ST: New Horizons
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G-Man  [розробник] 14 черв. 2020 о 15:37
Download STNH from Git:
A Legacy for a Community…

It may have missed your attention, but ST:NH has completed its 4th birthday. This means the mod is now one of the old rabbits, but not yet one of the old iron.

For this year we have come up with something very special, a wish the community has already wanted from the beginning, 4 years ago. For a long time we didn’t have a chance, because steam exclusivity was mandatory. But now we have a solution in accordance with the paradox rules, which allows us to make the ST: New Horizons mod available for download outside of Steam. But not only that. It was important to us to leave a Legacy for the people involved and for the ST:NH project itself.

So we made all relevant milestones of the mod freely available on Gitlab and in memory of those years, we gave everyone involved the opportunity to share some thoughts about it.

It was a great time. But when you see all the other projects that have come out of this one, I look forward to seeing new legacies presented soon.

So now everyone pay tribute to the voices of the mod and have fun with the all versions in this new Legacy – that will always be up to date with Steam.
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Показані коментарі 16 із 6
I'm new to stellaris modding and being able to have a look into the code really helped me understand how this works, so first of all thanks! I started to make some minor modifications, but then noticed that the license states
-You may not re-distribute, re-host, share, alone or as part of a bigger package Star Trek:New Horizons for any commercial or non-commercial purposes unless given written consent by Paradoxical Development Group. -You may not reverse-engineer, modify or makes any change to Star Trek:New Horizons.
I read this as "The community outside of the dev team is not allowed to make any changes to the mod files locally, let alone create a fork or submod, without prior consent". Is this correct? If yes, I'd suggest to make this message stick out more, since at least for me not being allowed to make changes even locally seems quite unusual for projects hosted with "open" source.
G-Man  [розробник] 2 трав. 2021 о 0:36 
Цитата допису Darmok: this as "The community outside of the dev team is not allowed to make any changes to the mod files locally, let alone create a fork or submod, without prior consent". Is this correct? If yes, I'd suggest to make this message stick out more, since at least for me not being allowed to make changes even locally seems quite unusual for projects hosted with "open" source.

not sure if u get answer so far, but this is common sense, that u not take and provide for third parties without permission of the original creator.
but this "discussion" is also common, new creators always find out at some point that its not allowed but its still free.

free it is bcs WE ARE MAKE IT FOR FREE but we do not cede our rights!
alternative we could make it behind an paywall (patreon a.e.)

a price dont clear the rights, no, a lizence file do it, thats why we have it.

as u was new, i unterstand the lack of knowledge, and i apreciate u was intrested and asked.
but the answer dont change the reality,

dont take assets of pdg without permission, permission is possible, just need to ask for.
Thanks for the answer, I hope you didn't get me wrong, it was never my intention to re-distribute or steal assets from ST:NH. The thing is just when going through the code, I noticed some bugs (which I reported in the bug thread already) and fixed them locally by modifying the mod files on my PC. Strictly going by the text in the license file, this would not be not allowed ("You may not [...] make any change to Star Trek:New Horizons"), which from your answer, I assume is correct.
G-Man  [розробник] 3 трав. 2021 о 10:21 
local u can change and edit whatever u want.
as i ment, the uploading is the case where u need the permission for.

btw, if u find bugs and u can debug it, just throw the fixed file with description in discord that we can implement it ;)
Sure! It was regarding the previous release, but if I happen to find time digging into it and spot something in the current one, I know what to do now :-)
It looks like the gitlab repo hasn't been updated for a while, would it be possible to get at least the "NHV 2104 Scorpio Expansion - (a67e58)" version released there please? I was in the middle of a game when the new 3.3 update dropped and I'd like to continue as it was rather than try and sort out all the unity changes 3.3 brought.
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Показані коментарі 16 із 6
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