

Research Tree (Continued)
Mlie  [author] May 28 @ 10:13pm 
@Atreidi Please see the Reporting Issues section described above
Atreidi May 28 @ 6:16pm 
I have the same problem as Potato0 :(
Mlie  [author] May 24 @ 11:21pm 
@Potato0 Please see the Reporting Issues section described above
Potato0 May 24 @ 5:54pm 
idk if im doing it wrong or something? but searching for what i want doesn't do anything for me if i just type in what i want to find and if i press enter it closes the tree.
leech99 May 23 @ 9:07am 
holy shit thanks mlie
Mlie  [author] May 20 @ 9:57pm 
@Yablako If you link to the mod it would help in adding compatibility for it
Yablako May 20 @ 4:32pm 
Understanding why half of my research was locked took me a while. The Multi-analyzer was out of Analyzer Data from Research Data mod and I had to disable this mod to see it.
Mlie  [author] May 19 @ 6:38am 
@Professor H. Farnsworth I dont know what mods you are referring to. Would help if you link to the mods
Professor H. Farnsworth May 19 @ 6:32am 
Hmm, I think that this causes issues when it bumps up research a tier or two with techadvancing.

At least I researched all neolithic and medieval research, but was still stuck on medieval rather than progressing to industrial.

I noticed that it had bumped up Alpha Bees (I believe Climatized Beehouse) because a pre-requisite was higher than it.
Mlie  [author] May 17 @ 11:37pm 
@Nyx That is correct, since they can be researched apart from the normal research its a whole different tree
Nyx (She/Her) May 17 @ 11:15pm 
So I'm curious why the anomaly techs aren't bundled into the main tree? Is it not possible without a ton more code?
Eran May 16 @ 5:58pm 
Mlie you beautiful bastard you've done it again. If I hadn't already exhausted all the awards I could give you, I'd give you more.
Mlie  [author] May 15 @ 10:51pm 
@Riffy In my tests its been at most 30 seconds. All depends on the amount of projects and your cpu.
Riffy May 15 @ 2:22pm 
How long does it take before you can open the research window? It's been running about 30 minutes now.
Lisan Al Gaib! May 14 @ 2:16pm 
Didn't see the discord button and the github buttons above my bad.
Mlie  [author] May 14 @ 1:50pm 
@Lisan Al Gaib! Please see the Reporting Issues section described above
Lisan Al Gaib! May 14 @ 1:48pm 
Hey been having some trouble with the search bar not populating anything when given a input would you need logs or some other thing to help out with that.
Mlie  [author] May 12 @ 3:40am 
@hoovy is medic No yet
hoovy is medic May 12 @ 2:27am 
question is there a way to drag click techs onto the tech tree i don't really like using keybindings
Mlie  [author] May 10 @ 7:27am 
@Deamonheart In what way?
Deamonheart May 10 @ 7:22am 
the mod pretty much block anomaly research when you choose not to start with the cube.
Latex Santa May 9 @ 11:59am 
You and your team are just hard-carrying this mod community, my friend.
Whenever you find the time, kindly please take a look at BETTER INFESTATIONS as well.
Many thanks in advance.
Dorito DeVito May 6 @ 3:34pm 
If the connector lines in the research tree are fading in and out, it could be due to Performance Fish. While disabling the items in its TextureLoadingPatches section resolved my issue, deleting the .dds files for the lines in this mod may also work.
SM-Andrew May 6 @ 9:36am 
Thank you so much for keeping this amazing mod alive! I absolutely cannot play with the vanilla research tree, it's awful. Is it still possible to "select" a node in the research tree so that you can pan around and find what comes before it/what it leads to? I thought I remember being able to right click or maybe middle mouse click a node to do that in previous versions but I might be mistaken. Again, thank you so much for single handily keeping my enjoyment for Rimworld alive lol
Mlie  [author] May 6 @ 6:21am 
@hestaby316 All research requirements are highlighted when you select a locked research. Techprints should be listed in the detailed description of the research
hestaby316 May 6 @ 6:16am 
Question - How do I find out what techprint or previous tech is required for locked research? As does not say on mine. Thank.
Dark Ocelot May 6 @ 12:42am 
Mod necromancers like you Mlie are literal lifesavers. Thanks so much for your work updating old mods to new versions of the game.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Apr 30 @ 2:19pm 
Great mod thx for revive
Damon_Vi Apr 30 @ 10:47am 
@Mlie absolutely hype! Take your time! I dunno if you hear that enough. Mod makers are the unsung, under appreciated heroes for making additional free content for the community. Keep up the good work
Vitor Apr 29 @ 4:13am 
@denak idk but every play i do i always start with rim fridge research, i believe they are unlocked at eletronics research , try it <3
Mlie  [author] Apr 28 @ 10:49pm 
@Damon_Vi Yes, its on the todolist
Damon_Vi Apr 28 @ 10:47pm 
odd question, but is there any chance to get the old mechanic of dragging research onto the queue bar from ResearchPal? it was a neat little QoL feature that i'd love to see again.
Denak Apr 28 @ 8:55am 
hello, awesome mod, and thanks a lot Mile for your work!
The only issue I have with it is that RimFridge doesn't appear:
ResearchTree :: Node for Power Factor Setting for RimFridge not found. Was it intentionally hidden or locked?
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)

Big Brain Luigi Apr 27 @ 11:42am 
@Mile dope
Mlie  [author] Apr 26 @ 3:09am 
@Krushtak Please see the Reporting Issues section described above
Krushtak Apr 26 @ 1:18am 
seems like its causing problems with the medieval mod. Some of the res. projects got requirements, that cant be see with this mod.
Mlie  [author] Apr 25 @ 10:01pm 
@Big Brain Luigi I have some ideas for it, just need time to work it out
Demonlord09 Apr 25 @ 7:18pm 
Demonlord09 Just now 
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3232276780 <--- Screenshot of odd possible bug

https://gist.github.com/HugsLibRecordKeeper/5c8561ae449d471ce5a8e5ad5240c435 <--- Hugslib_Log

Think we can rule out this bit of weird being caused by other mods. It seems to be a conflict of sorts between this mod and Tech Advancing. I'm guessing Tech Advancing says it should be one number, but this mod doesn't agree and keeps it at the vanilla research amount, leading to the progress number being bigger than the max amount shown.
Big Brain Luigi Apr 25 @ 4:12pm 
just curious if you intend to implement the anomaly tab a bit more naturally, its a little jarring as is, otherwise thanks for the update, didnt realize how unusable vanilla was until i tried without this lol
Zezin Apr 24 @ 3:55pm 
It works well enough, I love this mod I'm so glad you picked it up thank you, I only really asked because I used another version that didn't allow me to get to that research tab.
Mlie  [author] Apr 24 @ 9:47am 
@Zezin In a way, it wont override the anomaly research window.
Zezin Apr 24 @ 9:07am 
Hi! is this compatible with the anomaly research?
Commanderori Apr 24 @ 8:50am 
Shouldn't be surprised there's a mlie version now, heh. Thanks for updating it! :)
DmytroUndertaker Apr 23 @ 10:42am 
It's strange and I'm don't even knew if there's this mod causing issues, but each time i've open research tree it gives me an unexpected stack overflow
sunny Apr 23 @ 2:47am 
Thank you for the update. I really love having the tree back. The workaround is fine imho
Mlie  [author] Apr 22 @ 9:59pm 
@MrUglehFace Hopefully someone takes over ResearchPowl so you dont have to use this mod
MrUglehFace Apr 22 @ 9:07pm 
Either something is wrong with mine or this is far inferior to Researchpal. I can’t click on projects if I’m too zoomed out, I can’t rearrange projects, and searching for projects sucks because I can’t click on it to make the searches go away so I have to do this annoying wrap around with my mouse or else it moves to a different project

I’m leaning towards something being wrong with mine because the colors are a tier behind. Neolithic is yellow, medieval is green, industrial is cyan etc. and it’s not like that in the screenshots
SounLee Apr 22 @ 12:49pm 
atm i`m trying to figure out with what mod it is reakting badly. halfing method like the last two days. standalone it works. (a bit clueless here as this is the only mod that changes something in research)
Mlie  [author] Apr 22 @ 12:40pm 
@SounLee Works in my tests, try the steps described under Reporting Issues
SounLee Apr 22 @ 12:37pm 
the mod breaks dev mode ui for spawning things