Space Engineers

Space Engineers

[OBSOLETE] Planetary Cargo Ships
Icy Skye May 7, 2023 @ 1:00am 
Gotcha, alrighty, thanks for the confirmation!
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [author] May 6, 2023 @ 9:26pm 
Pretty much. This mod never added new ships, it was an early framework for spawning ship on planets
Icy Skye May 6, 2023 @ 3:36am 
Apparently a fork of this mod (or a very similar one, or literally this mod) that I was subscribed to just vanished- ID `2615151213` friendlyname `CargoShipsPlanetary`- it's not the Air Traffic (Imber) mod, nor this one, and the actual workshop item is gone so I can't even check the page to see what it was.
It was RivalAI-compatible, and had the B-60 Bulk Freighter, B-980 Hauler, Cursor, and TT-420 Freighter (via reading the folder contents).

I assume if I have this mod (or better yet MES w/ Imber), I'm not missing out on anything, right?
Darian Stephens Jun 18, 2020 @ 2:39pm 
@ 🐲★►Denis◄★🐲
Someone didn't look at the first, bolded, colored line in the description which explains the situation and provides a convenient link.
🐲★►Denis◄★🐲 Jun 18, 2020 @ 12:16am 
If this mod is considered outdated, which Mod replaces it?
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [author] Oct 18, 2018 @ 10:39am 
It sounds like you're likely using my new spawner in addition to this one. This spawner requires that world option enabled, but the new one does not. Also, if the new spawner is detected, this mod will disable itself on world load.
eZink Oct 18, 2018 @ 10:35am 
Hi, Quick question for anyone that can help me:

when i enable cargo ship in "advance option" with the mod "Planetary Cargo Ships" turn on, i get a error message, but i can still play.

here it says to activate @cargo ship@ to make the mod work ?

im quite confuse if i really need to activate @cargo ship@ since it give me a error message does the mod really need it to work correctly ?
[TBL]Maflomei Oct 9, 2018 @ 1:51pm 
just spawn one and hit strg+B on it to get the BP or is that not what you want ?
{Мирный_Атом} Oct 9, 2018 @ 5:18am 
@meridius I really liked Planetary Dropship, how can I get a drawing of this ship? It is convenient to colonize the planets on it!
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [author] Oct 4, 2018 @ 3:23am 
That'll happen eventually. For now I just want to keep an eye on the new spawner and work out any quirks it may have before doing that.
domingo Oct 4, 2018 @ 12:19am 
@meridius what about marking this (and planetary installations) as obsolete ?
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [author] Oct 3, 2018 @ 7:16pm 
Nope, the new spawner will handle the planetary spawning :)
magical fairy 7 Oct 3, 2018 @ 7:14pm 
so i dont need this if i have modular encounter spawner?
domingo Sep 22, 2018 @ 10:15am 
@meridius: can you please also add something like <MaximumPathAltitude> ?
I cannot increase MinimumAirDensity much because on Mars the ships won't spawn at all ;)
domingo Sep 19, 2018 @ 10:21am 
@meridius: crash - well, I have quite old NB ... no SSD, 8GB RAM, i7 620m, ATI 5650 ...
config: thanks, I will play with it.
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [author] Sep 19, 2018 @ 9:44am 
Yeah, nothing in that log says theres an issue with the mod specifically - looks like the last update is approx 30 seconds after the game loads.

Inr egards to ship height, try increasing the MinimumAirDensity property, that should reduce their altitude as well. Theres also a couple fields for altitude distance as well, may want to lower them a but as well (details in the Configuration File discussion)
domingo Sep 19, 2018 @ 9:39am 
@meridius no-dump crash log:
Now I think that seems the SE/C# memory management / GC is the culprint ....

@meridius - about "atmospheric ships" flying too high - are there some options in planetarycargoshipsconfig.xml I can change that the ships will spawn and fly a bit lower - within range of interceptors ? Or I should just build 4xSLAT 2xLR 80t big interceptor ? :D
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [author] Sep 17, 2018 @ 5:07am 
You should be able to use something like PasteBin to upload it and then just drop the link here. Regardless of exception, I'd still like to see it.
domingo Sep 17, 2018 @ 12:20am 
;-) When I will reproduce it again, I can paste it - where ?
However there was no exception logged ... only "Update stopped' as last line and before some logs from this mod.
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [author] Sep 16, 2018 @ 8:37am 
Either way, it should be in the SpaceEngineers folder in your AppData\Roaming folder
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [author] Sep 16, 2018 @ 8:36am 
Sorry, it's SpaceEngineers.log - the autocorrect onmy phone is often aggressive....
domingo Sep 16, 2018 @ 6:38am 
Where I can find "Spacer finders.log" file ? I was searching for "*finders.log" in both SE appdata and steam installation directories ...

Ships out of range: Alien Planet, ship: Transport Courier (has only atmo thrusters).
My altitude was cca 5k and I was unable to catch it ...
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [author] Sep 16, 2018 @ 5:26am 
The cause of the crashes should be listed in the Spacer finders.log file.

In regards to the issue with ships flying out of atmospheric range, can you tell me what ships specifically and what planet?
domingo Sep 16, 2018 @ 5:10am 
1) Spawned ships spawn/fly a lot out of effective range of atmospheric thrusters as I found out when I tried to intercept one. Is there something I can do with it ?
2) My game keeps crashing infrequently directly after loading, I suspect this mod because last log lines are from it. However game does not produce minidump.dmp nor any exception is logged, so I can't be sure ... is there something I can do to find out what is causing crashes ?
SimplyySerenity Sep 6, 2018 @ 6:55pm 
yes @psyborg i am and its annoying. despite some people not having the issue ive had it on two different hosts and am desperately trying to fix it

no @malfomei i dont
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [author] Sep 6, 2018 @ 11:29am 
I kept forgetting to do that despite multiuple reminders :P

Fixed now,
Pugz Sep 6, 2018 @ 11:17am 
Can you remove the message saying that the mod is broken now that the issue has been fixed?
epflederer Aug 31, 2018 @ 8:35am 
Okay, sounds like what I need, thanks. The sky carrier is still a long way off, but if you're curious, here's the mod I'm working on.

It is still very much a work in progress, but already worth a look, if you're interested.
Meridius_IX / Lucas  [author] Aug 30, 2018 @ 10:28am 
It depends how your setup your spawn group. If you add the <IsPirate>true</IsPirate> tags, along with the (Atmo) tag in the SubtypeId, then that group will only appear in atmosphere environments. If you remove the IsPirate tags, then that group would be able to spawn in space as well.
epflederer Aug 30, 2018 @ 10:15am 
Do cargo ships added with this mod affecting them only appear in atmosphere, or will they appear in space as well? Im asking because i want to use this mod for a custom sky carrier for one of my mods, and the planes it would launch/spawn would be unable to fly in space.
yokmp Aug 24, 2018 @ 3:16pm 
No definition 'MyObjectBuilder_GlobalEventBase/SpawnAtmoCargoShip'. Maybe a mistake in XML?
Psyborg Aug 24, 2018 @ 7:01am 
meh, I've just read previous comments....
Psyborg Aug 24, 2018 @ 6:59am 
is anyone else having issue with sudden high RAM usage and server freezes with this mod after 1.187.2 update?...
[TBL]Maflomei Aug 21, 2018 @ 11:23am 
@(MRG)SerenityTTV do you Perhaps use the Mod "Smart Turrets" ?
SimplyySerenity Aug 20, 2018 @ 3:26pm 
yeah idk. but still just seems to be the spawning despawning issue as far as i can tell
superhappyalien Aug 20, 2018 @ 6:04am 
i was wondering what "2018-08-19 07:15:02.818 - Thread: 21 -> initing turret aiming script" is from your log file @(MRG)SerenityTTV
SimplyySerenity Aug 20, 2018 @ 3:16am 
unless one of those drone/cargoship mods add it
SimplyySerenity Aug 20, 2018 @ 3:16am 
there are two or three mods that add turrets but as far as i know nothing that adds extra scripts to the vanilla turrets or anything
superhappyalien Aug 19, 2018 @ 7:53am 
are you running a Turret aiming mod ? (MRG)SerenityTTV ?
SimplyySerenity Aug 19, 2018 @ 7:28am 
i had both air traffic and drones invasion but removed air traffic in an attempt to crash less but i still got the errors and crashed. idk why. it may be a host issue but im unsure. just whenever it despawns or tries to spawn will occasionally pause the server or outright crash it.

heres the log:
superhappyalien Aug 19, 2018 @ 5:36am 
@[TBL]Maflomei That sound like its with in reason the 2 secs part put for 6 secs i guess is Annoying. but that will depend on Server Specs. Also away to test is to wait for a npc to spawn on a planet then Use Admin mod to transport your self to about 200kms away and see what happens when the ship despawns do not view the ship in Admin use Log files to see when it despawns and watch in game sim speed if you get lag across the server when it depsawn i would say that down to the server but if they is no lag when it despawns that will be showing the server is ok and it be the Connection to the server on the client side.
[TBL]Maflomei Aug 19, 2018 @ 5:16am 
@superhappyalien at Despawn Simulation speed drops to about 0.85 for about 2-6 seconds
[TBL]Maflomei Aug 19, 2018 @ 4:26am 
@superhappyalien I will Test it i just have to reconfigure my Server again and wait for it to happen ^^
superhappyalien Aug 19, 2018 @ 3:30am 
How bad of a sim sim speed drop do u get and for how long as Any Ship getting removed Drops Server sim for a split sec to like 1.0 to .95/.90 for even the Space encounters from vanilla.
[TBL]Maflomei Aug 19, 2018 @ 3:25am 
@Superhappyalien Tested it with various Mods including yours and Air traffic but it seems to hate the despawning in General not the Ships :-(
superhappyalien Aug 19, 2018 @ 1:52am 
@(MRG)SerenityTTV @[TBL]Maflomei This mod is Framework there are no ships built in to the mod, its mods like Air traffic and More Encounters that need this framework. I run this on a server at Pingperfect with out any issues and it removes ships up to 10k blocks. What Mods are you running. ?
SimplyySerenity Aug 19, 2018 @ 1:25am 
i seem to be having this same server issue. any fixes or ways i can disable this mods ships but leave the framework for mods that require it?
[TBL]Maflomei Aug 18, 2018 @ 4:21pm 
hmm Mod Keeps downing my Server and if not produces heavy Lagg when Cargoships reach their Destination and Despawn -.- :steamsad: any spontaneousGuesses why that could be the Case ?
superspedboy Aug 17, 2018 @ 5:22pm 
hey lucas, 1st off, iwanted to say love the mods you put out! really breaths life into SE! thank you, now on to my problem.

im running a dedicated server with this mod on and im noticing that every 4-5 mins there is a lag spike from server and reaching to the client which causing a "connection problem" for about 30 secs, then it picks back up. also see it comes up in the F1 panel but it goes away too fast or else i would give an error report.
let me know if you have any ideas. thanks!
Astrien Aug 13, 2018 @ 9:24pm 
greatest ever.