Medieval Madness: Tools of the Trade
Madman666  [pengembang] 1 Sep 2019 @ 7:54am
This thread is reporting bugs and other problems such as missing\broken sprites, weapons not showing up on enemies and etc. Please when you are reporting any kind of bug, describe the situation that led to the issue as precise as you can, so i can replicate and possible fix it. Thanks.

Please adhere to these simple rules or reporting a bug or a problem:
1. Always mention which version of the game you re using.
2. Provide a clear explanation of what happened - was there a red error in the console, a crash, a save not loading etc.
3. Provide a reason, why are you sure, that it was this mod, that has connection to the problem (usually its a code in the console mentioning parts of the mod).
4. If there was a red error in the console, i will need an error log, use HugsLib to post one on the github and provide me a link.

This will save a lot of time resolving issues.
Terakhir diedit oleh Madman666; 10 Mar 2020 @ 4:04am
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Ree 2 Sep 2019 @ 12:53am 
not really a bug but more of a duplicate problem with vanilla weapons extended mod. any chance that you would integrate the weapons into the research tree and take out the duplicate weapons?

well its not really game breaking but would really appreciate it thanks :)
I was planning to just use local copies of the mods and comment out whichever version of each weapon I preferred less, but some sort of patching would be fantastic, if possible.
Madman666  [pengembang] 3 Sep 2019 @ 1:42am 
I didn't think just a couple of duplicates will be that bothersome, but patching couple items out won't take long. Do you want me to take out mine or items from Vanilla Extended? Can do that. Just point me, what i need to patch out, this ll save time for me.

Integrating the research is a lot more annoying, as it involves positioning of projects inside same already cluttered tab, so i ll probably avoid that like a plague :) I suggest using research tab\tree mods if research bothers you.
Ree 3 Sep 2019 @ 2:05am 
well vanilla extended has less things to take out (i think?) so i guess i would like to keep yours, and since the research weapons are the duplicate weapons i think that would remove them and solve two birds with one stone.

also thaaaaaanks for this mate, youre awesome :D
Madman666  [pengembang] 3 Sep 2019 @ 2:16am 
Got it, i ll see how to do it efficiently. Added to my to do list.
also hoping for duplication issue with VWE to be addressed! Love your mod and thank you
Also, I'm just a little butthurt about going from the 33% improved plant work of the VWE axe (which seemed a bit much TBH) down to the 10% of the MM sickle. Could your tools give 20% as a nice middle ground? Seems like actually having the right tool for your work should make you at least 1/5 faster :D
Madman666  [pengembang] 3 Okt 2019 @ 3:09am 
Thats not really a bug. I will be playing around with balancing later, but not before i make apparel\armor mod, which will take a long while.
Aurani 9 Jan 2020 @ 7:22am 
Hello, I'm playing with a tribal colony and I've yet to research "Basic tool crafting", yet I can already make bills for the Sling, Throwing Net and Primitive Bolas at the Crafting Spot production building. Is this intended since those 3 are quite primitive in nature?
Terakhir diedit oleh Aurani; 9 Jan 2020 @ 7:24am
Madman666  [pengembang] 9 Jan 2020 @ 11:38am 
Yes indeed. Those items are very primitive, they don't require much knowledge to do at all, so you can make them from the start, just like the knife.
sayheyjay 16 Feb 2020 @ 9:46am 
Found a small bug. The weight of the Heavy Maul is listed as 2kg. I assume that should be 20kg.
Madman666  [pengembang] 16 Feb 2020 @ 4:00pm 
Not as much, but not 2kg either. Someone already mentioned it, just didn't have the time for update.
raptorhunter 10 Mar 2020 @ 12:45am 
Hi, I had a save that stopped working. Is the MM_Patcher from your mod (I'm also checking with Mending Medieval)? Another modder helped me find the potential issue:

Error while resolving references for def CPDefExtension: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at MM_Patcher.FpDefExtensions.ResolveReferences () [0x00a11] in <fdc7797d627f4967ae282c5ca0b04f4d>:0
at Verse.DefDatabase`1+<>c__DisplayClass14_0[T].<ResolveAllReferences>b__0 (T def) [0x0002f] in <000153db58284aa38698b9c41ca1154b>:0
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

When I load the save, I get a lot of problems: can't click (can only drag to select and can't right-click), my stockpiles are gone, the game thinks I'm missing a kitchen (I have a stove), and candles from Apothecary mod seem really dim).


Thanks for your mod!
Madman666  [pengembang] 10 Mar 2020 @ 4:12am 
Hmm, never had this happen. Well the error does mention my faction patcher, but that doesn't do much, just patches some factions to use some specific weapons from the mod. It couldn't break anything else you mentioned, so i assume something really wrong s going on with your save. I ll look into it, but thats probably some weird conflict with one of your mods, i don't get that problem in my plays.
So I was having the same issue as raptor and decided to go hunting for the cause. Turns out its one of the Warhammer race mods, the Gor specifically. Whenever I add that mod it kicks back that error.

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