

Rogue Angel Seven Jun 3, 2023 @ 6:15am 
This makes Banished a completely different game. It doesn't make it easier, but it really changes the dynamic in a really awesome way. Well done.
樱桃老丸子 Oct 5, 2021 @ 11:19pm 
zlatky Sep 27, 2019 @ 9:22am 
Ok - Cheers m8! \m/\m/
Tom Sawyer  [author] Sep 27, 2019 @ 9:16am 
100 food per year is the vanilla setting. For some easier setup I would suggest the 1:1 Aging mod (90 food) or one of the variants that were recently posted on Steam with 25/50/75 etc..
zlatky Sep 26, 2019 @ 6:46am 
My peeps keep dying like fkn animals, no matter how much food I have in stock...Food consumption is pretty high too tho...Can you suggest another (?) mod that is compatible with yours, and addresses the high food consumption issue? Or can you make an edition of this mod that also employs like -50% food consumption by our settlers, or something? Thx in advance for your reply! \m/\m/
Classicorock Nov 27, 2018 @ 9:26am 
Lmao i read "child bearing" as "child beating", that would've made for some unique experiences.
Blaufuss Bob Jun 27, 2018 @ 10:14am 
but why is the minimum childbearing age so high? wouldnt it be more realistic to have it at like 14? maybe set marriage at that age too?
Tom Sawyer  [author] Dec 23, 2017 @ 11:35am 
For now I mod only Banished and don't have plans for other games. :)
imfrank Dec 22, 2017 @ 9:38pm 
do you mod other games will you try ostriv when modding is available?
Tom Sawyer  [author] Sep 30, 2017 @ 4:29pm 
Exactly :)
The Last With Pagan Blood Sep 30, 2017 @ 4:11pm 
Real time aging, as in 1 Year in game is 1 Year that they age?
Vas Aug 14, 2017 @ 7:54am 
If only the game would support multiple types of people simultaniously, so you can have norsemen move in with some percent of your colony being norsemen or regular.
Tom Sawyer  [author] Aug 4, 2017 @ 5:28am 
What doesn't work with CC?
TheBlueDragonfly Aug 4, 2017 @ 4:18am 
is not working with CC for me
Tom Sawyer  [author] Jul 30, 2017 @ 11:21pm 
Milky, yes it works with CC. The only conflicts are with other aging mods.
DownSDK Jul 30, 2017 @ 10:25pm 
Banished для Нордов!
Princess Milky Jul 28, 2017 @ 5:30pm 
Does this mod work with the Banished Colonial Charter mods?
Devon Jul 21, 2017 @ 2:02pm 
what the fuck happened in this thread
Tom Sawyer  [author] Jul 15, 2017 @ 11:53pm 
Yes, that was the idea. :)
Torahel Jul 15, 2017 @ 4:54pm 
Hey !

I can play this mod with your North mod ?
Tonton Marcel Jul 15, 2017 @ 4:33am 
Good mod, annoying ridiculous comments.
ITT degeneracy tries to spook people with its reflection
justinsane11 Jul 5, 2017 @ 4:08am 
what the hell has conversation devolved to in here?
mrvw67 Jun 6, 2017 @ 1:40pm 
@JoJo I agree.... how can I make the brickworks? I have yet to see any traders offer this items in order to build some of the building. Help?
YeetMeizter™ Jun 5, 2017 @ 1:22am 
nice, now i just need to find another village so some of my people can become Vikings xD
(i write Vikings with a V instead of W because it's closer to the ''real'' word xD)
Brother-Redemptor Jun 4, 2017 @ 1:14pm 
@Lachdenan It was a cultural heritage identification merit system. Also, if you raped somebody you were usually given the blood eagle. No trial, no deliberation. Just a straight up decapitation. Or you lost an eye. Or a tongue. Or an arm. Or your dick/pussy. Depended on who did the raping. Which is really sad as that rule is about to come back due to hedonism being way waaaaay too prevalent in your race's society. Through no direct fault of your own; Isis is what she is. But yeah. Too much corruption triggers the reaping. Which is never fun :/ For all involved. The Sumerians that do the killing, or the snakes that accept the punishment. Alas, eh? Humanity without a code of ethics and law is.....oh so much cannon fodder. All they gotta do is just pop your electormagnetic bubble and you're all dead. Which they'll do ya know....
Brother-Redemptor Jun 4, 2017 @ 1:10pm 
Coincidentally, child rape and molestation has arisen too. Still think a One World City (Babylon) is a good idea? I'd hope not. They'll kill you again if they gotta....
Brother-Redemptor Jun 4, 2017 @ 1:08pm 
It's devolving back down to what it used to be worlwide, which was sexual maturity progressed at ages 11-14. Which is actually more dangerous not less dangerous for the female and thus, the baby.

That's the snakes for ya. Perv's.... Boo to Isis!
Hate Bear Jun 3, 2017 @ 1:59pm 
That's true, m8. The Germanic tribes went for marriage at the oldest age of any tribes in the entire world. I don't think that's particularly helped our numbers, but such it is.
Tom Sawyer  [author] Jun 3, 2017 @ 1:15am 
I did a little research and found this: " In most of Northwestern Europe, marriage at very early ages was rare. One thousand marriage certificates from 1619 to 1660 in the Archdiocese of Canterbury show that only one bride was 13 years old, four were 15, twelve were 16, and seventeen were 17 years old; while the other 966 brides were at least 19 years old... "

In this time 16 seems to be rather too early or at least not late or unrealistic. So I think I will keep this value.

El lobo, this mod only changes properties of the people.
El lobo Jun 3, 2017 @ 1:05am 
Would be nice to know more about the mod in the description, does it add new buildings?
JoJo Jun 1, 2017 @ 10:52pm 
Is it just me!!! Never before in the history of gaming have I required the product of a building to create that building. I want to build a Nordic school, a village shop, a bank etc but I need a brickworks first. Fine. But I cant build a brickworks because I don't have bricks and roof tiles - both created in the brickworks???? I am in year 28 and not a single trader has offered me these items. If you're going to make a fundamental building dependant on a trade item, at least make sure the traders bring the items.
Hate Bear May 29, 2017 @ 2:14pm 
@LordZarmack People are trying to be PC about a medieval game because it's a descendent theory of Marxism. It is nonsense and directly opposed to reality--therefore if even one person doesn't believe in it, then it can't "work." Also, it never actually works--it just makes things suck more and more the longer it goes on.

And yes, it is totally ridiculous that we can't have even gaming to not put up with that garbage. That's why I'm for gulaging the gulagers.
LordZarmack May 29, 2017 @ 10:05am 
ime still waiting for a game that propperly reflects medieval building sim/ sim city like, but with war and conflict... i do think strongholds fucked up royale, and this "Forrest village thing is great, but no war/ conflict..
LordZarmack May 29, 2017 @ 10:04am 
taking in account ofcourc ein viking culture, the woman has a "OIrgy festival on her first blood, meaning directly "She choose the bloke she wanted to fuck"

and they allowed it- marrage was more a "Cival partnership mentality than "Marrage - a agreement to love and support untill oneor other decides no more.- but a s i say dude. ime fucking fed up with political correctness, most woudlent care.
Tom Sawyer  [author] May 29, 2017 @ 8:25am 
Gender and disasters are not affected by this mod. With marriages the question is if Banished is a medieval game at all. I think it's rather 17-19 century. At least vanilla and most Nordic buildings look like this and Colonial Charter cannot be medieval too. The usual age of marriage in this time was about 16 - 20. For the gameplay it has to be tested a bit more imo. If students come out of school with about 15 then an earlier age of marriage would not work anyway. :)
Passenger 57 May 28, 2017 @ 3:32am 
I'm finding I have a lot of single males with this mod. Not sure if it's because more males are born than females or somewhow they're aging up faster. Also, diseases spread through the population like wildfire.
Musickiller May 27, 2017 @ 12:48pm 
I agree, make marriages to start from at least 14.
LordZarmack May 27, 2017 @ 2:14am 
never did get why people tried to be politicly correct about a medieval game..
LordZarmack May 27, 2017 @ 2:13am 
marages started at 13 -11 / or first periord. not 16+ during any age, pre the modern times. 1900' +

Mustatassu1 May 26, 2017 @ 9:02am 
@ bearhiderug: That is very true. I live in Finland myself and I heard about Hanseatic League aka Hansa, and it reached from Germany to Turku (Åbu).
Desert Rose May 25, 2017 @ 12:40pm 
@Daddy Andy Interesting. I was taught that we just figured out how to make good steel. I should probably look up some of this stuff to update myself on it x3
Andy May 24, 2017 @ 9:35pm 
@Desert Rose Yes Ulfberhts were made with steel but we didnt just find it or make it ourselves. The material can be tracked from denmark to pretty far away, the fact that we had some steel while others used iron made the swords look like magic and made people think the smiths were better then they were mostly being because of a proper material then good forging.
Desert Rose May 24, 2017 @ 5:01pm 
Throwing in my 5 cents. From what I know from school in Denmark we were actually some fo the best smiths in our viking prime and our steel surpassed most of what you could find across the world for a short period of time. I believe they used this steel to make Ulfberhts during the 9th to the 11th century. I could of course be wrong as this was knowledge from like quite a while ago so who knows. So if that checks out I think their tools would probably range among the better ones especially steel tools.
stormwolf442 May 23, 2017 @ 10:47pm 

I figure tool making would be harder because of technology. As far as I know when the Vikings first raided England their methods for forging metal were inferior to the way the English did it. Kind of like how meteoric iron was weaker than iron that had dug up and clensed of impurities.

So with the medieval setting, I can accept the norsemen having inferior toolmaking abilities... Just wanted to throw that out there.
oauer May 23, 2017 @ 3:45pm 
I have plenty of logs and iron in the North, why would took making be harder?
Tom Sawyer  [author] May 23, 2017 @ 8:08am 
Actually the consumption of clothes and tools is unchanged in this mod. Maybe this feeling comes by playing the North where toolmaking is more difficult.
oauer May 23, 2017 @ 6:18am 
I noticed that the people go thru more clothing faster than in the regular game, also tools.
Erikwa3290 May 22, 2017 @ 7:22pm 
To be fair, most girls got married and had kids by the time they hit 13.
and just to make some people mad, Muhammad married, and on a daily basis, fucked his child brides. as for the magic 18, that's a by product of christian morals dominating western culture for the last few hundred years. Before it was a sin to have genitals, people got freaky at crazy young ages. ( but also only lived to be like 30-40 before catching bloddy-poop-death)
Mustatassu1 May 22, 2017 @ 1:05pm 
You people attacking Colonel Porksworth: BACK OFF! He/ she was ONLY mentioning what is PHYSICALLY possible, NEITHER that it should be legal NOR that it should be implemented in this game. Stop reading between the lines when there is nothing to find.