Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

The War At Sea - ver 1.5.4a
pol May 20 @ 5:39am 
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little boy called Joey, he was ten-years-old and he lived in a mental hospital because he posted a crappy copypasta onto a People Playground mod's comment section . He got so bad he went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the Feds decided that best idea was to get rid of him so they set up a special room to kill him, as inhumane as possible. And he sat there in agony for hours until he died. Now every week on the day of his death he returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00 a.m. He creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by pegging you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other profiles on this one site, and he will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes nothing will happen: sorry man i am not taking the risk
Brian Freeman Sep 20, 2022 @ 10:48am 
Thanks for the reply and no worries!
Axe99  [author] Sep 19, 2022 @ 11:08pm 
Your very kind Brian - I haven't given up hope, but I'm afraid it's still on hold at the moment.
Brian Freeman Sep 19, 2022 @ 8:20am 
Take your time Axe99 and whenever YOU are ready, WE will be ready to support and eventually use your mod! Looking forward to it! :)
Ratt Apr 18, 2021 @ 4:08pm 
alright thanks for letting me know!
Axe99  [author] Apr 18, 2021 @ 3:26pm 
Sorry Ratt, it's in the deepest of freezes at the moment. I haven't given up on the idea, but no idea when (as in which year) I'll be able to get back to it. Deffo recommend finding other mods - if/when I get around to this, I'll be sure to mention it here that it's up and running again.
Ratt Apr 17, 2021 @ 12:03pm 
are you still working on the mtg version or no?
Axe99  [author] Dec 9, 2020 @ 1:33am 
Sadly, I fear this will only work reliably with 1.5.4 - there's a lot of other things that have been introduced since then, and the country and OOB files in the mod won't reflect that (and there'll probably be some tech tree issues as well). All being well, next year will be a better one - once I'm over the "MtG hump", updating should become fairly easy again (and I'll endeavour to make it good enough that you'll look at MtG :) ). Until then, and afterwards, enjoy HoI4 :)
Larshenrik222 Dec 8, 2020 @ 7:44pm 
Dont sweat it, I dont play MtG and I rolled my game version back to 1.8.2 :D
Axe99  [author] Dec 8, 2020 @ 7:16pm 
Sorry, this is still only pre-MtG compatible. It's been a crazy year at my end, so the amount of progress I've been able to make updating it is negligible (not nothing, but with MtG I basically need to redo the ship designer, the naval tech trees, and all of the OOBs, plus do the gfx to make the ship designer work with the new modules). I do hope to continue making progress in the New Year (and have some time off over Christmas that I'm also hopeful of getting some stuff done), but I'd look at other naval mods at least for the time being.
Larshenrik222 Dec 8, 2020 @ 6:43pm 
does this still work?
Axe99  [author] Jul 14, 2020 @ 12:26am 
Nice one - Drach is a great place to do it, his vids are top-drawer :)
Commissar Admiral Kordoshky Jul 13, 2020 @ 11:19pm 
Cheers! I am starting to get into ships more courtesy of 'Drachfinel' on youtube XD
Axe99  [author] Jul 13, 2020 @ 11:10pm 
Thanks for your kind words as well Commissar Admiral :)
Axe99  [author] Jul 13, 2020 @ 11:10pm 
Hey RyansPlace, thanks for your kind words :) I'm actually _slowly_ getting moving on an MtG-compatible version. However, as you can probably imagine, to get something like the ship designer authentic, there's a fair bit of work involved (one piece of which is that I want to make the visual representation of ships profile instead of plan view, because I think it'll make player choices more obvious visually). You're very welcome to use anything in TWAS that's there at the moment, though, if it's helpful. I'm still very early days in getting moving on things (so still a bit clueless), but if you're feeling lucky you're welcome to ask questions as well :)
Commissar Admiral Kordoshky Jul 13, 2020 @ 9:13pm 
Aye he's got good stuff!
RyansPlace Jul 13, 2020 @ 10:03am 
@Axe99 - I just discovered your mods. I'm impressed with the detail and art that went into your content that gives it an authentic feel. I'm the dev on MTG Expanded. Your work is definitely giving me some ideas. Are you still in a holding pattern on reviving this work?

Axe99  [author] Nov 18, 2019 @ 2:08am 
Not that I imagine it's getting a lot of use these days, but this is now updated to (hopefully) work with the new PDX launcher.
The Major Grand Nope Sep 25, 2019 @ 1:18am 
yes it is, its like an old car that just refuses ta die
Axe99  [author] Sep 25, 2019 @ 12:34am 
That's a pretty good innings for a PC at least :).
The Major Grand Nope Sep 24, 2019 @ 8:56pm 
well i've had this thing for about 12 years
Axe99  [author] Sep 24, 2019 @ 8:53pm 
Be careful to back up things - my computers have always gone to the great silicon home in the sky within a few months of sending messages like that. Good luck!
The Major Grand Nope Sep 24, 2019 @ 6:08pm 
You can never keep this major down and out, although me computer is trying its hardest to die on me or something like this its sending mixed messages about the whole dying thing.
Axe99  [author] Sep 24, 2019 @ 3:39pm 
Good to still you're out and about Major :)
The Major Grand Nope Sep 24, 2019 @ 5:45am 
Dankeschön Kommissar
Commissar Admiral Kordoshky Sep 24, 2019 @ 12:37am 
Jahwol Haupman!
The Major Grand Nope Sep 24, 2019 @ 12:12am 
HMM it seems zat zis comments section has been somewhat revived
Axe99  [author] Sep 23, 2019 @ 11:00pm 
I'm very glad it still brings enjoyment :). That said, I'm _really_ keen on what's possible with 1.7.1 - just an abysmal year for modding.
Commissar Admiral Kordoshky Sep 23, 2019 @ 10:34pm 
And tbh mate, sometimes I just throw the game back to 1.5.4 and play that instead xD
Axe99  [author] Sep 23, 2019 @ 3:18pm 
Cheers Commissar Admiral :).
Commissar Admiral Kordoshky Sep 23, 2019 @ 4:55am 
faved the mod, I'll hear about it whenever you get round to it :)
Axe99  [author] Sep 21, 2019 @ 4:20pm 
Thanks for asking Maektig-, and showing an interest :)
Axe99  [author] Sep 21, 2019 @ 4:19pm 
At this point nowhere I'm afraid - been a bit of a year, with family and health issues. It's still on the cards, but it's a long way off.
✪MΛEKTIG Sep 21, 2019 @ 2:00pm 
How is it going with updating the mod?
Axe99  [author] Jun 6, 2019 @ 2:39pm 
For sure Commissar - I'm still super keen on HoI4, and hopeful, but IRL at the moment has got other things happening, some of which are well out of my control, which is why I don't want to get anyone's hopes up. If you stay subscribed to these comments, then if/when something happens, you'll get a notification :).
Commissar Admiral Kordoshky Jun 6, 2019 @ 6:04am 
You have been my saviour, please, if you ever do update this do it in a seperate mod, I play 1.5.4 exclusively now xD
Axe99  [author] May 28, 2019 @ 3:15pm 
Am very sorry to do this, but other things have come up that mean this is going to be a _long_ way off. Rather than string people along, I'm going to put TWAS on hold again, and then the next time there's a proper update here it'll be when I have something to share - but it'll take a minor miracle for it to be sometime this year, and there's a fair chance it'll be well into the next at best.

In the meantime (and more generally), I can happily recommend Elouda's Naval Rework Mod - see https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1687056790&searchtext=naval+rework+mod
Axe99  [author] May 6, 2019 @ 3:10pm 
Hey Fleet of Oceans, afraid health's still a bit iffy, so not much progress made yet, so best to try other mods while waiting. No indication things are terminal though, so eventually TWAS will get updated!
The Fleet Of Oceans May 6, 2019 @ 1:55pm 
Anyone else getting hyped for the war at sea. I know I am.
Axe99  [author] Apr 14, 2019 @ 3:12pm 
Cheers Fleet of Oceans. Am afraid I've been unwell since a little before the launch of MtG, so progress has been super-slow, but starting to feel a little better, and hopefully the pace will pick up a bit soon :).
The Fleet Of Oceans Apr 14, 2019 @ 7:45am 
Very much looking forward to this. Please take your time, as all the best mods are the ones that are not rushed. Keep up the good work. :)
Axe99  [author] Mar 26, 2019 @ 2:15pm 
Just a couple of friendly chats with Elouda, that's all him (but it is a good mod to check out, and unlike TWAS which is still months away (I'm afraid I've had a nasty virus the last couple of weeks and progress has been slow - got most of the gun modules scripted and then it'll be on to putting them on a tech tree) you can play NRM now (I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but I'd happily recommend it as well worth a look on the strength of both Elouda's skills as a modder and his understanding of ships - he understands both hydrodynamics and ballistics better than any other gamer I know, including me :).
The Major Grand Nope Mar 26, 2019 @ 12:51pm 
so you seem to have had a hand in the naval rework mod eh?
Axe99  [author] Mar 14, 2019 @ 6:01pm 
Hope the install moves as quickly as possible Major!
The Major Grand Nope Mar 14, 2019 @ 5:41pm 
oh how i regret that choice im gonna need a smaller tv. shite
The Major Grand Nope Mar 14, 2019 @ 3:49pm 
tfw you're gonna have to wait for a hours for shogun 2 to install...
The Major Grand Nope Mar 14, 2019 @ 3:36pm 
so its gonna cost blood sweat tears and time then.
Axe99  [author] Mar 14, 2019 @ 3:35pm 
I'm hoping not that long Major - but best guess is 2-3 months for a 'preliminary' version with the new designer sorted, but until I've got all the modules scripted (and any early naval combat tuning that seems appropriate), and started going through each hull type, it's a bit hard to tell how long that'll be. After that, I'll add in the historical models, and then after that get down and dirty with tuning the combat some more.
The Major Grand Nope Mar 14, 2019 @ 2:36pm 
yeah somewhere in the ball park of a year at least.
Axe99  [author] Mar 14, 2019 @ 2:33pm 
Cheers for the kind words @Without Reason :). I'll do my best to give you good reasons to enjoy the mod once I've got it updated (but, as per previous comments, this'll take a while).