Black Mesa

Black Mesa

24,434 ratings
Black Mesa: Blue Shift
File Size
13.103 GB
Mar 14, 2021 @ 7:38am
Nov 17, 2024 @ 6:36am
14 Change Notes ( view )

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Black Mesa: Blue Shift


The fifth chapter of the Half-Life: Blue Shift remake, Focal Point, is now released!

Relive the Black Mesa Incident as Gordon Freeman's best friend - Barney Calhoun!

Make sure you set the reflections on maximum setting for the model/NPC reflections on some floors!

Installation via "bshift_install.bat":

-Subscribe to the mod in Workshop and wait for it to download.
-Go to your Library, click right mouse button on Black Mesa, go to "Manage" and click on "Browse local files";
-Go from current directory ("steamapps/common/Black Mesa" up to the "steamapps" folder;
-From this directory, go to "workshop/content/362890/2424633574";
-Once you locate the mod files, double click on "bshift_install.bat" and follow what it says.

Installation via symbolic link:

Important: This method may not work on various versions of Windows.
Important: If you already have an active "bshift" folder in Black Mesa root directory, you have to delete it or otherwise the symbolic link might fail to create!

-Go to "*/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/362890/2424633574";
-Launch the "bshift_gamelink.bat" as administrator;
-Check, if the symbolic link "bshift" has been created in the Black Mesa root directory ("*/Steam/steamapps/Common/Black Mesa");

Installation via file browser (If previous methods didn't work):

Important: Delete the old "bshift" folder from the Black Mesa root directory before copying the new one or you'll face some issues.

-Go to "*/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/362890/2424633574";
-Copy the "bshift" folder and the .bat files into your Black Mesa root directory ("*/Steam/steamapps/Common/Black Mesa");
-Proceed to the launch instructions.

Important: You will have to do this again each time a new version is released since Steam will only Update your workshop folder!

Launch via Desktop Shortcuts (If used the "bshift_install.bat" Method):

-Launch the game via "Black Mesa: Blue Shift" or "Black Mesa: Blue Shift (Old UI)" shortcut on your Desktop. This is the Step 5 in the installation video.

Launch via file browser (If used the Symbolic Link Method):
-Go to "*/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/362890/2424633574";
-Launch using the .bat files.

Launch via file browser (If used the File Browser Method):
-Go to your Black Mesa root directory ("*/Steam/steamapps/Common/Black Mesa/");
-Launch using the .bat files.

Launch via Steam Library:

-New UI: Go to Black Mesa game properties in Steam and type "-game bshift" into your launch options.
-Old UI: type "-game bshift -oldgameui" into your launch options.

Important: Don't forget to remove this entry when you want to play Black Mesa again.

Uninstall via bshift_uninstall.bat:

-Go to Black Mesa root directory and launch "bshift_uninstall.bat".

Uninstall via file browser:
-Go to your Black Mesa root directory ("*/Steam/steamapps/Common/Black Mesa/");
-"bshift" folder
-All of the "bshift*.bat" files



- Game may hang when starting (Fix: Please wait a few minutes, some machines may take a while to boot the game)
- The new UI might crash the game (Use -oldgameui as launch parameter or the corresponding .bat file as a workaround)
- DXVK still might cause some visual issues in a few areas on certain systems
- Second corpse in the canal disposal scene sometimes decides to float in the air instead of falling into the canal
- Potential frame drops in some larger Xen areas with water on certain systems (Turn down either Water or Sun Shadow video settings)
- Forcefields in Xen sometimes perform a weird disco-flickering (Can be caused by changing video settings in this map)
FIX: Load a savegame ;-;
- Potential frame drops in some Xen areas caused by sound data (The game will look like it "freezes" but this is a temporary state)
FIX: Type "stopsound" or "snd_restart" into the console OR wait a few seconds until memory gets flushed
- Picked up objects will automatically drop if you perform a sprint while the weapon holster animation is playing
FIX: Avoid weapons with long holster animations (RPG, Shotgun, MP5) in case this issue is blocking progress

Initial description formatting by Ghost#0782
Popular Discussions View All (107)
Mar 7 @ 1:11am
Focal Point being horrifyingly bad
3D Master
Feb 28 @ 12:05am
PINNED: INSTALLATION / LAUNCHING (Troubleshooting guide)
Mar 6 @ 10:30pm
PINNED: General Feedback and Bug reporting
AdrianDogmeat Mar 11 @ 1:52pm 
When it's done™
adil_beysi Mar 11 @ 12:20pm 
When Chapter 6 ?
Jofoyo  [author] Mar 11 @ 11:48am 
The installation is separate, so you can still play default BMS while Blue Shift is installed.
Tomasz Dudziak Mar 11 @ 11:43am 
does it completely change black mesa or is a seperate mod?
Jofoyo  [author] Mar 10 @ 12:39am 
This problem is documented already, just give it a few minutes to boot, it should eventually. For some reason, some machines have just been slow to open the latest version.
Blank The Gamer Mar 10 @ 12:34am 
This needs to be fixed
I tried downloading it by using bshift_install.bat then following what it says then when i try to run the game
well it doesnt run
Okami Mar 9 @ 9:05pm 
Is this complete yet?
Harsh077 Mar 9 @ 12:54am 
The Best Blue shift Remake.
Clementine Mar 7 @ 7:47pm 
H.E.C.U Collective, you people are awesome:bms::gordon::steamthumbsup:, for players who are knit.picky know that this mod is still not done so your issues and reviews may be heard and resolved or to be improved better. Let them cook

p.s. my very first reaction of the Mk.III HEV suit was,"ooh will i wear it?," then i realized that "but, it's old and won't function well and the old lab will use the only sufficient power to open the portal to xen and the armor vest got me alright from the start, eh why change when it's not needed plus it makes Barney more of an underdog than he really is.

Love the Gordon walks wearing HEV suit cameo from the Chapter.2

i just want the model of Barney C. can be seen in the bathroom mirrors along with the other npcs, are they all vampire?:steamhappy: looking forward when the rest of the chapters are done
Clementine Mar 7 @ 7:46pm 
from getting killed a lot i learned the spawn points of enemies to eliminate them early to not overwhelm me and wondering how to utilize more of the environment like use for covers, the environment traps/tricks, explosives and speaking of traps the C4 satchels are underrated. Vortigaunts and H.E.C.U Marines and especially Xen Alien Grunts go popcorn gib, basic tactics i guess. And for the love of gaming spam the RPG Rockets, i know i did when something or someone pissed me off like an innocent headcrab reduced my full hp and armor