO faction system for all the groups and units for them.

i'll check out the alive orbat thing as well, but honestly if its going to require me to do an extra 10 hours of work on just one faction, then it's not worth it to me. while i understand that is kinda a kick in the balls for other players who want it, i've got other things on my plate that take more priority and i'm not interesting in putting in more effort on something that i don't get any personal use out of
Machine Gun Kelly Jun 16 @ 7:10am 
@Nightwolf2112 - ONE thing that MIGHT be the issue as HOW they are configured...for example, DRO may be looking for a squad config of 5 men, you only created a 4 man squad, so it will never show in DRO, as the configs DRO is looking for do NOT exist in your config file.

Also, you may have 'created it' wrong too.

Though I have never used it, you could create/verify your work by using ALiVE's ?Orbit? mod.

Bout all I can think of...

Good luck!

Nightwolf2112 Jun 15 @ 10:24pm 
Heyo, so i'm trying to troubleshoot a lot of complaints i'm getting on the New Model Army (2020-2025)

The complaint is that no one can see any of the two factions that i have made for it (US Army 2020 and US Army 2025). The units are set to have "side=1" and are using the base blufor units.

The faction codes are US_2020_OCP and US_2025_OCP

I've check out the missions and i'm looking at the Units, Vehicles, and Group configs and don't see any reason as to why they don't appear in either DRO or DCO.

Any suggestions as to why they wouldn't show up? Is it something that I need to fix in my configs or is there sometheing else causing the factions from appearing?
METAL BEER SOLID May 21 @ 6:55pm 
Anyone else have a problem where they can't respawn if they are the host? when hosting it on my pc. It takes me to the respawn screen but my cursor isn't there to select respawn and I can't escape/abort mission either. I have to completely restart arma. Everyone in my server can respawn without issue except me. Its consistent as well. Everytime we play its the same.
Machine Gun Kelly May 11 @ 12:38pm 
@Weynøøb - Only the dev can give the BEST answer, HOWEVER, I do not think there is a 'default' way from doing this, as that 'group' has winter and non-winter gear.

BUT, there IS a way and it WILL require a tad of scripting, which most you can find 99% already written for you (ie - cut-n-paste).

#1 - find out those class name of units you do not want, the WILL have a 'prefix/special' classname. example: CUP-USARMY-WINTER...

#2 - Un-PBO DRO, find the START of the spawn script. When unit is picked, at THAT time, compare script string to YOUR 'white list'. It fails? Loop again and pick another till it IS right! (no unit with the MATCHING text of "CUP-USARMY-WINTER" will be spawned. Re-PBO and done!

Note: Doing #2 will prevent you from playing DRO on almost every public server!

It is really not that hard to exclude such, AND you can also 'port' your fix to OTHER mods as well!

Good luck!

Weynøøb May 11 @ 12:04pm 
Hi. Is there a way to choose which a special variant camo for the hostile faction? Like I'm using CUP while I'm playing DRO, and somethimes the enemies are dressed in snow camo, but I'm playing on a non-snowy map (Altis for example). Thank you in advance :lunar2020contentsnake:
Aleksowiec Apr 22 @ 8:56am 
Machine Gun Kelly Apr 8 @ 9:14am 
@Bento - At some point in time, I put in here how to do such.

It is basically this:

#1 - Copy ALL 'things' on original map and paste on to your NEW map - save
#2 - Copy ALL files/folders from the original mission folder into the NEW mission folder.


Copy everything BUT that file!

#3 - Open new map and 'place' all items you copied over in 1st step.

#4 - Save.

#5 - Play! (Done)


Bento Apr 8 @ 1:11am 
Hi, how can i port this mission to a new map? Thank you!
budgetcommander Apr 2 @ 1:21pm 
Is there any way for me to limit the vehicles a faction uses? I've seen them drive around towing tractors.
Machine Gun Kelly Feb 24 @ 11:08am 
@karl_hungus - You're welcome!

Good luck with it!

karl_hungus Feb 24 @ 3:35am 
Thank you guys! I'll give these options a go. Loving the scenarios.
Machine Gun Kelly Feb 23 @ 9:12am 
@karl_hungus - What @WYR3 states is probably your best option. As it has been a while since I played this mission, there is a POTENTIAL WORK-AROUND. I had to use this for some other mission which did had the same issue.

You can use my mod and do the following:

'Look' at it and select the 'destroy' option


Call in artillery on top of it to blow it up.

One of these MIGHT work.

Get my mod and give it a try! Either it will work or it will not!


Good luck!

WYR3 Feb 22 @ 4:13pm 
@karl_hungus some of the missions (like sabotage) are buggy, id recommend sticking to HVT, destroy cache, destroy vehicle, and clear mines.
Operator_B3AR Feb 22 @ 3:44pm 
Burger king 👍
karl_hungus Feb 22 @ 8:00am 
How do you sabotage/disable a power transformer? No actions pop up when I get close to it. Thank you!
WYR3 Jan 21 @ 12:59am 
ive struggled to load up DRO for rotary ops, though i think there is one called "HAWKS| dynamic air ops" that you would enjoy.
saintbrutal Jan 20 @ 3:49pm 
is DRO possible to purely play from a pilot perspective? doing mostly rotary ops like providing cas, transport, csar, logistic, etc?
twizzy Jan 13 @ 3:48am 
respawns on mp are somehow disabled even though i didnt change any settings???
hunter Jan 8 @ 12:00pm 
does anyone know if you can edit the files to use groups instead of factions? I'm trying to play with webknight's droid mod and noticed it doesn't show up, so I just wanted to know if there was a way to edit the files to use groups
Machine Gun Kelly Jan 6 @ 10:21am 
@WYR3 - We are on the 'same page'! ;)

I just did not want a 'general comment' which you made be taken wrong by someone else: "He said the no mods should mess this up!"

You were making a 'general statement' and for those that 'know' about ARMA, understands EXACTLY what you meant.

My concern is for those who are 'new' and do NOT know the 'ins and outs' of ARMA modding. I did not want someone to be 'chasing a rainbow' - for they are not real. Thinking that NO MODS can 'mess up' this mission.

As I said, we are on the 'same page'; I just wished to 'clarify' things better for any new we do not know everything nor who knows what either. I rather err on the 'side of safety' and clarify, than let someone 'make mistakes' when I could have prevented them from ever happening by giving accurate information at the start versus generalities.

(Generalities = Assumptions) = Issues/Problems

WYR3 Jan 4 @ 10:48am 
thats true, but most faction mods vehicle mods map mods ( with the dro files) should work. if you try to run conflicting mission mods you may run into conflicts
Machine Gun Kelly Jan 4 @ 9:17am 
@Fiberish - NORMALLY USED MODS (i.e., normal like CBA, ACE, RHS, CUP) will not cause an issue with this mission. And @WYR3, you know better! Mods CAN 'trash' missions! ;)

Too many to list (mods), I know, it is still true though!

WYR3 Jan 4 @ 5:36am 
mods should not mess this up
Fiberish Jan 3 @ 6:28pm 
will mods mess this up?
WYR3 Jan 1 @ 9:29pm 
when I successful hosted multiple maps with friends, I used Port forwarding. I went to the multiplayer tab at the menu, went to server browser. Then selected "host server". select internet where Lan is the default. Check the UPNP box. Add a password. Then send a steam invitation to your friends in the server lobby once the server is ready. @AP-RoyalOak
AP-RoyalOak Dec 31, 2023 @ 7:08pm 
Singeplayer works fine but when i try to host it on a server im stuck in a infinite Intro loading screen.