Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Divide et Impera Part 1
Carthage is just ridiculous.
I can't be the only one that has to deal with carthage declaring war within a handful of turns, having infinite armies, no attrition with troops on the ocean, and no ability to make peace.
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Nikut 30 nov. 2023 à 13h09 
You´re not alone.
But I was lucky. I managed to conquer Corisca et Sardinia and he did not invade me anymore.

But the war is ongoing ever since and I can´t do ♥♥♥♥ bc the German tribes all declared war on my out of nothing:Dossenus:
Nikut a écrit :
You´re not alone.
But I was lucky. I managed to conquer Corisca et Sardinia and he did not invade me anymore.

But the war is ongoing ever since and I can´t do ♥♥♥♥ bc the German tribes all declared war on my out of nothing:Dossenus:
exactly! it becomes impossible to progress because carthage has unlimited resources and manpower.
Had the same experience, it seemed like a bug. The 1st Punic War is 264BC and the game had Carthage declaring war on me as Rome 274BC or a full 10 years ahead. I went to the discord and one of the devs replied that is'a feature not a bug; to just cheese the AI; this mod isn't "that" historical; and was incredibly condescending. That left a bad taste in my mouth, won't be playing this anymore.
razelazz a écrit :
Had the same experience, it seemed like a bug. The 1st Punic War is 264BC and the game had Carthage declaring war on me as Rome 274BC or a full 10 years ahead. I went to the discord and one of the devs replied that is'a feature not a bug; to just cheese the AI; this mod isn't "that" historical; and was incredibly condescending. That left a bad taste in my mouth, won't be playing this anymore.
It's kinda hard to cheese the ai for Carthage when I have to cheese the entire rest of the map in a short time frame just to stand a chance.
natknut a écrit :
razelazz a écrit :
Had the same experience, it seemed like a bug. The 1st Punic War is 264BC and the game had Carthage declaring war on me as Rome 274BC or a full 10 years ahead. I went to the discord and one of the devs replied that is'a feature not a bug; to just cheese the AI; this mod isn't "that" historical; and was incredibly condescending. That left a bad taste in my mouth, won't be playing this anymore.
It's kinda hard to cheese the ai for Carthage when I have to cheese the entire rest of the map in a short time frame just to stand a chance.

It's certainly possible, but personally speaking, cheesing the AI is seriously immersion breaking and basically boils down to the same solution as in vanilla but more grindy.
There's a couple of reasons it works like it does, sorry for the wall of text:

The AI is incapable of understanding the supply system, it CANNOT properly supply it's fleets. If they were affected by it they would just keep sending fleets into the oceans to perish. Modders can't fix it as I understand it, as the mechanics that lie behind the decisions of the army/fleet movements are hardcoded/private/protected code, courtesy of the game developers at Creative Assembly; so you can't change their fleet to go back to port to replenish supplies in time, and you can't make sure they have a fleet with supply ship nearby their transport armies to avoid attrition of the land units. So either they only make the supply system affect the player or don't use supply systems at all. I like they supply system because it is a challenge for me to overcome. With proper strategy and decision making it's absolutely more than possible to overcome them and still destroy the AI. I think there are submods that remove the supply systems though, so you may want to look at that. It's going to make the game much easier however so perhaps you need to up the difficulty to offset that.

The reason you cant make peace with Carthage is deliberately setup like that by the mod devs to mimic the ancient history of the many wars and battles between Rome and Carthage. A main ambition of the devs is attempting to reach as much historical accuracy as possible. The reason Carthage sends so many armies against you is because it is really one of the only ways to an enemy faction can present an actual challenge for the player. The game is called Rome after all and one of the most iconic events and periods in Romes early history is the struggles and conflict with Carthage, so I think it is fitting that this is one of the great challenges for the player as one of these two factions. There is also not really not much else that can be done to make Carthage a serious threat to Rome. If they didn't have all these armies to fling at you, what else could they do to threaten Rome? Better strategic movement of armies and fleets and conquest? Not possible due to the game engine limitations. Better tactical decisions and use of units in battles? Not really possible either due to engine limitations. Although you CAN do something about that yourself, you just need to edit the savegame file with an editor to allow 41 units in armies. You'll start a new campaign save it, then exit the game and edit the file, then load up the game and the campaign. Now both you and the AI can load 41 units into one army. With that many units in an army the AI will almost by magic be noticeably better at making tactical decisions for units in battles. For example you should see less of those suicidal AI cavalry frontal charges headlong into your prepared phalanx units in narrow city streets. You may want to lower the size of each unit though due to otherwise resulting in much larger max number of soldiers in battles and problems with FPS performance. A benefit of this lower unit size can also be somewhat better unit handling in sieges, on ladders and on walls as.

When exactly Carthage declares war on you can vary depending on your actions as Rome. If you move armies into Sicily that should guarantee war with Carthage, which is in line with ancient history. Both Rome and Carthage wanted Sicily, they were both hungry for power and domination over the Mediterranean and Sicily was absolutely the key to that. If Rome stays out of Sicily you can enjoy a period of peace with Carthage, but once they have conquered Syracuse they'll naturally feel confident that they are the ones to have the upper hand and will seek to end the Romans while they have the chance. Do you think it sounds unrealistic or unexpected if Carthage would act the same way if Rome in real life would have let Carthage take Sicily? Im convinced the Carthaginians would not have let Rome alone.

The reasons everyone declares war on you is most likely because you did not spend enough effort in diplomacy with the different factions, so you have few friends. And without friends you have no one to help you if someone declares war on you. If you are in a war you become weaker by definition but even more so if your enemy is powerful. And so because you appear more weak by this major war this can then lead to more factions declaring war against you, because they just want your lands and loot and they are exploiting your weaker position due to that war. And now you are embroiled in a second war you appear even MORE weak, and the evil circle of war declarations has begun. This is also pretty realistic in my opinion. Everyone wants to take a bite of the weak because the risk is much less. The solution is so make an axis of friends that have common enemies. As Rome I like to endear myself to the Greeks: Athens, Sparta, Rhodes, Massalia, Ptolemaioi, Knossos. But not Epiros, Macedon or Seleucids. Usually Athens will revolt against their Macedon masters so as soon as Athens goes to war against Macedon you should support Athens and make sure they win, but usually they'll win by themselves without your help. You can satrapy Epirus once you take their final city and they'll provide a nice little alliance and threat against Carthage; just be wary of asking asking them to support you if you are declared war on by someone as they can refuse if they dont like you enough and this will result in war (so untick the request for support from Epirus in the war support popup).

With most of the strong nearby Greek world united on your side you'll be able to pull them into wars against your enemies, such as carthage. Although in the beginning you may have to spend considerable amounts of money to convince each faction to join a war. But each time you do so is a major diplomatic victory for you. It can be easier to convince your friends to join wars against smaller weaker nations, so that is an idea to begin with and that will endear you to them now that you have common war enemy, even if that enemy is just a small pathetic no-friends faction far away that doesn't actually pose any real threat. And it WILL contribute to increased protections from war declarations from upstart barbarians and the like. Also consider joining some wars of your friends to achieve better friendship with them, as long as it is not inopportune for you to do so, and you'll just have to evaluate the pros and ♥♥♥♥ each time.
Dernière modification de DoktorFar; 15 déc. 2023 à 12h47
kam2150  [dév.] 15 déc. 2023 à 13h59 
razelazz a écrit :
Had the same experience, it seemed like a bug. The 1st Punic War is 264BC and the game had Carthage declaring war on me as Rome 274BC or a full 10 years ahead. I went to the discord and one of the devs replied that is'a feature not a bug; to just cheese the AI; this mod isn't "that" historical; and was incredibly condescending. That left a bad taste in my mouth, won't be playing this anymore.

You replies were without any understanding how modding works too, as well as having some wrong assumptions on what being historical even means, and you decided to quit the server without reading my reply, where all reasons where explained. And no, cheesing is not required at all but again, you decided to leave yourself out of conversation before taking time to read my response.

Here is copy paste to your last post and my reply there:
razzello — Wczoraj o 23:55
I thought the mod had some historical accuracy where I wouldn't face Carthage until around 260BC. At first I thought this was a bug but apparently this is a feature not a bug. I've heard that before.

If your advice is to cheese the ♥♥♥♥ out of the AI, then clearly this mod isn't for me. And if you're going to just insult someone looking for honest answers then clearly this community isn't for me either.

KAM 2150 — Wczoraj o 23:55
there is accuracy
but dont expect stuff to happen on exact year
A) because its not how AI behavior works
B) it would be quite bad and also not historical either
reason why certain events happened was a result of actions that happened around that time
if we would use historical dates for most stuff, we would not have most of military reforms
for example Rome did not reform its army later on because it was doing good
it was forced to reform because everything was turning to ♥♥♥♥
so they had to make changes but what incentive would they have if they havent faced any setbacks
same reason why Hellenic armies would adopt Roman style troops if not for being dealt
and all of that is how our Punic War script works
it does not happen due to year ticking on the clock
but due to events that make it happen
in this case one or the other side controling Sicily several defats by Romans before
Dernière modification de kam2150; 15 déc. 2023 à 14h13
razelazz a écrit :
natknut a écrit :
It's kinda hard to cheese the ai for Carthage when I have to cheese the entire rest of the map in a short time frame just to stand a chance.

It's certainly possible, but personally speaking, cheesing the AI is seriously immersion breaking and basically boils down to the same solution as in vanilla but more grindy.
exactly. Usually I only survived if syracuse somehow became immortal
Defeat Carthage by going through its backdoor: Spain. In the meantime build up your fleets and protect Sicily. Most of Carthage's troops will be trying to take it back or defend C+S, so march through Massilia, Volcae (I think), and the south until you hit them in the rear.

Thereafter it's just a process of marching into Africa.

It's the strategic equivalent of the hammer and anvil battlefield tactic.
K. Marx a écrit :
Defeat Carthage by going through its backdoor: Spain. In the meantime build up your fleets and protect Sicily. Most of Carthage's troops will be trying to take it back or defend C+S, so march through Massilia, Volcae (I think), and the south until you hit them in the rear.

Thereafter it's just a process of marching into Africa.

It's the strategic equivalent of the hammer and anvil battlefield tactic.
Yeah, the problem with that is that carthage still has INFINITE RESOURCES AND MANPOWER! By the time I get to spain they have five armies attacking one province.
Usually the best strategy for Rome is to just cross the short distance over the strait of Sicily. You don't even necessarily strictly need a navy fleet to accompany it because the distance is so short you should be able to land on the shores of Africa in the next turn and only suffer 10% losses to attrition, but there is a risk of an unspotted Carthaginian navy appearing from afar which would be able to take out a huge number of your transports, so best is to at least have a moderately sized navy for defense, include supply ships and avoid some attrition too. So mass your armies in south western Sicily, which should be easy as you are probably already massing armies there to defend against Carthages continual invasions. Then right after you defeated one of their invasion waves you counter attack immediately and move over the straight. once you take Cart Hadasht they're done.
And THIS is why I run the Alternative campaign experience and the morale/routing submod. Between tactics that actually work and a campaign that isn't an unfair grindfest I can actually have fun.
Ragnarok a écrit :
And THIS is why I run the Alternative campaign experience and the morale/routing submod. Between tactics that actually work and a campaign that isn't an unfair grindfest I can actually have fun.
Did not know that was an option, got a link to the campaign?
I assume people are talking about playing as Rome, yet I didn't see that Carthage has infinite troops. In my case Carthage keeps sending troops to Sicily yet it's easy to win landing defense battle so it doesn't bother me too much. Does it happen under legendary difficulty? And I guess there's a up limit on how many troops can be pulled into a hand operated battle?
Prisci1la a écrit :
In my case Carthage keeps sending troops to Sicily yet it's easy to win landing defense battle so it doesn't bother me too much.

It's a great source of slaves, loot and xp.
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