Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

Roman Castle
dmsekenei86 May 7, 2017 @ 10:29am 
.... This would look good as a castle for the Goths and Huns, instill both have had more dealings with the Romans with medieval Germans
Ivan the Cuckold Nov 2, 2016 @ 4:24am 
there is a mod for the Italian castle
StevnG Oct 23, 2016 @ 12:10am 
I want this to replace the italian castle. can you do that pretty please for dear ceaser.
julianbaba4  [author] Sep 10, 2016 @ 10:45pm 
I was just saying that the structure of the asian & american castles were not mean't to perfectly reflect their role in the game (as fortification buildings), while the graphics in the game itself are not mean't to be completely historically accurate. And of course I know the american one is a temple duh.

Btw why not just make one yourself? Copy + Paste graphics to make your own the way you like, simple.
kungfu18 Sep 10, 2016 @ 10:05pm 
If you want a roman castle try rebuilding something like castra martis

Also the Asian castle is based on a japanese tenshu which build in the edo peroid after the waring states peroid in japan had ended as a result they were made more to impress and serve as a damyio's headquaters rather for defense, the mesoamerican castle is actually a temple

Arato castle is closer to what warring states peroid castles were
julianbaba4  [author] Sep 10, 2016 @ 9:32pm 
LOL tell that to the Asian Castle or the American "Castle" that has a stairway with an open door right in front of it XD
But seriously dude, it's just a game.You should be glad that I even made this at all, besides it's only based off of the original 'All roads lead to Rome' castle, and have you seen what that looked like?? All I'll say is that it was a literal pancake.
I had waited so long to for someone to post a Roman architecture set and for the castle I get a pancake -_- I was so pissed that I ended up making this castle which is like 10 times better, so just enjoy it ok?
julianbaba4  [author] Jul 6, 2016 @ 7:56am 
That mod comes in an akx. file and I haven't learn't how to open those yet, but I have already found a nice lighthouse I was planning to put on steam in the future.
julianbaba4  [author] Jul 6, 2016 @ 7:52am 
Done :steamhappy:
jdiefenb Jul 6, 2016 @ 7:50am 
jdiefenb Jul 6, 2016 @ 7:20am 
Since you already added a new statue of the marble(white) one with a hat, I would choose marble without a hat, stone (gray) with hat, and Asian.
julianbaba4  [author] Jul 6, 2016 @ 6:08am 
I can replace 3 of them wit the 3 mayan stone heads, but that leaves 1 left, since some of the statues are similar would you have any preferences?
I'd definately do the Asian statue and one of the white statues, but what else?

Or I can replace them with the heads on a stick, since there are 4 of them for 4 statues, but then the statues will be holograms.
jdiefenb Jul 6, 2016 @ 5:37am 
Yes here is the link, if it doesn't work just go to the site, click on Mod Packs under the Blacksmith section and then type 'Statues' in the search bar. Thanks it would be nice to see this in the workshop for sure.
julianbaba4  [author] Jul 5, 2016 @ 9:13pm 
Which mod do you mean? Can you link it?
jdiefenb Jul 5, 2016 @ 4:17pm 
Can you possibly upload the mod from AOK Heaven where it's just the statues by themselves taken from the universities? That could be useful.