Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Block Culling
Invalid  [author] Aug 1 @ 6:32pm 
new update, some multithreading stuff for handling the hiding/unhiding of blocks. type /bcdebug to see a log.
Aristeas  [author] Jul 3 @ 11:34am 
Nikodga, it should be in the mod list.
[PTH] Nikodga Jun 25 @ 9:35pm 
Cant find the plugin in the plugin loader's plugin menu
TwinIndifferent Jun 17 @ 8:52am 
Next logical step would be voxel render optimization, grass and trees optimization and physics recalculation for grids. Kinda wasteful to calculate each block when no change for it happend...
Aristeas  [author] May 15 @ 12:04pm 
Yes, this runs purely clientside. It's already listed on Plugin Loader; thanks for the feedback!
Official Zealiux May 13 @ 6:14am 
I'm curious does this run client side only or does it also have a server side component?
If it runs client side it would be awesome to get it as a plugin for the plugin loader. or if it can run purely server side it would be awesome to get it as a torch plugin. but regardless this is awesome
LeeTheFlea May 12 @ 1:32am 
Very nice, small nice improvement. Will try on my server.
Aristeas  [author] May 10 @ 5:40pm 
[@Come and See] No, it shouldn't. If it does, something has gone wrong
titanius anglesmith May 10 @ 4:41pm 
huh wonder why that isnt in the base game
Aristeas  [author] May 10 @ 4:36pm 
@titanius anglesmith It hides blocks that aren't normally visible, which saves on performance.
titanius anglesmith May 10 @ 12:13pm 
what exactly does this do in detail ? i am confusion
Green_Lightning May 9 @ 11:38pm 
Can you make block damage effect culling next? I want my ship to be on fire when damaged, but I also don't want to have it lag the game to death in every large ship battle.
Come and See May 9 @ 4:13pm 
Does culling blocks stop them from counting towards PCU?
This actually improved my fps nice work!
Aristeas  [author] May 8 @ 5:06pm 
I'm working on an update to keep visible-but-covered blocks unculled, hold tight.
Come and See May 8 @ 9:58am 
The script makes any blocks surrounded on all four sides turn invisible on your screen so how much fps you save really depends on the conditions you're in. I loaded up one of my laggy saves with 100k+ pcus in the area and my simulation speed went up to 1.00 from 0.7 which is an improvement.
DarkFight May 8 @ 8:50am 
Is there a way to make configs for Distances ?
g o o s e May 8 @ 7:00am 
@kinngrimm it actually hides blocks, while Edge Begone just hides the crusty looking block edges
kinngrimm May 8 @ 4:42am 
also would there be a plugin loader version for this?
kinngrimm May 8 @ 4:39am 
What is the differance to "Edge be gone"?
Invalid  [author] May 7 @ 10:56pm 
the FPS improvement is really for the extreme end of things but it does help. easiest way to test is a giant cube of small reactors
Uncannyjoke May 7 @ 8:14pm 
Mod does not improve boost FPS up to any notable range described in the description.
Foxstorm520 May 7 @ 2:36pm 
you know a mod is good when one of the creators is a Kerbial
KEJWII May 7 @ 1:46pm 
interesting optimalization
FantazeR May 7 @ 10:59am 
add view distance settings, i can't see blocks when they're covered with armor panels
gravy May 7 @ 9:00am 
this is so good if it's true, how does the base game not do that already???? also thanks for making amazing mod
BookBurner May 7 @ 6:51am 
O_O any impact when used in mp?
Uncannyjoke May 7 @ 2:26am 
I assume it does not render blocks and components that are not visible behind surface blocks.

from what I can see it hasnt made a boost to FPS in any major way.

Does this worsen or quicken server performance if they use this?
Desert Ice May 7 @ 12:34am 
Could you provide a clearer explanation of what this mod does please.
Green_Lightning May 6 @ 11:21pm 
Dear god, it doesn't already do that?
_jo.nat_ May 6 @ 10:03pm 
Is there a clientside plugin for this?
Sensational Being May 6 @ 7:23am 
Can you make it so we can differentiate between large and small grid? I like making fighters with this mod and it reacts inconsistently with this great render saver, which I can't expect you to address. So exempting small grids would work for me.
titanius anglesmith May 5 @ 5:48am 
what maddens is this ?
Days May 4 @ 3:12pm 
Would it be possible to have a ui allowing user tuning of exclusions for the culling check list?

I had some single ForceField Generators (Hangar Doors) block culled in the “open”. Full and partial armour blocks on 5 sides, with the invisible-but-airtight segment of another FGHD block on the 6th. :)

Great work, thanks for the mod!
Hotaro May 2 @ 8:04pm 
@Aristeas awesome! Thank you.
Aristeas  [author] May 2 @ 4:20pm 
@Hotaro Right now, yes - there isn't an easy way to check if blocks are visible. I'll be pulling windows from the culling check list and add a toggle command soon.
50 COW May 2 @ 2:48pm 
Hotaro May 2 @ 11:44am 
So.. if there is a window on one side, or a block with see through bits.. will the block in the middle still be invisible? I've sometimes put reactors or some such block in the wall with a window on one side so you can still see the reactor.. Will this make it look like the reactor has disappeared, or does this only make blocks invisible that can't be seen at all?
titanius anglesmith May 2 @ 6:39am 