Company of Heroes 2

Company of Heroes 2

xThe Scheldt (8)
TacticsOgre  [author] Jun 8, 2022 @ 7:18am 
NOTE :retreat: I'm not the original author of this map!!!


1.) Added random day/night transitions & weather.
2.) Sectors re-zoned creating a different battle perspective.
3.) Starting Bases expanded, providing more room for expansion & defenses.
4.) Numerous details added: Bunkers, buildings, SFX, foliage, etc.
5.) Streetlights & porch lights added for improved night ambiance & LoS.
6.) Supply Drops added to all players starting locations to boost initial resources.
7.) Added map edge details & out-of-bounds scenery.
8.) Fog & smoke FX tweaked to match ambient lighting.
9.) Logical choke points created for defensive purposes.
10.) Kill funnels created in strategic areas.
11.) Added historically detailed descriptions.
12.) Unit shadows match atmospheric fog & transitions, allows units to conceal in fog & darkness of night. Eliminates 'uncanny valley' of improper unit shading.

Thanks play-testers :Perseverance: Okre, Splatterzoid & Flabbergast :Perseverance:
TacticsOgre  [author] Jun 8, 2022 @ 2:23am 
The Scheldt is a great Company of Cowards map.
I just wanted to adjust the bases, change the victory points & add some extra landscaping details.

:steamthumbsup: Thanks as always to the original author of The Scheldt, CoC always does an incredible job!