Black Mesa

Black Mesa

Black Mesa: Blue Shift
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Cyvo  [developer] Jan 5, 2024 @ 7:09am
General Feedback and Bug reporting
Having a great time enjoying Black Mesa: Blue Shift?
Or was it the worst gameplay experience ever for you?

Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback here!

Just a short aspect when it comes to bug reporting, please be fair, polite and precise in your bug description.

A typical example of a bad and counterproductive bug report is:
"Hello. I've found a bug in Chapter 3. Please fix! Thanks!"
Please remember that not all bugs can be fully reproduced on our side. That's why we need proper descriptions and information.

When posting bugs please post:
  • Your system specs (OS, GPU, RAM, CPU, Resolution Settings)
  • If you are running Blue Shift with any kind of mods / 3rd Party Content (NOT RECOMMENDED)
  • If you have any performance hungry processes in the background (Streaming / Recording Software or multiple Social Media clients)
  • A detailed description of the location where the bug can be found
  • A detailed description of the issue you've encountered
  • If the issue is reproductive
  • If you recently upgraded your OS or any drivers. (Usually important when having sound issues or music not playing)
  • Videos or Screenshots (Not required but it helps us a lot with debugging)
Last edited by Cyvo; Jun 19, 2024 @ 11:53pm
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Showing 1-15 of 164 comments
spice_ Dec 11, 2022 @ 1:02pm 
Chapter 4 quick feedback.

Just finished chapter 4, here are some things that I encountered:

-the first red door that you must blow up didn't blow up for me (rocket was disappearing)
-combat sequences are generally very difficult (soldiers have perfect aim from 500 yards while you barely see them behind all this geometry)
-gamma and brightness settings make stuff very hard to see in shadows (too dark)
-the last train puzzle (where u backtrack) is a chore and not enjoyable
-guards that follow you occasionally get stuck in the level geometry
DzieX Dec 11, 2022 @ 1:52pm 
I had other issue - vent in container didn't want to open.
Zarking Fardwarks Dec 11, 2022 @ 2:31pm 
Maybe I'm being thick or doing something wrong but the game keeps minimizing to taskbar when trying to start? Any help much appreciated as absolutely loving this so far!
Doc Tear Popper Dec 11, 2022 @ 4:59pm 
I agree with the combat sequences and the last train puzzle. There are just too many marines that this mod throws at you throughout the chapter. The snipers are really annoying to fight and the extra tank after you meet Rosenberg just made me turn on god mode because I was so done. There's another cable puzzle in the teleportation labs and at that point I was just like "♥♥♥♥ it" and quit the game
高橋HO Dec 11, 2022 @ 5:49pm 
When the game progressed to the outdoor environment of the third chapter, the FPS dropped significantly.
finlandslim Dec 12, 2022 @ 1:25am 
I loved all the puzzles, especially involving trains. The marine fights were a walk in the park and fun. Obvious bugs like NPCs stucking should be fixed.

One suggestion I could give is maybe lower the intensity of sun. There were sections where you couldn't see where you shoot because the sun was to big and bright.
spice_ Dec 12, 2022 @ 5:42am 
Originally posted by Cuttrogue:
I loved all the puzzles, especially involving trains. The marine fights were a walk in the park and fun. Obvious bugs like NPCs stucking should be fixed.

One suggestion I could give is maybe lower the intensity of sun. There were sections where you couldn't see where you shoot because the sun was to big and bright.

Like man, there is this sequence where you charge through a train line with train moving, and grunts are placed on top of the brigde. I literally need a microscope to see them they are so small. Besides the ONLY long range weapons you are given is the revolver, and even that takes 2 shots to kill from this distance. While they hit you with every bullet, just nuts.
rosenberg could get soft locked when the entire team goes thru the basement (he can get stuck on rony)

also i lost all chumtoad progress after i left him at the proto labs door, he just vanished when the team arrived
Lighttyy Dec 12, 2022 @ 11:22am 
For me the enemy encounters were very easy and enjoyable, i haven't died even once but i must agree on the last train puzzle. It was very boring and not fun.
Originally posted by ZAVOD:
Originally posted by Cuttrogue:
I loved all the puzzles, especially involving trains. The marine fights were a walk in the park and fun. Obvious bugs like NPCs stucking should be fixed.

One suggestion I could give is maybe lower the intensity of sun. There were sections where you couldn't see where you shoot because the sun was to big and bright.

Like man, there is this sequence where you charge through a train line with train moving, and grunts are placed on top of the brigde. I literally need a microscope to see them they are so small. Besides the ONLY long range weapons you are given is the revolver, and even that takes 2 shots to kill from this distance. While they hit you with every bullet, just nuts.
bridge marines are right next to a bunch of explosive barrels. The smg can also kinda take them out even from a distance, I certainly didn't run out of ammo using that strategy. Revolver only needs one headshot, which is easy because the bridge is always exposed and they start standing still when they fire at you.
spice_ Dec 12, 2022 @ 5:06pm 
Originally posted by Kleiner's final Form:
Originally posted by ZAVOD:

Like man, there is this sequence where you charge through a train line with train moving, and grunts are placed on top of the brigde. I literally need a microscope to see them they are so small. Besides the ONLY long range weapons you are given is the revolver, and even that takes 2 shots to kill from this distance. While they hit you with every bullet, just nuts.
bridge marines are right next to a bunch of explosive barrels. The smg can also kinda take them out even from a distance, I certainly didn't run out of ammo using that strategy. Revolver only needs one headshot, which is easy because the bridge is always exposed and they start standing still when they fire at you.

I completely understand and your strategy is indeed what the dev had in their mind (I think), but grunt AI is a bit wonky so they sometimes do not run close to the red barrels and just stand where they spawn. There are plenty of unfair combat sequences in this Chapter that for sure require tuning (tank and APC battles, fights when you drive train on the last puzzle are the most obvious examples).
Last edited by spice_; Dec 12, 2022 @ 5:07pm
Originally posted by ZAVOD:
Originally posted by Kleiner's final Form:
bridge marines are right next to a bunch of explosive barrels. The smg can also kinda take them out even from a distance, I certainly didn't run out of ammo using that strategy. Revolver only needs one headshot, which is easy because the bridge is always exposed and they start standing still when they fire at you.

I completely understand and your strategy is indeed what the dev had in their mind (I think), but grunt AI is a bit wonky so they sometimes do not run close to the red barrels and just stand where they spawn. There are plenty of unfair combat sequences in this Chapter that for sure require tuning (tank and APC battles, fights when you drive train on the last puzzle are the most obvious examples).
The APC battle doesnt need adjusting, it literally cant keep up with you you as long as you keep circling it in a way that minimizes how much perpendicular movement you have to the gun. The tank works the same way, but wants you to specifically walk back and forth on the train platform between two rocket crates.
I'm figuring the problem that makes you think it's unfair is that the strategy isn't really telegraphed. Happened to me too, my first try I ended up behind the tank, thinking that you could outstrafe the machine gun. That was my only softlock across the entire game.
JeffMakesGames Dec 13, 2022 @ 12:20am 
First time playing the mod and... yeah, it's awesome. There's just a few instances where I did have to look at a video to figure out where to go or what to do.
tameleopard Dec 13, 2022 @ 1:23pm 
I can't seem to get Rosenburg to boost me up out of the container. When I hit E, his head moves but nothing happens. Is this a bug?
DuffPaddy Dec 14, 2022 @ 4:03am 
Originally posted by tameleopard:
I can't seem to get Rosenburg to boost me up out of the container. When I hit E, his head moves but nothing happens. Is this a bug?
Same here. Rosenberg lifts me up OK, but nothing in the world will open that vent. I've tried use, jump, fire, hit with crowbar, but the damn thing won't budge whatever I do.
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