

Medieval Madness: Tools of the Trade
Showing 1-10 of 10 entries
Update: May 14 @ 12:14pm

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 5/14/2024 10:14:38 PM.

Update: Nov 3, 2022 @ 3:49pm

[Auto-generated text]: Update on 11/4/2022 1:48:52 AM.

Update: Jul 22, 2021 @ 11:30am

-- Update 1.3 22/07/2021 --

- Updated to 1.3

Update: Aug 24, 2020 @ 1:50pm

-- Update 1.2 24/08/20 --
- Tag updated to 1.2 (still should be compatible with 1.1 games)
- Fixed rare weird bug with Warhammer GOR faction. Should no longer throw an error about it.
- Updated CompOversized dll from Lbmayan's Unofficial Jecs Tools (should be faster and more optimised).
- Took a look as per request at adding Gunplay compatibility. Sadly to make the bows "stretchable" like in gunplay, it needs to have vertical sprites, while mine are diagonal. I like elongated diagonal sprites looks, so i probably won't be remaking them vertical, sorry.
- Added compatibility:
*The Drow Race
These three should be compatible out of the box, but i ll take a look at those, once they update:
Lord of The Rims: Elves
Lord of The Rims: Dwarves
Lord of The Rims: Hobbits

Update: Mar 17, 2020 @ 2:28pm

-- Fix --

- Some weapons of exotic tier didn't show up in Dual Wield mod's menu options. Now they should be present.

Update: Feb 28, 2020 @ 10:14am

-- Update 4 --

- Compatibility to both 1.1 and 1.0 versions of Rimworld.
- Minor rebalancing of weapon stats.
- Minor adjustements to faction patches.
- Fixed heavy maul having really low mass.

Update: Oct 2, 2019 @ 3:07am

-- Update 3 --

- Hopefully fixed VWE recipes still showing up in benches;
- Compatibility with Mercenary for Me - Iron Alliance faction;
- Compatibility with Outpost 21 faction mods (Elves, Goblins);
- Hand crossbow accuracy touch range increased by 10, damage increased to 9 from 8.5, cooldown 1.3 from 1.2;
- Added new weapons heavy flail, flamberge, billhook, cutlass, doubleshot crossbow;
- Better compatibility with "Factions Extended - Medieval" and "Dual wield" (you can no longer equip two handed weapons with shields and off-hand weapons by default anymore).

Update: Sep 13, 2019 @ 6:42am

-- Update 2 --

Compatibility patch with Vanilla Weapons Expanded.
- Duplicate items with VWE removed:
crossbow, shovel, cleaver, throwing knives, axe, pickaxe, hammer, battle axe, halberd.
- Crossbow and Longbow research projects from VWE - removed.
- Longbow from VWE moved to Medieval Madness Longbows research and recipe moved to MM workbench.
- Crafting sound of long bow replaced with MM one.
- Compound bow project needs MM Longbows project done.
- MM Basic Tools research required for VWE Tools project.
- Tools project from VWE research point amount halved (cause prerequisite worth of 500 added).

Attention: to Vanilla Weapons Expanded users - after this update, you will get a single error, as duplicate items and research projects from it like pickaxes and axes will be removed. After that error shows up one time, everything should work fine.

Factions patched for compatibility:
Warhammer Races: Gor
Warhammer Races: Skaven
Warhammer Races: Deathjacks
Warhammer Races: Zhthy'hl
Fantasy Goblins
Filthy Orc Invasion
Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval
Argonians of Blackmarsh
Ancient Rim - Mediterran Factions

Update: Sep 3, 2019 @ 10:18am

-- Update 1 --
- Made patches for Fantasy Goblins and Filthy Orc Invasion mods. Their pawns can now spawn with weapons from Medieval Madness. Watch out for threat increase!

Update: Sep 1, 2019 @ 7:41am

Initial release!