Arma 3
Auto Weapon Lower
Play3r May 5 @ 3:43am 
@thoreaufare thanks for the answer
Thoreaufare  [author] May 4 @ 2:09pm 

You do need all clients to run the mod as well if you want to have an effect. Just running it on the server will not automatically affect all players.
Play3r May 4 @ 10:20am 
If i host a server and have this Mod on my pc does the rest of player need it to. I know you say Clientside only, but is that only for Dedicated servers or also for hosted..
spiderhouse Oct 3, 2023 @ 10:14am 
is there a chance to add an indicator for if the ALW is toggled or not on your HUD like next to the stance or a separate module?
Phoenix_ZA Aug 13, 2023 @ 9:38am 
Awesome mod!
I noticed that the weapon auto lowers, even when I'm using the laser from ITN Public BETA: however the vanilla laser still stops auto-lowering as expected.
Are the plans to add compatibility with this mod?
RickGonzalez Mar 22, 2023 @ 6:56pm 

I think there's a malfunction in the "Tactical Pace" setting WHILE stading still...

With the setting enabled (which means the mod won't lower the weapon in the stance), depending on HOW you "enter" the toggled Combat Pace (whether it's from a previous lowered stance or not), the function won't work properly... It lowers you weapon even so

Any chance of checking it out?
gubbo Jan 12, 2023 @ 6:31pm 
Hey Thoreaufare, love the mod. Been using it forever now on a mostly third person view run. I've noticed, however, recently it seems to have stopped working. None of the settings have any effect, my guy just doesnt want to put his weapon down. Any advice? And thanks for the mod!
Bax Dec 11, 2022 @ 2:35am 
Thanks Thoreaufare for the quick answer. I'd found a mod that uses the high ready, but is problematic for me (messes with other mods), maybe you can use the animation?
Thoreaufare  [author] Dec 10, 2022 @ 10:10pm 
@Bax I'd have to have a custom animation for it since Arma's default moveset doesn't have a high-ready. If I ever get around to making my own animations/gestures, I should be able to make a high-ready option but at this point, I don't know if I'll ever realistically get around to it.
Bax Dec 10, 2022 @ 11:49am 
Can you add an alternative with auto-upper / high ready? maybe integrate it as an alternative within your mod? Thanks!
HonehBadger Nov 17, 2022 @ 9:28pm 
Does the uploader still plan to change the lowering animation?
Cryptic Aug 8, 2022 @ 11:27am 
Yeah, as others have mentioned there is a bug sometimes where either when you do not have your guy aiming down the sites, it keeps setting you to aim down the sides for like a split second and then getting back out of them or the opposite happens where you are in and down the sites and then it keeps getting out of that making it impossible to aim
Gunga Din KT Apr 12, 2022 @ 4:26pm 
This is great - thanks. The only hitch I have is that I can't stop it from looking down the site. I clicked off that feature but I still get the scope as soon as I raise the weapon rather then the more open view of the redicule (sp) in space.
Thoreaufare  [author] Jan 9, 2022 @ 6:51pm 
@Rofl Muetzelburg

I'm not aware of a mod right now that does that. AWL here only affects players. I think to have the AI utilize the lowered animations like that you'd have to make a new FSM for the AI? I don't know enough about it personally and unfortunately that's not within the scope of AWL here. I do think it would be cool though if someone could figure it out. I wish the AI utilized more of the movement animations.
Bud Liteyear Jan 9, 2022 @ 6:10pm 
is there a version for this that forces AI to lower their weapon when not shooting? Its really immersion breaking seeing troops walking single file with their guns pointed at the back of each other's heads.
minhduc-dev Dec 11, 2021 @ 10:39am 
Thank author
_mickey_ Oct 28, 2021 @ 4:33pm 
Thanks so much for trying to implement what I said! This will give the player more variation to customize your good mod.

"lowering your weapon while moving causes your character to continue moving in one direction" - It's weird, but I've stopped experiencing it! I remember this detail in early versions of the game, but most likely one of my mods neutralized it. For me, it happens the other way around, if I lower/raise my weapon while sprint, then my character stops, this annoys even more.
Thoreaufare  [author] Oct 28, 2021 @ 4:09pm 
@mickeyworld It should be possible for me to implement different checks per moving speed, so I will attempt to implement that. (Side note: there's already a separate check for walking but it is separate from the moving check. It would make sense for me to rework the moving check to check the different speeds of sprint, jog, and walk).

The primary reason AWL only works when you are standing is due to the nature of the lowering animations themselves. Occasionally, lowering your weapon while moving causes your character to continue moving in one direction, even if you are not pressing the button to move in that direction. This can become frustrating if you are not expecting it as the game takes control away from you. That is why, by default, AWL only works while stationary.
_mickey_ Oct 28, 2021 @ 2:24pm 
In fact, auto-lowering only happens in your mod, if the player only is standing and not moving, which is a little weird. Seems to me, if a player will use a sprint, then when leaving the sprint, he must need to raise his weapon again and again!
_mickey_ Oct 28, 2021 @ 2:19pm 
I would dream of having auto-lover weapons after sprinting and after jogging also.It would be realistic and natural! Probably or not?
_mickey_ Oct 28, 2021 @ 2:17pm 
@Thoreaufare Hey! In your settings there is a disabled auto-lover weapon check for the general "Moving", but this is so inconvenient. The player can walk at a slow speed, or the player can sprint - these are two different things! Could you make it so that the player can configure the auto-lover weapon separately for each type of movement? You need to split the "Moving" check into different types of movement - "Sprin", "Joging", "Walk".
Thoreaufare  [author] Aug 14, 2021 @ 2:15pm 
@rico suede

Yep, the icon will definitely be toggleable once added.
rico suede Aug 14, 2021 @ 12:32pm 
if you do add an on screen icon, please let it be an option in your mods settings. I do not see a need for an indicator, but in fairness I have all of my hud pretty much off. love this mod.
Thoreaufare  [author] Aug 14, 2021 @ 10:07am 

Are you using the check for walking? In other words, are you wanting your weapon to potentially lower while you are walking? If so, then yes, Arma has some janky animations that can cause you to get "stuck" in a lowered movement animation. I haven't quite figured out how to mitigate it.

Additionally, I will eventually put out an update that will separate the "return to lower" option for the inventory from the rest of the mod so you can enable just that part. In any case, thanks for trying it out.
Green Aug 13, 2021 @ 11:43pm 
Issue = If you walk forward together with AWL the non interruptible walking animation will get triggert a lot.

Because of that I stopped using the mod and created a mouse macro that automatically loweres the weapon after closing the inventory.
Thoreaufare  [author] Jul 26, 2021 @ 11:33pm 

I defo agree with you, right now there's no way to know whether you've disabled or enabled it. I'm thinking I may add a small weapon arrow icon near the stance indicator to highlight whether it's disabled currently or not.
Alexander Jul 26, 2021 @ 11:06pm 
There needs to be an indication when using the key binding to change the toggle state, either a hint or an icon of some sort
rico suede Jul 11, 2021 @ 7:28am 
wow that "un-ADSing" option you describe would be perfect (if its even possible), I will keep an eye out for any updates. The mod is infinitely better than vanilla even in its current state.
Thoreaufare  [author] Jul 10, 2021 @ 8:13pm 
@rico suede

This should be possible for me to do. I will consider lowering the minimum delay time so you can set it to 0 but it might cause issues. I'll have to test it. I may also add an option similar to the "Inventory" option that automatically lowers your weapon after un-ADSing if your weapon was lowered before ADSing. Again, I have to test both of these things because Arma animations can be jank.
rico suede Jul 10, 2021 @ 7:44pm 
First thank you for this great mod. Second, is there a way to go from lowered to ADS, and back to lowered? It seems the lowest delay I can use is 0.5, anything less gets a bit buggy with animation speed maxed out. I tried checking off certain states, I assume it needs to go to regular resting state before it lowers...I just wish I could get it immediately instead of the pause it does there (I play in 3D so the weapon model gets in the way when not in ADS). great work on this regardless!
Sabot And Heat Jun 20, 2021 @ 6:09pm 
Its too bad the engine doesn't support the fluidity needed for it.
Thanks for the response!
Thoreaufare  [author] Jun 9, 2021 @ 8:22pm 
@Sabot And Heat

I attempted something like this in the past and decided against it because it led to frustrating situations. The lowering animations are neither smooth nor quick and what would happen is that it would mess with your movement if you aim just passed over a friendly. I may reimplement the check for only pointing at friendlies during a standstill.
Sabot And Heat Jun 9, 2021 @ 4:03pm 
How about it lowers when a friendly steps in front of you, out to say...20 meters?
Mr_Cookie13 May 25, 2021 @ 12:05am 
Appreciate it my guy! The auto weapon raising was a pet peeve of me aswell!
Thoreaufare  [author] May 24, 2021 @ 11:56pm 
Gotcha, I should be able separate the inventory and the ACE medical lowering into separate settings that don't rely on the master enable. I'll post an update when I've done so.
Mr_Cookie13 May 24, 2021 @ 11:48pm 
Unfortunately it doesn't work. Moment I open ace medical menu weapon stays pointed.

What I mean is you have a setting where it automatically lowers your weapon after a certaom amount of time (max 15 seconds). I want to disable this and just keep the lowering of the weapon when you close your inventory or open ace medical
Thoreaufare  [author] May 24, 2021 @ 4:21pm 
@Mr_Cookie13 I'm not really sure what you mean by disabling auto lower after a certain amount of time.

I would like to be able to accurately track the last time a player manually lowered their weapon, but it's hard to do between tracking keypresses and the fact that certain actions in Arma raise/lower your weapon anyway.

I need to double check, but I think even if you turn off the Master Enable your weapon will still auto lower upon opening the ACE medical menu if the setting is enabled.

Don't forget you can bind a key to the Master Enable, so you can turn AWL on or off whenever you would like. You can find it under your addon controls.
Mr_Cookie13 May 24, 2021 @ 4:11pm 
Would it be possible to disable the auto weapon lowering after a certain amount of time and only keep the auto weapon lowering when your weapon was previously lowered or when ace medical?

What settings do I need to change?
Thoreaufare  [author] Apr 20, 2021 @ 9:15am 
@BabylonCome sounds good! I appreciate you taking the time to check. There are a number of things that could be preventing AWL for working that are non-obvious right now.

Sometimes the reloading check gets stuck on and you need to reload again to fix it. Sometimes the tactical check will get stuck on if you use a toggle keybind (especially double tap keybind) and you have to press it again. If you have a keybind bound for the master AWL enable/disable, you can hit it unknowingly (I may add some sort of icon in the future for this).

Something I may add in the future is a reset keybind or menu button that resets AWL and your unit if you suspect something's gone broke.
[-RB-] BabylonCome Apr 20, 2021 @ 9:03am 
Great news, I got loads of players to keep an eye on if their weapons were auto lowering last Friday and nobody complained it was not working and we played 3 missions. So just ignore my previous comment... I must of been very drunk that night... :D
Thoreaufare  [author] Apr 19, 2021 @ 12:11am 
@james the meme thanks for sharing
Interwopper Apr 18, 2021 @ 9:55pm 
[-RB-] BabylonCome Apr 15, 2021 @ 8:29am 
I will ask all on the server tomorrow night (our main night) at some point into the 2nd mission to see who's weapons are auto lowering or not then get back to you..
Thoreaufare  [author] Apr 14, 2021 @ 11:16am 
@BabylonCome That's interesting because I don't recall running into that issue myself. Does that happen for everyone in your mission? Is it just one specific mission, or is always the second mission you load regardless?
[-RB-] BabylonCome Apr 14, 2021 @ 10:12am 
Sorry if this has been asked already, but it appears that your awesome little mode only works for the first mission played in a session. Once the first mission is complete and we select another, it appears the mod no longer functions... Any thoughts?
_mickey_ Apr 3, 2021 @ 5:00am 
@Thoreaufare Thanks dude, I wish you the best! If you once made such a mod, then I would be very happy!
Thoreaufare  [author] Apr 2, 2021 @ 5:51pm 
@mickeyworld I do like the idea. I will not implement it in this mod. I know how I could implement that idea into a new mod. I do not know if I will ever get around to doing so, but maybe.
_mickey_ Apr 2, 2021 @ 5:13pm 
@Thoreaufare Thank you for the detailed answer. But, still I did not understand. Would you be able to create a mod (auto-lowering weapon) based on current health and current fatigue? Or do you have no technical ability / desire for this? Seems to me, you liked this idea ...
Thoreaufare  [author] Apr 1, 2021 @ 2:34pm 
@mickeyworld While it is possible to force the raising and lowering of weapon based on stamina or injury, I do not think it is within the scope of this mod to do so. AWL is really just meant to be a replacement to manually pressing your weapon lower keybind.

That said, I do like the idea of affecting your ability to raise your weapon based on stamina or injury. That might be a good idea for a separate mod, or better yet it would be a cool addition to ACE.

As for your weapon lowering when you are looking at an enemy: take the time to configure the settings of AWL. Be default, if you are looking down your sights or using Tactical Pace, your weapon will not lower so use those when looking at an enemy. You can also speed up the animations so it is quicker for you to engage from a weapon lowered stance.
_mickey_ Apr 1, 2021 @ 2:11pm 
For example, when a player's strength is completely depleted, his weapon should lower automatically, when the player picks it up again, the player should have shaking hands and a limited time in seconds to use the raised arms. If the player has the some strength (stamina bar), then his weapon should never be lowered. Likewise, an injury to the hand could cause the weapon lower