Preemptive Strike (Fork)
Bug: Colonists DON'T join the colony if they are a quest reward
The quest I'm talking about is that one when you need to host a pawn for X days. If you choose the option to gain a new colonist as a reward, when you complete the quest by sending the host away on the shuttle, a error happens and the colonist reward never shows up.

Here is the error i get:

Error while processing a quest signal: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at PreemptiveStrike.Interceptor.IncidentInterceptorUtility.Intercept_SkyFaller[T] (RimWorld.IncidentDef incidentDef, RimWorld.IncidentParms parms, System.Boolean needHoaxing, System.Boolean checkHostileFaction) [0x0003d] in <6bb0c30bf923430584ce75db7ce951b3>:0 at PreemptiveStrike.Harmony.Patch_EdgeDrop_TryResolveRaidSpawnCenter.PostFix (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms, System.Boolean& __result) [0x00007] in <6bb0c30bf923430584ce75db7ce951b3>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnsArrivalModeWorker_EdgeDrop.DMD<DMD<TryResolveRaidSpawnCenter_Patch1>?1342025600::TryResolveRaidSpawnCenter_Patch1>(RimWorld.PawnsArrivalModeWorker_EdgeDrop,RimWorld.IncidentParms) at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.PawnsArrivalModeWorker_CenterDrop.DMD<DMD<TryResolveRaidSpawnCenter_Patch1>?2103104384::TryResolveRaidSpawnCenter_Patch1>(RimWorld.PawnsArrivalModeWorker_CenterDrop,RimWorld.IncidentParms) at RimWorld.QuestPart_PawnsArrive.Notify_QuestSignalReceived (RimWorld.Signal signal) [0x000f8] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0 at RimWorld.Quest.Notify_SignalReceived (RimWorld.Signal signal) [0x000ac] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0 Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean) RimWorld.Quest:Notify_SignalReceived(Signal) RimWorld.SignalManager:SendSignal(Signal) RimWorld.QuestPart_PassAny:Notify_QuestSignalReceived(Signal) RimWorld.Quest:Notify_SignalReceived(Signal) RimWorld.SignalManager:SendSignal(Signal) RimWorld.QuestPart_FactionGoodwillForMoodChange:Notify_QuestSignalReceived(Signal) RimWorld.Quest:Notify_SignalReceived(Signal) RimWorld.SignalManager:SendSignal(Signal) RimWorld.QuestUtility:SendQuestTargetSignals(List`1, String, SignalArgs) RimWorld.QuestUtility:SendQuestTargetSignals(List`1, String, NamedArgument, NamedArgument) RimWorld.CompShuttle:Send() RimWorld.CompShuttle:<CompGetGizmosExtra>b__39_2() Verse.Command_Action:ProcessInput(Event) Verse.GizmoGridDrawer:DMD<DMD<DrawGizmoGrid_Patch1>?-1137553408::DrawGizmoGrid_Patch1>(IEnumerable`1, Single, Gizmo&) RimWorld.InspectGizmoGrid:DMD<DMD<DrawInspectGizmoGridFor_Patch2>?-1712034432::DrawInspectGizmoGridFor_Patch2>(IEnumerable`1, Gizmo&) RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Inspect:DrawInspectGizmos() RimWorld.InspectPaneUtility:ExtraOnGUI(IInspectPane) RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Inspect:ExtraOnGUI() Verse.WindowStack:WindowStackOnGUI() RimWorld.UIRoot_Play:DMD<DMD<UIRootOnGUI_Patch1>?-663301248::UIRootOnGUI_Patch1>(UIRoot_Play) Verse.Root:DMD<DMD<OnGUI_Patch1>?24041344::OnGUI_Patch1>(Root)

This apparently ONLY happens when the new colonist is supposed to join your colony through drop pods. If their method of arrival is on foot (walking from the edges of the map), they will arrive just fine.

Would be nice to have a fix for this because this mod is great for more immersion.
Dernière modification de PlayerEmers; 17 juil. 2020 à 17h42
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Can confirm I'm getting this bug too. Any solution?
Only think I got right now is to remove the mod, complete the quest, and reenable the mod and Godmode your buildings back.
NumberNegative a écrit :
Can confirm I'm getting this bug too. Any solution?
Only think I got right now is to remove the mod, complete the quest, and reenable the mod and Godmode your buildings back.
no solution so far
only avoiding using the mod or disabling it when you are close to complete a quest that gives you colonists

there is also an alternative

Dernière modification de PlayerEmers; 12 aout 2020 à 14h59
Lt. Bob  [dév.] 14 aout 2020 à 19h27 
I've tracked down this bug and think I've got it resolved now. There was a null value issue that the quest reward was causing.
It was a pain to test for since I couldn't find a way to force a pod dropped colonist as a quest reward. :)

Let me know if you still see the issue.
Blessed dev. Will let you know next time I stumble across that situation
Lt. Bob a écrit :
I've tracked down this bug and think I've got it resolved now. There was a null value issue that the quest reward was causing.
It was a pain to test for since I couldn't find a way to force a pod dropped colonist as a quest reward. :)

Let me know if you still see the issue.

im going to test it when possible
i tested it out with dev tools (generating many quests)

its working fine now. The colonist reward show up if they use drop pods.
But I got an red error message when the colonist drops:

PES: A raid incident that is not compatible with Preemptive Strike is trying to execute. So this incident won't be intercepted by PES and will be executed in it vanilla way Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean) PreemptiveStrike.Interceptor.IncidentInterceptorUtility:Intercept_SkyFaller(IncidentDef, IncidentParms, Boolean, Boolean) PreemptiveStrike.Harmony.Patch_CenterDrop_TryResolveRaidSpawnCenter:PostFix(IncidentParms, Boolean&) RimWorld.PawnsArrivalModeWorker_CenterDrop:RimWorld.PawnsArrivalModeWorker_CenterDrop.TryResolveRaidSpawnCenter_Patch1(PawnsArrivalModeWorker_CenterDrop, IncidentParms) RimWorld.QuestPart_PawnsArrive:Notify_QuestSignalReceived(Signal) RimWorld.Quest:Notify_SignalReceived(Signal) RimWorld.SignalManager:SendSignal(Signal) RimWorld.QuestPart_Pass:Notify_QuestSignalReceived(Signal) RimWorld.Quest:Notify_SignalReceived(Signal) RimWorld.SignalManager:SendSignal(Signal) RimWorld.QuestUtility:SendQuestTargetSignals(List`1, String, SignalArgs) RimWorld.QuestUtility:SendQuestTargetSignals(List`1, String, NamedArgument, NamedArgument) RimWorld.CompShuttle:SendLaunchedSignals(List`1) RimWorld.CompShuttle:Send() RimWorld.CompShuttle:<CompGetGizmosExtra>b__54_2() Verse.Command_Action:ProcessInput(Event) Verse.GizmoGridDrawer:DrawGizmoGrid(IEnumerable`1, Single, Gizmo&) RimWorld.InspectGizmoGrid:DrawInspectGizmoGridFor(IEnumerable`1, Gizmo&) RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Inspect:DrawInspectGizmos() RimWorld.InspectPaneUtility:ExtraOnGUI(IInspectPane) RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Inspect:ExtraOnGUI() Verse.WindowStack:WindowStackOnGUI() RimWorld.UIRoot_Play:UIRootOnGUI() Verse.Root:OnGUI()

its fine i guess
i only got the message because i was using dev tool all the time
without it, no messages appear
Dernière modification de PlayerEmers; 15 aout 2020 à 7h55
Lt. Bob  [dév.] 18 aout 2020 à 10h31 
@PlayerEmers: I've changed the lines that caused those "errors" to be simple messages. They are meant to be informational not game stopping.
You should be able to use dev mode again without it popping up red text.
Lt. Bob a écrit :
@PlayerEmers: I've changed the lines that caused those "errors" to be simple messages. They are meant to be informational not game stopping.
You should be able to use dev mode again without it popping up red text.

i hear ya
nice one
Hey! Sorry for necroing this, but I think the bug might still exist. I sent a pawn to help the empire, with the reward of "SomePawn joins" but SomePawn never joins (it has been 20 days since completing the quest).

I can't find anything in my logs, maybe they got auto-cleared (if that's even possible?).
Dernière modification de Gluten; 3 juil. 2021 à 3h47
I'm owed a rewarded colonist! Smith Cod

Age 50 (96)

Tribal child lore keeper

Good shooter and melee

Artistic and social

Pretty, optimistic, psychic sensitive

has a small artery blockage

Two fireballs in shooting
one on construction, art, social

Luv the mod tho
Makes rimworld more real
i hope the bugs are resolved soon
Dernière modification de LaCroix; 3 sept. 2021 à 16h57
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