Arma 3
206 ratings
Distrikt 41 - Ruegen
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Terrain
File Size
1.404 GB
Jan 5, 2017 @ 8:41am
Nov 17, 2019 @ 9:10am
93 Change Notes ( view )

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Distrikt 41 - Ruegen

In 3 collections by Cosmo
Ruegen Exile Testserver
12 items
D41_Ruegen - RHS_CTI
10 items
DMW Epoch Ruegen
12 items
District 41 - Ruegen
Version 1.04
Last update: 17.11.2019

b]About the original location and the inspiration for this map:[/b]
Rügen is Germany's largest island in terms of land mass. It is located on the Pomeranian coast in the Baltic Sea and belongs to the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. It is a very popular tourist destination because of its recreational offers, the varied landscape, the long sandy beaches and the famous chalk cliffs. The island has a long eventful history and was the focus of many military projects in World War II and later, such as Prora and the planned, never built naval port for submarines.

b]The mod version:[/b]
Since this mod card has only about 1/15 of the original map section, there are many differences and adjustments in terms of playability. The original map was used here only as an inspiration for the places, streets and landscape. D41_Rügen plays in the near future and was built as a place where prisoners were shipped to resocialization, far away from the normal population (hence the high walls at the edge of the map).
I had the intention to create a versatile map in the European setting, which offers both many bottlenecks for conflicts, as well as cities and places which can be interesting for various missions. Life projects and survival mods should also get their money's worth. I have also tried to give boats a sense again on this map by adding many passageways and shortcuts that can make the sea route more attractive than driving a car.

Many other maps were either too big, too empty or you could get from A to B too easily. Also the focus on infantry battles was important to me, so the landscape is a bit smaller but more versatile and hopefully feels big anyway, because you can't get from one end to the other.

The areas change from civilized areas in the southwest to tourist areas in the east to abandoned and destroyed areas in the north of the map. There have obviously been some battles here (you might even consider if that was zombies, rebelling prisoners or whatever). If you want more dirt, wrecks etc you can find it in the "Scorched" version which is also included in the mod.

Facts about the map:
Mapsize: 16.384m x 16.384m
Gridsize: 4096 cells
Cellsize: 4m
SatMask: 16.384x16.384
Number of objects: 542,018
Original size of the pattern: approx. 65km x 65km
Important classnames:
  • Vanilla Map: d41_ruegen
  • Scorched Version: d41_ruegen_scorched

Special things on the map:
  • 3 Airports/runways
    *]many passages and abbreviations for boats (in some cases even faster than driving a car)
  • Flood/Ebbe system with a water difference of 3m. (Lowest water level at noon, highest at midnight) This makes some transitions passable for cars or boats alternately, depending on the time of day.
  • Various hidden caves and cellars
    Some military and rebel posts (police barracks Parow, military airport in the north) spread across the map
  • 2 castle ruins
  • 1 motorway/main road that runs almost through the whole island for fast journeys (but with boundary limits so you don't get off-road everywhere)
  • Dense forests with bushes etc. to make life and combat easier and more interesting for infantry.
  • Second version of the map "Scorched" included in the mod (about 90Mb more) for survival missions in a more destroyed environment.

b] Screenshots of the map and the development process:[/b]
until 27.04.18:
from 27.04.2018:

The preview video was made by Multisasch. Thanks for the great shots! Click here for his Youtube channel (German): Multisasch - Arma 3 Gameplays & more

Known problems:
  • PLEASE REPORT ALL BUGS HERE: Dead Men Walking / D41-Discord[]
  • Inland lakes can have display problems at great distances
  • AI will have problems with some bridges and constructions (e.g. prison island)
  • A few places are still in development and will follow (e.g. "Reinberg" in the south of the map)

Helpful stuff:
Ingame map including place names[]
For A2 houses I suggest this mod (just load it along):


If you like the card and want to support this 2 years solo work on the project or just say thank you, I am happy about every donation. Please note: It's a donation and that's all. There are no quid pro quo or anything like that.

This map/mod should not be uploaded anywhere without permission (except for private use) (This is especially true for @armaholic and @moddb!).

h1]Additional information:
It is not allowed to upload this mod to Steam. This may only be done by the original copyright holder:Cosmo.
In English: You may NOT upload this mod, reupload it or upload it packed together with other mods to the SteamWorkshop! (Just read the SteamLicense 6D steam licenses 6D)[/h1] yourself.
Do yourself and other players a favor and create a mod collection. This makes it easier for everyone, is allowed and keeps mods up to date.

Special Thanks:
  • Silola - The X-CAM object placement tool. Without this tool, it would have taken more than "just" two years.
  • Zgmrvn - Surface Painter
  • A3-Terrain Builder Discord[] - Answering questions, providing knowledge and advice, without them this terrain would not have been completed.
  • PMC Editing Wiki[] for all those great guides around terrain creation
  • CUP-Team for its great mod
  • HAG Objects from WA Lancer for his open sourcefiles for plants and citysigns

Cosmo  [author] Jun 5, 2023 @ 9:15am 
Ne, ich hab leider keine Missionen mehr dafür. Die gingen mit dem alten Server verloren. Die müssten selbst gebastelt und angepasst werden.
brenner(GER) Apr 14, 2023 @ 12:24pm 
Gibt es auch eine CTI Mission zum downloaden ? Oder einen Server wo die cti Läuft ?
brenner(GER) Apr 12, 2023 @ 8:36am 
Ja sicher wobei ich sagen muß das der Flugplatz bei Stralsund im RL nur ein kleiner Segelflugplatz ist und er eigentlich mehr zum gassi gehen mit Hunden genutzt wird. Aber dennoch der Hafen in Sassnitz das viele Wasser in Stralsund eine echt schöne und sicher auch zeitintensive arbeit.
Cosmo  [author] Apr 12, 2023 @ 7:33am 
Danke schön. Kannste einige Ecken nachempfinden, zumindest bei markanten Punkten?
brenner(GER) Apr 12, 2023 @ 7:27am 
Tolle Map . Und das sagt einer der sich Täglich im Real Life auf der Map Bewegt .
Cosmo  [author] Dec 9, 2022 @ 1:22am 
Hi Hustler, i have to refuse. As said in german, i did not touch A3 since 2019 and dont plan to do so in the future. So there wont be any updates coming for this map. I dont even have A3 installed anymore or know much about servers themselves. Sorry for that.
ViBeMotorSports Dec 8, 2022 @ 5:08pm 
Hey Cosmo.. I would be willing to drop a small donation if you were to help me get this and a few mods up and running on my server!!!
reaktor24 Dec 7, 2022 @ 8:46am 
ok danke
Cosmo  [author] Dec 7, 2022 @ 8:16am 
Gut, das tut mir leid. Aktuell kann ich dazu wenig tun, da ich A3 nicht mal mehr installiert habe und auch keine Übersicht was sich wo geändert hat. Ich drücke euch die Daumen, dass ihr es so hinbekommt oder eine andere geeignete Map findet.
reaktor24 Dec 7, 2022 @ 8:02am 
wie habe modde server auf gemcht und wie nutze die map auch grade und imer nach 4 stunde ist der server weg