Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

Middle-Earth... in Earth !
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Lonhaldar  [developer] Jul 13, 2019 @ 1:54am
Suggestion's box
Hello guys,
If you want to help me to improve this mod with any suggestion or/and ideas, just feel free to post here. I'll try to answer to all your ideas, and to add the most interesting in game.

Thanks for your support!
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Showing 1-15 of 28 comments
Uthred Jul 15, 2019 @ 2:51am 
I love the map changes/nice provinces, are you able to make a another mod that just adds those new lands in without being fantasy?
BuffaloError Jul 15, 2019 @ 11:31am 
Alternate to Uthred, Are you able to release a mod that only adds the racial features, traits, items, etc? Mostly, I would LOVE to play an exiled Numenorian prince or as the Numenorian's after the fall of Numenor but I can't get the ruler designer to work with the mod as is
Lonhaldar  [developer] Jul 16, 2019 @ 1:31am 
Well, i won't make another mods, as this one take all my free time already ;) About the ruler designer, it's an issue i'm aware of, and i need to go ahead to find exactly the problem. Maybe it comes from portraits, traits or cultures, but i'm working on it.

About the "no Middle-Earth cultures" map, i'm not planning to add this as a separate mod... Not the time to do it, and to remove the fantasy part, it will needs to rework a lot these lands. Thanks for the suggestions by the way :)
Greetings, i thought i'd make some more "suggestions" for you'r mod @Lonhaldar.

I thought it would be nice with some more evil men to this mod so i thought why not add easterlings/Rhûn in the Kyzul-kum desert, then they will be north east of gondor(byzantine) and close to the Eothed who you have moved to the Taklamakan desert, and perhaps you could add the wainriders to Kara-kum desert for the same reason.
Also i thought that that Harad/Haradrim could be added in the Badiyat Ash Sham Desert or the Rub' Al Khali Desert, then they to would be south east of gondor(byzantine) and ad flavor to that :)

Also if you wanted to add more dwarves i sugest you could make them into smaller realms and possible have the Firebeards & Broadbeams(blue mountains dwarfs) around in the hungearian mountains and the rest of the dwarf clans (Ironfists, Stiffbeards, Blacklocks & Stonefoots) could be in southern Tibet and Northern west and east India. There is plenty of mountain ranges there is trade routs and possible some room for orcs and goblins to, i think it would be reall fun to have them here plus it adds some lotr to the south eastern map to :)

I also thought anouther suggestion :P if you can add a small Peninsula to pommerania/gulf of danzig with hobbits there, i think they would be suited good around pomerania and they they would be around Arnor to.

Well this was some suggestions, i really like your mod and hope you get some inspiration from this if anything. Thank you again for this awesome and fun mod! :D
Lonhaldar  [developer] Jul 20, 2019 @ 8:45am 
Well, that would be a ton of work to implement all this. The next update will be about Angband mostly, and it's already a lot of stuff to create. I'm thinking about Haradrims/Rhûn, maybe, but it won't be for tomorrow :)
Thanks for the suggestions by the way, all of themm looks interesting, even if i won't add wainriders, balchoths or the other dwarven clans for now, each new culture added needs a lot of work to make them interesting! I was thinking about adding a little Black Numenorean island in indian ocean or somewhere here too. But as i said, it'll need some weeks of work to make this good enough.
A Suggestion/question for you! :)

Will one of the Societies be able to give us/make people into wraiths? (like ringwraiths/Nazgûls)
It would be cool if either the Black Numenorean or one of the orc societies ones could do that that. And if it is the Black Numenorean then perhaps you could open the society to others?(vanilla ck2 cultures) so other cultures could be lured the the Dark side :P i Think it would be fitting for the Black Numenoreans since they literly where kind of Sauron fanboys that get lured by him to worship Morgoth.

Since you made so that Empire of Byzantium & Germany/holy roman can be Gondor and Arnor
it would be cool if like K_Burgundy or k_ Bavaria or E_Carpathia or a russian Kingdom could be Kingdom/Empire of Angband for orc or Wraiths(if you like and have time to add them) and i think a decision to make Empire of Persia into mordor (since there are mountains there and is close to gondor(byzantium) could be very cool!

Either way I'm sure that the future of the mod will be a blast! :D
Lonhaldar  [developer] Aug 30, 2019 @ 4:41am 
Thanks for the suggestions! Wights aren't planned but maybe later? It would necessitate a lot of work to add them :)

About the suggestions to forge Angband/Mordor, that sounds not so bad. Will look at it :)

Thanks again for your support !
Thanks! :D , and i just wanted to correct myself and say i meant Angmar! (like the witch king of Angmar) that's why i wanted it to be close to Arnor xD, Angband is already in the game after all!! :P
Silly me
Last edited by Rémerod (El MaloDiablo); Aug 30, 2019 @ 1:51pm
Lonhaldar  [developer] Aug 31, 2019 @ 2:35am 
Oh yeah, and i read and wrote Angband but i was thinking Angmar as well, i think i was a little tired :D
So yeah, i'll look at it. Currently, i'm reworking the orcs portraits to make them more... less ugly :D
You can have a first look here :

Don't hesitate to post more suggestions if you have !
They look amazing compared to the other ones!!!
(Not that the old ones look bad :P)
I wrote in the bug reports about infertility and how they cant get more titles because of it.
Well i was looking at the Middle Earth Mod to see if they had solved it, they haven't :P
But i thought that adding the government types from that mod would be cool, like Dark Despotism, Orchish Despotism, Haradrim Government and Just Feudalism.
I dunno how much work it is to mod and change something like this but i think it's forth suggesting atleast :P
Lonhaldar  [developer] Aug 31, 2019 @ 7:21am 
Well, i already added some new governments types for all the cultures. But as the succesion rules are hardcoded, i can do anything to solve the problem for balrogs/werewolves, and i don't want to allow them to have hundred of children as well :)
Have you given any thought to what you are gonna do with Vampires? they dont have much lore other than Thuringwethil and that are more of them and that they suck blood. In the ck2 mods Mythos 2 and Warhammer geheimnisnacht there are vampire that have a feeding mechanic and a mechanic that turn people to vampire and can then be added to your house/dynasty (so you can practical decide a new heir from existing characters) But then again some sources have it that they are more bat-like beasts so it depends what way you wanna go. anyway i think vampire should get some more content since only Thuringwethil exists and have no vampire traits. And since their is not much Lore on Vampires we are free to imagine up our own i guess, if we want to. :P

On another subject yet the same, i have only played some Angband (couse i wait for the next patch :P ) But i feel raiding and capturing prisoners could be a way to make a mechanic, like the orcs took elven women and... "forced themself apon them" and it's kinda of what the Horse Lords/horde are doing when they take a prisoner and make them concubine in ck2. So haveing a bigger chance of taking prisoners should be nice for Angband, that way if you wanted vampires you would have a source of blood to feed on, and orcs could eat humans to..well replenish health or get piety or something.
And there is also lore that those who been imprisoned by Morgoth would forever be forever in his service (becouse he brainwashed and tortured them) so it could be a way for him to get loyal subject/spies and sush.

Just some suggestions for you ;)
Last edited by Rémerod (El MaloDiablo); Sep 6, 2019 @ 9:39am
Lonhaldar  [developer] Sep 6, 2019 @ 10:12am 
About vampires, nothing more. Thuringwethil is just a sort of easter egg, and i don't have any time to work on these kinds of mechanics :)

About Angband and prisoners, that's certainly something i want to do. I didn't looked at these mechanics for now, but i want to give the ability to capture prisoners, torture them with the possibility to recruit them as servants for Sauron and Melkor (or see them die in awful suffers). The sacrifice option is given to one of the orkish society by the way.
I was thinking of another sugestion :P the German Empire/HR Empire is pretty close to Númmenor if you want to form Arnor, but the Byzantine Empire is pretty far of, if you want to form Gondor. So perhaps it could be possible to add an extra "small" island there, like a single county or something. it could be Tolfalas, i think it would be a good location like west or east of Crete. So for those who want to do Gondor it would be a little easier to reach that goal. the island itself could be under Númmenor is be independent i think, like a little colony for them :)

And on the note perhaps you could ad a small island or Peninsula to germany/netherlands to for those who want to do arnor. the Peninsula Eryn Vorn could fit for example. but not as important then Tolfalas if you wanted to add extra stuff :P
Last edited by Rémerod (El MaloDiablo); Sep 7, 2019 @ 12:08pm
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