PorkChop Feb 24, 2021 @ 1:58pm
Solar Panels are not working
There is no switch on option when I look at the solar panel.
I have hooked up the truck battery as directed, and plugged a 4 power board into it, and plugged a light into that for testing, it doesnt work. I even plugged the light directly into the panel but it wont work, it doesnt turn on at all. I just cant find the turn on option like all the youtube vids show,.
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Showing 1-15 of 28 comments
theglenman Feb 24, 2021 @ 4:29pm 
I have the same problem? Something to do with not being able to attach battery with the wire,Think the mod needs updated
Last edited by theglenman; Feb 24, 2021 @ 4:31pm
LoneWolf Feb 27, 2021 @ 2:55am 
Also cant look into inventory, i cant look though scope, i cant fire my weapon i can only walk around after interacting with the solar panels
MarshalSoul Feb 28, 2021 @ 5:15am 
same issue cant attach a wire
MarshalSoul Feb 28, 2021 @ 5:18am 
wait put in direct sunlight insert battery !!!attach 4pin plug!!! then place plug down and attach cable reel gonna try this and report back
Phteve Mar 4, 2021 @ 12:42pm 
Yeah I believe this needs a fix. You are unable to attach the truck battery to the solar panel when the wire is attached to the battery. I tried attaching the wire to the truck battery after the battery was attached to the solar panel, but you cannot do that either. I believe this prevents any use of the solar panels. I messed around trouble shooting options for 30min or so and I also had to relog a bunch because the 4 socket plug or other items would get bugged and think something was in my hand when nothing was so I was unable to pick things up or remove the truck battery from the solar panel. The items I was messing with were the cable reel, 4 plug socket, truck battery, wire, and solar panel when I was having issues putting things into my hands or my clothing/inventory.
Boss Hog Mar 6, 2021 @ 6:24pm 
im having same issue with not being able to turn on or attach metal wire to the solar panels
PsyShroomVtc Mar 7, 2021 @ 11:17pm 
Originally posted by Jooaaay:
Yeah I believe this needs a fix. You are unable to attach the truck battery to the solar panel when the wire is attached to the battery. I tried attaching the wire to the truck battery after the battery was attached to the solar panel, but you cannot do that either. I believe this prevents any use of the solar panels. I messed around trouble shooting options for 30min or so and I also had to relog a bunch because the 4 socket plug or other items would get bugged and think something was in my hand when nothing was so I was unable to pick things up or remove the truck battery from the solar panel. The items I was messing with were the cable reel, 4 plug socket, truck battery, wire, and solar panel when I was having issues putting things into my hands or my clothing/inventory.

same issues here. also not working when solar is installed on the base roof. but i will try one more time when i get back from work.
Jappe Hallunken Mar 8, 2021 @ 10:45am 
It's not working since 1.11. They changed how the batteries work, so the Mod needs a fix for this.
Xamy Mar 18, 2021 @ 1:56am 
Originally posted by Jappe Hallunken:
It's not working since 1.11. They changed how the batteries work, so the Mod needs a fix for this.

They didn't change how batteries work, they just made additional checks for slot insertion for which BBP isn't prepared for.

Anyway, if you want to fix the solar panels for your server, just pack this into a mod (script goes in 4_world):

modded class BBP_Solar : PowerGenerator
override bool HasSparkplug(){
if ( m_TruckBattery ) {
if ( !m_TruckBattery.IsRuined() ) {
return true;
return false;

I also fixed it's functionality as a >solar< generator, but that's not part of the fix per se and shall remain exclusive :P
Jappe Hallunken Mar 18, 2021 @ 1:59pm 
Originally posted by Xamy:
Originally posted by Jappe Hallunken:
It's not working since 1.11. They changed how the batteries work, so the Mod needs a fix for this.

They didn't change how batteries work, they just made additional checks for slot insertion for which BBP isn't prepared for.

Anyway, if you want to fix the solar panels for your server, just pack this into a mod (script goes in 4_world):

modded class BBP_Solar : PowerGenerator
override bool HasSparkplug(){
if ( m_TruckBattery ) {
if ( !m_TruckBattery.IsRuined() ) {
return true;
return false;

I also fixed it's functionality as a >solar< generator, but that's not part of the fix per se and shall remain exclusive :P

Do you want to make a "Fix BBP solar panel"-mod, maybe? :)
Jappe Hallunken Mar 18, 2021 @ 4:47pm 
OK I made a mod with your code, but it's still not working.
I tested it on namalsk (it should also work with namalsk?).

I tested truck battery with metal wire and without.
Truck battery with wire:
I can't insert the battery into the panel when using the inventory, but I can attach via left click. From there I can't connect anything on the battery, but on the panel itself. But there is no current flow.

Truck Battery WITHOUT metal wire:
I can insert the battery into the panel via inventory. I can connect the 4 plug and the spotlight, but it also doesn't work: no current flow.

Any ideas?
Xamy Mar 20, 2021 @ 5:20am 
It should work without the wire attached. Did you turn on the panel? There won't be any current flowing if you don't turn it on.
Jappe Hallunken Mar 20, 2021 @ 8:37am 
I had no option to turn the panel on, but I will have a look into that now.
Jappe Hallunken Mar 20, 2021 @ 9:27am 
I have no option to switch on the panel, so I guess my mod is not working correctly (it still thinks there is no spark plug inside, maybe?)
sorry I'm new to modding :D
LazySpider Mar 29, 2021 @ 8:39am 
I confirm this. I had no option to turn the panel on.
Has anyone managed to get the solar panel to work?
Last edited by LazySpider; Mar 29, 2021 @ 9:14am
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