Slay the Spire

Slay the Spire

The Adventurer
dumb idiot Mar 10 @ 11:36am 
Land of giants can be used to make an uncontrollable infinite, which(I assume) can get you stuck on the heart. I didn't need the infinite to beat the heart because tes box goes crazy(not infinite) with cast line, which I only mention because tes box doesn't draw past 10 with extra tentacles.
TheDarkStorm Nov 20, 2023 @ 5:05am 
did we move from hero to villain recently? the heart is now pushing this character down the spire rather than climb it
Gallows Oct 1, 2023 @ 8:31am 
so is there something wrong with foil cards? I don't see them no longer in rewards or is this intended?
Osprey Sep 28, 2023 @ 3:26pm 
For what it's worth, X Marks the Spot has quickly become one of my favorite cards in his kit. Can't wait to see the update, though. Thank you for your hard work!
Vex'd  [author] Sep 28, 2023 @ 1:08pm 
I've actually been thinking about reworking X Marks the Spot for this reason; it definitely feels bad to be punished for having other mods installed. Still working on the update, but I'll either come up with a new design or make a mod checkbox to allow modded x-costs that starts disabled. Thanks a bunch for playing & offering feedback!
Osprey Sep 28, 2023 @ 1:00pm 
One more feature request if its alright: to omit non-base (that is, only allow red, green, blue, and purple X cost cards) character's X-cost cards from the adventurer's pool. Sometimes I'm playing with multiple modded characters loaded at once, and when I play adventurer sometimes I'll get X-cost cards that truly do nothing -- either the X cost's effect is very specific to that other modded character or it relies on synergies not in the base card pool. This would allow players to load in additional characters without them affecting gameplay for the adventurer. Amazing work as always :)
Vex'd  [author] Sep 25, 2023 @ 3:09pm 
Thanks a bunch for these reports - been busy as I expected, but I'm taking some time to fix them now. Good news - that Ghost Ship issue was actually a bug too, it'll function as you'd expect next!
dumb idiot Sep 25, 2023 @ 3:01pm 
Other boot doesn't seem to do anything. Also, broken oar and vexing deal together are a bit annoying - they both make you exhaust cards individually, which would be fun if it allowed you to exhaust ghost ship twice, but it doesn't come back into your hand until after the second exhaust screen.
dumb idiot Sep 20, 2023 @ 11:24pm 
Crashing after playing too many tempests without completing the quest(act 1 four of a kind with not enough draw yet) due to an "out of bounds exception".
shteev Sep 13, 2023 @ 8:13am 
Love this character... fun and elegant design!
Vex'd  [author] Sep 12, 2023 @ 9:58am 
I figured someone would request this eventually! It's a good idea (and it'd make it easier for me to test new ones too), but I just wanted to wait until someone asked. I'll do it in the next update - might take a little bit though. Thanks for playing! :)
Osprey Sep 12, 2023 @ 6:06am 
Hey @Vex'd I have a feature request :). In the character config (mod menu in game) could you add the ability to choose the days dungeon to override the current day's? Sometimes you want to play with a particular strategy and there's no way of knowing when the next time it will appear in the rotation. This feature would be amazing but of course if you don't think it goes along with the spirit of the mod or for any other reason I'll still keep playing :D
Vex'd  [author] Sep 6, 2023 @ 11:19am 
Thanks so much for the report! I'll look into it quick, I'm super glad people are playing - new art for Wizardry in the next update too!
Osprey Sep 6, 2023 @ 7:36am 
For today's dungeon (termina; delve cards not discarded 1& 2 no effect, 3 -- enemies lose 22hp) the "delve cards are not discarded" effect is bugged. At the end of your turn if you have any delve cards, a ghost of the card stays in your hand near the center bottom of the screen and you can't click it/play it. The card doesn't go into your discard pile and as far as I can tell it's removed from your deck until you enter a different combat floor.
Rat Burger Eater Lad Aug 23, 2023 @ 11:27pm 
can you upload the new character select splash art to r/wallpaper or something its too good and i want to use it as my computer immage
Vex'd  [author] Aug 18, 2023 @ 10:15am 
Fixed along with the Cannon showing up for non-Adventurer characters. Also changed The Key because Delve 3 times was too powerful - now it's the rare source of positive draw in the character!
Feroconas Aug 18, 2023 @ 4:17am 
In today's dungeon, the cannon is dealing damage to all enemies even though the description says it deals damage to a random enemy.
Vex'd  [author] Aug 11, 2023 @ 11:14am 
Is the MegaCrit dungeon particularly fun? I haven't enjoyed it quite as much in my own runs. For the time being I'm thinking I could just remove Exhaust from the cards (if you play them, you probably liked them anyways), but maybe it'd just be something to rework or remove in general. By the way - more Dungeons coming soon, along with bug fixes and a few new card changes!
Vex'd  [author] Aug 11, 2023 @ 10:59am 
oh yeah. i didn't think about that that is too strong. hmm good catch
dumb idiot Aug 11, 2023 @ 10:40am 
Today's dungeon(MegaCrit) auto wins combat if it ever gives you ghost ship.
Feroconas Aug 5, 2023 @ 7:22am 
Crash when playing Vexing Deal, I had other mods too but apparently only your mod was involved

Mods in stacktrace:
- fishing (3.1.7)
at theFishing.powers.VexingDealPower.updateDescription(
at theFishing.powers.AbstractAdventurerPower.<init>(
at theFishing.powers.VexingDealPower.<init>(
at com.megacrit.cardcrawl.characters.AbstractPlayer.useCard(
Vex'd  [author] Aug 2, 2023 @ 7:00am 
Thanks for noticing! Super proud of the update; and there's more to come. I'll tweak Collector+ to be Innate in the next update, but it might be a day or two - I want to see if there are any other clear balance outliers or cards that aren't exciting to pick first!
Zu Aug 2, 2023 @ 6:47am 
Lots of new art. Very nice. I will say though, I don't think Collector+ should give 2 strength. It scales insanely fast with foils that generate more foils.
JamesTripleQ Apr 10, 2023 @ 8:05am 
Just a heads up that Stone is marked as a normal curse card so it can show up in gain a random curse events
WolfRed Jan 26, 2023 @ 7:52am 
Game crashed.

at theFishing.actions.FutureProofingAction.update(
plaidman Nov 10, 2022 @ 7:04am 
had a crash on mac with the Decked Out card, but the recent update fixed it. Thank you!
Sagil Oct 20, 2022 @ 1:14am 
Crash when buying foil GlitterGlue from the store:

08:12:05.315 INFO helpers.CardHelper> Obtained fishing:GlitterGlue (UNCOMMON). Creating new map entry.
08:12:05.315 INFO unlock.UnlockTracker> Already seen: fishing:GlitterGlue
08:12:05.316 INFO core.CardCrawlGame> Exception occurred in CardCrawlGame render method!
08:12:05.317 ERROR core.CardCrawlGame> Exception caught
java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null
at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification( ~[?:1.8.0_131]
at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.remove( ~[?:1.8.0_131]
at com.megacrit.cardcrawl.dungeons.AbstractDungeon.update( ~[?:?]
Sagil Oct 14, 2022 @ 6:06am 
First Class+ claims to add Foil Flights to your hand, but adds regular flights.
Vex'd  [author] Sep 21, 2022 @ 2:11pm 
Thanks for the report! Got it - I was waiting to upload for some good balance changes, but all my further effort to play StS evaporated soon after. I'll upload a fix for that soon, unless anyone has any other feedback or issues.
Sagil Sep 21, 2022 @ 5:12am 
The description of the Reserve power is wrong (claims to grant [E] when playing foil cards instead of X-cost cards).
krzarb Sep 18, 2022 @ 12:01am 
Darn I loved those booster boxes
dumb idiot Sep 12, 2022 @ 2:14pm 
err, or maybe the bag of defends
dumb idiot Sep 12, 2022 @ 2:06pm 
Pandoras box crashes, imagine it doesn't like transforming foils.
Fervent Paeans Sep 12, 2022 @ 6:04am 
Collector is just a cheaper demon form as it is. Perhaps it could give 1 strength every 5 Foil cards played, or be changed to 'Gain strength equal to the cost of the first Foil card played each turn'?
The harpoon is weak as most fights are single-target. Maybe the whale could be changed to not exhaust, or the quest could be renewed by playing the whale or harpoon.
Really like the new empty hand powers and how bobber is not anti-synergistic with them now.
Played a great run with Storm x 3, Shimmering Shield x 2, and a Foil Ends of the Earth with Shuriken, Kunai, and Empty fan. Had 30 dex and strength when I killed the Heart. Not saying anything needs to be nerfed, just that I'm grateful your mod gave me the most fun experience I've had with Slay The Spire.
Fervent Paeans Sep 12, 2022 @ 5:15am 
Maybe it could give 'fish power' which increases the effect of each fish slightly. Another way would be to give it 'Exile these fish this combat' ensuring you see rarer fish. The rarest series of fish would be The Deep Ones which would give languid as well as weak, decrepit as well as vulnerable, two random orbs instead of just a lightning etc. Maybe The Deep Ones are un-exilable (so late in the fight all your fish are super-powerful) or maybe they reset the exile pool whenever one of them is played. This would allow rarer cards to be buffed by having them give you 'a new fish' instead of just a random fish.
Fervent Paeans Sep 12, 2022 @ 5:15am 
I have lots of ideas for a fish-o-pedia rework. I feel the quest reward would fit better if it was more fish-related instead of two strength, which is easily-gettable from many of sources for this character (rivaling the ironclad in the number of strength sources) and the base game. Perhaps it could give a 'Fish sandwich' i.e. a star shard, or perhaps a 'Fish salad' which had the effects of the six fish combined (minus the 1 draw from each). This would make the fish have an influence on the quest reward. The upgrade could make the fish salad not exhaust, or make Fish-o-pedia exhaust but have the fish salad added to your deck permanently.
Uvejota Sep 10, 2022 @ 8:12am 
Great updates! Thanks, I feel the mint condition matches better the foil archetype,also opening synergy to dex cards as well which is great with da cookie!
ECHO Sep 10, 2022 @ 3:50am 
Bug : can use End of the Earth from discard pile before finish drawing > can use it before shuffle back to draw pile if you are quick enough.
Barro Sep 4, 2022 @ 8:06pm 
sadly not, i really hope that someone will soon though
Vex'd  [author] Sep 4, 2022 @ 7:41pm 
thanks! did you trigger the special effect? I haven't actually seen or heard anyone do it yet :P
Barro Sep 4, 2022 @ 7:21pm 
Decked Out is a masterpiece of a card
Vex'd  [author] Sep 3, 2022 @ 6:08pm 
Hmm, I'm not having any issues on my end. Is it possible your draw pile contained no Foil cards, or another mod was interefering?
Birp Sep 3, 2022 @ 6:01pm 
I think The Backpack doesn't work?
Yommi Sep 2, 2022 @ 10:50am 
Just tried out this character and I am loving it. The foil cards are such a nice way of introducing intruitive mechanics that I feel like a fool for not thinking of them myself.
PRL Sep 1, 2022 @ 2:35am 
been playing some more, just hitting a10 and really enjoying the class, probably my fav cards are Treasure Chest and Bobber.

Just a minor suggestion, for Caffeinated maybe add a hyphen for the unnate ability (un-nate), to highlight that it doesnt just say innate, I only noticed after a double take.
pgames-food Aug 29, 2022 @ 8:59pm 
pgames-food Aug 29, 2022 @ 8:48pm 
oh ok, i'll try and keep that for a separate playthrough, and post there, thanks :)
Vex'd  [author] Aug 29, 2022 @ 8:30pm 
This would seem to be a bug with the Blood Lord mod. At some point it's coded to only work as the Blood Lord character, so it's crashing on any other player, it looks like.
pgames-food Aug 29, 2022 @ 7:14pm 
hi i played my first game - very nice ;)

i also had 1 crash with a message and posted here for you with more info in case it helps.

(i managed to reload that combat and win using different cards, but then died to low blocks) :)
Vex'd  [author] Aug 27, 2022 @ 10:54pm 
This is a fair point to make, thanks for the feedback! I've been happier with the new variation, but I'm open to fiddling with it.

My design thoughts:
-Fish decks were making too many Fish, so the individual rolls didn't feel important.

-Hook and Cast Line serve the same identity, and Cast Line starts in your deck.

-Upgrading to add +1 Fish is huge, and I think it should be reserved solely for Cast Line and the rare Gone Fishing. Hook+ was my main problem; but if Hook were to just upgrade for damage, it'd be pretty much on par with Oblivious, and that feels very boring.

-Hook+ was the only card that shuffled Fish into the discard pile, which felt inconsistent.

This is the same issue I've been currently having with the Fish-O-Pedia: Shuffling in 2 Fish feels about right for the card, but when upgraded to 3, it's too many.

I've tried to value Fish at a little more than Shivs; except that unlike Shivs, the starting deck contains a Fish card. I'll have to think on it a little more.