Don't Starve

Don't Starve

Steam & Punk
Komentarzy: 330
catpig7 26 września 2023 o 19:23 
If you're getting a crash when placing your science machine, get KreygasmTR's fixed version here:
(this might apply only to saves with hamlet compatibility)
Gibby 7 maja 2021 o 13:50 
I can't make metal plates either, makes the game unplayable as you can't craft alchemy
KreygasmTR 15 lutego 2021 o 13:05 
Hello There. I updated this so there are no conflicting tabs ( there might be I would like to specify in description ) and added little tiny bit of Hamlet Compability for strings. I would like to have your consent before mod goes public. Also mod is not yet published yet.
Cirno.24 9 stycznia 2021 o 1:43 
slyswcx 12 grudnia 2019 o 6:14 
I can`t make the metal plates,please fix it
雨果 19 października 2019 o 23:41 
please update
Waterjoy 29 września 2019 o 15:44 
hello ,will you pls make item floatable? I mean upgrate the anim.
Ceaza 20 czerwca 2019 o 19:19 
Refine is glitching
Gigglybug75 17 czerwca 2019 o 22:39 
you should add a steam/clockwork crossbow and a way to befriend the clockwork chess things
李善兰 27 maja 2019 o 10:30 
when equipt with gear stove,speedup by 20%,please fix it !@Hast
香酥蟹饼 21 kwietnia 2019 o 5:36 
你遇到过bug,崩溃或故障吗? 如果您想确保我可以修复它,请在评论中报告,并附上您的日志文件(C:/ users / documents / Klei / DoNotStarve / log)(例如,pastebin)。
如果您使用StatusPlus,此mod工作正常。 我建议使用此模式的Always On Status。

随意发表评论,不要忘记保留评级。 感谢所有支持!
- 汤姆:)
香酥蟹饼 21 kwietnia 2019 o 5:35 
- 他们将速度提高15%
- 12天的耐用性
- 需要炼金术引擎

- 装备时和地面上都能发光
- 可以打开或关闭,但不能加油
- 有3天的耐用性
- 当耐久性下降到0%时掉落2枝

- 150马力,40dmg,有特殊的健康计
- 他为你而战
- 无需睡觉或吃饭
- 只能用齿轮治愈
- 需要炼金术引擎
- 韦伯的蜘蛛之友

- 500hp,120dmg,有特殊的健康计
- 他为你而战
- 可以和你砍树!
- 无需睡觉或吃饭
- 每1.5天可以产生1个装备!
- 只能用齿轮治愈
- 死后,掉落3-4档,并产生3个WS-01!
- 需要炼金术引擎
- 韦伯的蜘蛛之友
香酥蟹饼 21 kwietnia 2019 o 5:34 
- 像斧头一样工作
- 35 dmg和300次使用
- 切碎时,耐用性降低30%
- 需要科学机器。

- 作为一把锤子
- 40 dmg和130使用
- 需要炼金术引擎。

- 根据燃油油位给出光线
- 加油时给予温暖。 可以用可燃物体加油。
- 速度降低20%
- 需要炼金术引擎。

- 提供中等健康再生
- 导致逐渐失去理智
- 需要炼金术引擎。

- 给予大的理智再生
- 耐用性比tophat好30%
- 需要炼金术引擎。

- 提供80%的防火保护
- 速度降低10%
- 70%dmg吸收和装甲木材的耐久性
- 需要炼金术引擎。
香酥蟹饼 21 kwietnia 2019 o 5:33 
建议将此mod与Steam Biome mod一起使用! SteamPunk Mod和SteamBiome mod都是以类似的概念制作的,当你启用SteamBiome mod时,这个mod的某些部分会有所不同:项目配方,齿轮可用性。
我把这个mod作为对蒸汽朋克风格的致敬。 我喜欢这种风格,而且,在我看来它非常适合饥荒的世界

mod增加了8个新的可制作物品,2个齿轮宠物,1个生物和战利品! 所有的物品都需要齿轮,所以你应该开始寻找那些讨厌的钟表机构或探索废墟!

您可以在自定义“齿轮”选项卡中找到它们(当然是新项目和宠物)。 所有这些项目都有有趣的火花动画,而装备和更多。 所有项目都有标准游戏和dlc中每个角色的自定义字符串。 所有他们都有他们自己的地图图标和齿轮,所以你不能失去他们! .. 希望如此..

Totoroszek  [autor] 14 marca 2019 o 0:17 
@FreyaMaluk Nope. Last updated mod was koalefant's Family DST but I hope for next updates in the future :cozyrealmroyale:
FreyaMaluk 13 marca 2019 o 19:22 
@Hast is your mod working fine with Hamlet?
Nick1012 3 grudnia 2018 o 22:47 
Will you add gear vest?(steampunk version of dapper vest that Gives large sanity regeneration and Durability is 30% better than original counter part)
twojazmarlamama 2 grudnia 2018 o 8:07 
EldVarg 17 listopada 2018 o 3:54 
Works with Hamlet?
Nick1012 12 listopada 2018 o 0:54 
Will you add gear boat and attachments?
monkey 24 października 2018 o 12:47 
I've had this mod and it's companions installed for a long time but haven't really made most of the items because gears are such a rare item. I'm just wondering if any of these mods allow for the creation of gears? Otherwise there's no way it would be practical to make most of the recipes as your first several gears are always going to be reserved for an ice box and fling-o-matic, or two. And by the time you make those items, there's usually few if any gears left.
Rincewind 29 lipca 2018 o 14:06 
My avatar is some skill from one MMO destroyed by EA years ago :)

Well nice to talk with you, i just hope you will contineu your amazing art work, especailly when Hamlet will out.

Have fun.
Totoroszek  [autor] 29 lipca 2018 o 13:59 
@Rincewind Your avatar represents how I feel while trying to understand what you posted ;)
Rincewind 29 lipca 2018 o 13:57 
Oh. your mod is fine, it's have similar code to deal with it. sorry for disturbing :)

Btw i looked in SW code and found new way of handling speed as intersting.

Not it's contaning data from all equiped gear and then
just look how speed now calculating
function LocoMotor:GetRunSpeed()

return (self.runspeed + self:GetBonusSpeed() + self:GetSpeedBoost() + self:GetSpeedAdditive()) * self:GetSpeedMultiplier()

what this mean? there possible to add 3 thing? absolute value for speed, relative like most items have and short-term buffs. WHich is porbably used in SW's waves.
Totoroszek  [autor] 29 lipca 2018 o 13:50 
@Rincewind I do care and I'm happy that somone put energy into figuring it out and posting here. I just don't really have viable support anymore and I'm certainly not capable of doing this changes by myself. If you could join and do it I would be glad to have you as cocreator. I don't care about "It has to be all done by myself" anymore as long as people can use it without bugs and still can have fun with it if anyone cares about my workshop anymore. Sorry for that dark vibe but I'm not feeling great lately. Anyways thanks for your in depth analysys. I would love to have that passion about the mods that I had in the past.
Rincewind 29 lipca 2018 o 13:40 
And one more thing i realized today :) Klei changed way of adding walkspeedmult in SW.
In vanilla and RoG it has absolute value, like 1.2 is 20% increase of speed, but in SW walkspeedmult is relative. 0.2 mean 20% increasing, while -0.2 is 20% decreasing.

Currently only emeralds mod is handling this situation and there lot of mods which is "compatible" with SW, but don't really do anything about it :)

inst.components.equippable.equipslot = EQUIPSLOTS.HEAD
inst.components.equippable.walkspeedmult = 0.9

if IsDLCEnabled(CAPY_DLC) then
inst.components.equippable.walkspeedmult = -0.1

Klie itself soved it via overriding TUNING, so they are fine.

well probably you already bored or don't care anymore, just in case :)
Rincewind 28 lipca 2018 o 6:12 
but who is coded it? Kuroslav :)?
Anyway i like you modes and style, i think simple solution is:

- comment scale changing string
- add to equip()
if then = - 0.8
- add to unequip()
if then = + 0.8

because at current state it's kinda cheaty - you can wear and immidiatly unwear helm and keep bonus for free.

also i was wrong about multiplicative, for dragon armor it's additive, just looked into code
Totoroszek  [autor] 28 lipca 2018 o 2:54 
@Rincewind It seems the difference between me and you is that you understand the code :happy_creep:
Rincewind 28 lipca 2018 o 2:46 
gear_helmet prefab
you are changing fire_damage_scale and there problems:
- you are not returning old value on unequip
- what if any other items already set some value? scale should be multiplicative
Totoroszek  [autor] 21 lipca 2018 o 23:31 
@Lemgon_Ultimate Thank you very much :bob::dswilson::steamhappy:
Lemgon_Ultimate 21 lipca 2018 o 17:52 
Just one of the best Mods all over the Workshop. Together with Steam Biomes it evolves to an Addon itself. The Balancing is great and the Artwork merges with the Enviroment of Don't Starve. Every Machine has it's pros and cons, just the Stoven is a litte bit out of control. I've inserted the Mod years ago and never played without it. It just enhances the possibilities you can react to. When you ask me what this mod could Improve, the only thing that comes to my Mind would be a new Science Tier Machine, cause I think the Gadgets deserves it! =D
kaiko 1 lipca 2018 o 2:06 
is there anybody can do some translate into chinese?thanks a lot
SidFishus 25 kwietnia 2018 o 14:51 
Very cool, Im really liking these items, and you did great on the artwork!
telinsky 12 lutego 2018 o 3:45 
I dont know if this is intended or not, but my big spider (WS-03) died in the caves, gave me its loot and then when I came back to the surface it died and dropped the gears and the WS-01s again. Great job btw, I love this mod <3
Kindos 21 grudnia 2017 o 7:59 
Stove makes me go sonic speed (: pls don't fix it
Rincewind 10 listopada 2017 o 11:22 
Bug with health badge was fixed long time ago. Just tested, no problems with wx-01/03 and StatusPlus :p
And if you are suggesting another mod, 'Combined status' is much better than abandoned AoS.
好奇贝拉 24 października 2017 o 0:47 
时间不会倒着走. 6 października 2017 o 6:03 
大哥你刃甲穿反了 9 września 2017 o 17:29 
希望能兼容SW 很喜欢这个MOD
Totoroszek  [autor] 24 lipca 2017 o 23:56 
@*Yuki* I hope :Stab:
*Yuki* 24 lipca 2017 o 13:36 
any hope for sw support?
solarqiang 17 maja 2017 o 8:38 
Hey Hast, I love this mod and Steam Biome mod so much that when I find it incompatible with Shipwrecked, I added the compatibility myself.
What I changed are mainly adding RECIPE_GAME_TYPE parameter new in shipwrecked in Recipe call, so that recipes can be changed accroding to current DLC correctly, and fixing a nasty crash by removing "prototyper" tag in tesla trees.
I roughly tested it and encountered no bug so far. (Not so sure since I'm new to DS modding).
I'd like to share my little patch with everyone, and it would be nice to update this mod with the patch in the workshop.
You can check it out at yadi dot sk slash d slash SAsaIMKW3JFjRh
I have to type like this so that steam wont eat my link...
Fit Noob 9 kwietnia 2017 o 19:28 
please add for don't starve together
Totoroszek  [autor] 1 listopada 2016 o 1:42 
@Wiedźma Wszystkie elementy tego moda są opcjonalnym dodatkiem do gry, żaden z nich nie zastępuje elementy z gry, tak aby gracz nie miał wątpliwości czy wybrać moda, czy zostawić oryginalną grę.
流れ星 31 października 2016 o 17:26 
Witam Hast :) Ciekawa, niezwykle kreatywna modyfikacja :) Widać jak wiele pracy zostało włożone w stworzenie tego wszystkiego. Mam jednak pytanie. Czy owe przedmioty bądź np. potwory jak ta Pajęcza Królowa z podobnej modyfikacji zastępują przedmioty z gry czy są po prostu dodatkowe? Pozdrawiam.
Totoroszek  [autor] 9 października 2016 o 9:22 
@Jasper Thank you very much for the feedback on my mods ;)
JustJasper 9 października 2016 o 7:47 
Love this mod, hope you can get it working with Shipwrecked sometime!
Saul Goodman 4 września 2016 o 4:41 
Świetny mod! Myślałem, że nie dla mnie, bo trudno u mnie z przekładniami. Ale gdy go wgrałem odrazu zmieniłem zdanie! Mam tylko prośbę: Mógł byś dodać opcje wyłączenia lub włączenia mechanicznych pająków? Bo nie zawsze chcę żeby walczyły w trudniejszych walkach, bo wtedy wszystkie mi giną. :(
Totoroszek  [autor] 3 września 2016 o 22:52 
@blahpers Not yet, but I'm looking forward to it :bob:
blahpers 3 września 2016 o 17:22 
Does this mod work in Shipwrecked? I kind of miss the little drone dudes.