Malarkei May 22 @ 3:50am 
Unfortunately I'm not able to code. Maybe someday i'll learn it! Thank you very much for the reply and for your mod!
johnkind  [author] May 21 @ 5:49am 
The mod allows you to set a damage multiplier for projectiles thrown by players using the parameter "Zombies.ThrowingProjectilesHandlerDamageMultiplier".
However, there is no option to customize this damage based on the thrown item.
Nevertheless, in your mod, you can modify and override the ItemBase.InediaInfectedAI_ThrowingProjectileGetThrowerDamageMultiplier() method to change the damage multiplier depending on the type of item and the creature that throws it as you see fit.
Malarkei May 21 @ 4:39am 
Hello! Awesome mod! I was wondering if i could make olny certain itens deal damage when thrown by players (Trying to jury rig a knife throwing mechanic) Thanks!
GamerInked May 19 @ 10:30pm 
@johnkind nah lol
Shaggoth (Ищезаяц) May 19 @ 10:07am 
NO :steamhappy:
johnkind  [author] May 17 @ 11:22am 
Isn't there enough suffering already? 😂
GamerInked May 17 @ 10:34am 
Would it be cool if when opening a wrecked car door,hood,trunk 5% chance that a car alarm goes off?
Hukuma May 6 @ 2:19am 
Hello, this work is one of the best, thank you! make it possible to add your own medicines for the treatment of injuries and diseases from this mod and then everything will be perfect! Thanks again!
Shaggoth (Ищезаяц) Apr 30 @ 7:08am 
проверь всё остальное заодно. есть шанс что у тебя ошибки в json и мод использует свои дефолтные значения
Treborn Apr 22 @ 9:36am 
Hey does this work with TheWalkingDead mod?
[}{@P40K]KemperKrasno Apr 21 @ 4:40pm 
@johnkind thx)))
johnkind  [author] Apr 21 @ 4:24pm 
Read the changelog, item 9.
There have been many complaints about this mechanic, which was enabled by default.
Players were constantly using it without realizing that it has a small radius and is intended for completely different situations. As a result, the mechanic became annoying.
Therefore, the ability for quiet opening by default is now disabled, and infected don't react to opening. If you need this mechanic, you'll have to activate it in your configuration file.
[}{@P40K]KemperKrasno Apr 21 @ 3:23pm 
There is no way to open the door quietly after the latest update.
Suspended*huh Apr 20 @ 7:13am 
hey johnkind, ive just deleted the config file and generated another one, thanks for the help though!
johnkind  [author] Apr 20 @ 4:25am 
But you can always customize something to suit your needs.
A full list of features and parameters for customization can be found in the configuration guide:
Gameb1te Apr 20 @ 4:09am 
Looks great, so can just install this and it will be as you intended?
Suspended*huh Apr 20 @ 1:04am 
hello, this mod started to not follow the code ive edited, i edited the zombie not to attack players while uncon and break down doors but they still are?
Overside Apr 15 @ 5:24am 
Working with "MedPlus"?
johnkind  [author] Apr 15 @ 2:21am 
Wolves have this in their code, just as infected have chase mode in their code, but all these scripts are hidden from modders.
If you want to influence these things, you'll have to write your own script to control the infected completely without being able to see how it's done vanilla.
This is currently how the search mode and partially the chase mode are implemented.
However, creating a fleeing script from scratch is time-consuming, and unfortunately I don't have it at the moment, the mod is essentially completed in its current state.

And anyway, attaching this functionality to Spotlight isn't quite right, ideally, it should be possible to do something similar with any item, as it's currently done in "Zombies.CustomIrritants".
Jundullah Apr 14 @ 1:51pm 
Something like this:

"DamageToZombieFromSpotlightVisualHp": {
"all": 50.0
"ScreamAttractsZombiesInRadius": {
"all": 10.0
"DamageToZombieSpotlightVisual": {
"mediumdef": 0.5,
"all": 0.6000000238418579,
"lowdef": 0.6000000238418579,
"highdef": 0.4000000059604645
Jundullah Apr 14 @ 1:51pm 
Something like

"DamageToZombieFromSpotlightVisualHp": {
"all": 50.0
"ScreamAttractsZombiesInRadius": {
"all": 10.0
"DamageToZombieSpotlightVisual": {
"mediumdef": 0.5,
"all": 0.6000000238418579,
"lowdef": 0.6000000238418579,
"highdef": 0.4000000059604645
Jundullah Apr 14 @ 1:24pm 

I have a question / request.
Your Code:

"DamageToPlayerBleedingChancePercent": {
"all": 10.0,
"highstr": 16.0,
"mediumstr": 13.0,
"lowstr": 10.0

"ReactSpotlightVisual": {
"all": 1.0

shows that the player can be triggered by it. What about Zombies?
Make something like Dying Light has...?

Example Zombie responds to the "UV Lights" as he responds to Spotlights, but he loses HP by that and it triggeres the Flee response (Wolves have that in their Code).
Oddie_Jackal Apr 14 @ 4:35am 
How do I stop them being hyper reactive to suppressed shots?
johnkind  [author] Apr 12 @ 3:42pm 
I didn't notice any problems.
Moreover, there's a parameter "Zombies.FriendlyNPC", allowing any zombie or animal to be made friendly to any NPC from "DayZ-Expansion-AI":
Sgt_Shit Apr 12 @ 2:37pm 
Does anyone use this mod alongside expansion AI? If so, are there any issues between them?
3RA_[x]YouTeN[z]☢ Apr 11 @ 1:49pm 
was prompted so that the dogs don't bleed:

"BloodHandlerIsActive": {
"all": 1,
"Dayz_Doggo": 0

thanks it works
amazing mod)))
johnkind  [author] Apr 10 @ 3:08am 
Review the compatibility information with other mods.
I love the mod, but my zombies don’t Die
How I can change that ?
johnkind  [author] Apr 10 @ 2:40am 
In the first update point, I mentioned that there might be issues with mods that rely on the player's global variable context. This is because I've stopped using the global context for player variables and ceased storing data there, as this method consistently caused variable shifts upon mod installation, various strange problems appeared and necessitated server wipes.
Now, server wipes are no longer necessary, but variable shifting occurred upon mod update not due to the addition of variables to the context, but due to their removal from there. This is a one-time issue, and unfortunately, nothing can be done about it except for a server wipe.
But this is the pain that sooner or later had to be endured so that in the future, you would never encounter such problems again.
Therefore, after the latest update and wipe, there will never be any problems in the future as this mod no longer uses the vanilla context for player variables.
johnkind  [author] Apr 10 @ 2:11am 
@Sgt SaVage
The pain system is based on vanilla shock damage and takes into account protection from vanilla shock damage provided by various equipment.
Therefore, for better limb protection, adjust the vanilla shock damage protection of items in config.cpp.
For example, for "PlateCarrierVest":
CfgVehicles -> PlateCarrierVest -> DamageSystem -> Global Armor -> Melee -> Shock -> damage
111 Apr 9 @ 10:04pm 
The mod is great. But there is one drawback: when updating the mod, the players’ reputation from the ND-Mission mod disappears.
Sgt SaVage Apr 9 @ 5:31pm 
Our players love this mod ! I have to ask is there a way to add a parameter to reduce damage to the player if they are wearing protective gear. Eg Motorbike helmet reduces concussion chance. Plate carrier reduces torso damage etc ?
How i can disable zombies can launch projectiles ?
johnkind  [author] Apr 9 @ 12:10pm 
Also, please note the new parameter:

Even if jumps are disabled, they may attempt to escape from a stuck position by jumping towards the player. This can also be disabled at your discretion.
johnkind  [author] Apr 9 @ 12:04pm 
Yes, you can specify base classes. I don't remember what the base class is for all dogs from DayZ-Dog.
Kablowsky Apr 9 @ 11:49am 
What parameter defines the ability of an infected person to climb into vehicles, containers, trucks, etc.? After updating, they are going up after a few seconds and I can't find a value that prevents this behavior. Amazing and game changer mod by the way. Thank you.
3RA_[x]YouTeN[z]☢ Apr 9 @ 11:48am 
Like this?

"BloodHandlerIsActive": {
"all": 1
"Doggo_Wild1": 0
johnkind  [author] Apr 9 @ 11:33am 
Just disable the blood handler for the dog class, parameter "Zombies.BloodHandlerIsActive".
3RA_[x]YouTeN[z]☢ Apr 9 @ 11:24am 
Hello... I use the "DayZ-Dog" mod... when a dog gets a cut, it can be bandaged... but the blood doesn't stop... as a result, the dog dies from blood loss... is it possible to fix it somehow?
johnkind  [author] Apr 3 @ 12:17pm 
1) Creating an experimental version doesn't make sense because this is not a project where new features constantly appear that need testing.
This is a project where almost everything that is conceived is implemented, and it is almost finished.
2) Any function in this modification can be completely disabled via the configuration. You can disable everything except AI. Or you can, for example, keep the blood mechanics enabled while disabling everything else, including AI.
sysrover Apr 3 @ 10:29am 
May be better to make like in sGunplay, an experemental branch and then will be less like this situation.
Also will be very good if you will separate AI form other features like bloodloss, guts, medecine system etc.
Because a lot of servers have their own systems for this and its very hard to use togather.
johnkind  [author] Apr 3 @ 2:58am 
🤦‍♂️ Damn, this config accidentally ended up in the repository as a result of experimenting with projectile damage. It will be removed in the next update.
sysrover Apr 2 @ 6:14pm 
class Man: AllVehicles
class SurvivorBase: Man
class DamageSystem
class DamageZones
class Head
class ArmorType
class Melee
class Health

Iugulator Mar 30 @ 5:28pm 
Awesome, thanks! I'll get that changed.
johnkind  [author] Mar 30 @ 3:33am 
I informed about this in the news on Discord:
johnkind — 25.03.2024 13:33
The new mechanic of extending looting status from bodies to nearby players, parameters "Zombies.SearchBodyExtendLootingToPlayersInRadiusMeters" and "Players.SearchBodyExtendLootingToPlayersInRadiusMeters," is not functioning correctly.
It is recommended to set these values to "0" to revert to the old looting mechanic.
Otherwise, players within 30 meters of a player looting a body will lose the ability to loot that body.
In the next update, which will not be very soon, this issue will be fixed.
Shaggoth (Ищезаяц) Mar 30 @ 2:58am 
As a workaround you can disable this feature for now. And investigate further. I doubt rebuilding config will help you, it's something expansion does, probably.