[WOTC] Cover Damage Reduction
Raging Homosexual Aug 1, 2023 @ 9:33pm 
This mod doesn't interact properly with the "feedback" benefit from the templars. When a codex casts psionic bomb from cover and takes feedback damage, that feedback damage is reduced by one since the codex is behind cover.
Jaonsdheurason Aug 27, 2021 @ 12:48pm 
It would also be very cool to add a scaling DR probability and potency... For instance, the closer you are to the target, the less likely the cover is to prevent damage but the more damage it prevents...
Jaonsdheurason Aug 23, 2021 @ 2:17pm 
Any chance someone knows how to add a range component to this so that at point-blank cover is meaningless and it becomes more and more effective with range?
Or a way to exclude the effect on squadsight and/or melee
Nemo Jr. Jun 3, 2021 @ 12:03pm 
"Added properly handling explosive DR computed from the center of the explosion."

I'm guessing this update never made it to the base game version? It was the reason I finally gave up and disabled explosive DR; it just didn't make sense to chuck a grenade behind cover and have the cover protection apply to it...

I can't wait to get the DLC so I can use the up-to-date versions of these great mods. Looking forward to that more than the DLC itself :)
OnyxLock Dec 12, 2020 @ 8:04pm 
I think I found a bug with this mod, here's the deal:
I made low cover ineligible for damage reduction in the INI
However a stun lancer with low health in low cover was being suppressed by a soldier with a cannon, and when it moved, it took full damage from the cannon but got 1 point of armor from its cover, leaving it with 1 hp left
Video proof: https://youtu.be/hfXLXFgHrBg
miku567 Jun 18, 2020 @ 12:58am 
lmao chimera squad ripped off this mod xD
Voided May 12, 2020 @ 4:26am 
On highest difficulty, your 4 HP rookies can get sniped from long range by 3-4 damage dealing Advent Troopers while in full cover, and this mod prevents that early game bullshit RNG. I like it...

But. This mod in the mid game and late game becomes more of a burden. When your quick math says three 6-7 damage shots kill a 16 hp enemy... And it turns out to be false while the damage indicator is always off by 1 whole damage.

It might sound like I am whining, but just wait until enemies get tanky, and one of your characters misses a guaranteed kill because of this mod.
MrMister Apr 22, 2020 @ 6:16am 
A small addendum to the nonsense of viper's bound also getting low-cover DR if they grab a unit adjacent tot them (after the tong-pull or by moving next to it) over low cover: since a bound unit is technically considered to still be occupying the tile it was in when it was grabbed, the low-cover DR will apply to Bound every turn, not just at the moment of the grab.

Best solution I can think of would be to include an array of abilities that ignored cover DR - just giving binding armor-piercing would also let it ignore other sources of DR.
Dragon32 Apr 12, 2020 @ 4:09am 
That's right, I've used those three without the weirdness you've described. There's that "Multiple Attacks Increase Chance To Graze" mod too, I don't use that
Lebowskichild Apr 12, 2020 @ 3:50am 
@Dragon32, so you use Panic Mod, EU Aim Rolls & Extended Information without the issues I've described and you don't use this mod?

I wonder if I need to start a fresh game to fully remove the effects of this mod then? Still not 100% concrete that this is the culprit but if you use the above 3 and not this without issue I'm guessing this mod has issues.
Dragon32 Apr 12, 2020 @ 2:31am 
No, I'm subscribed to this mod and its discussion thread but I haven't enabled it in a campaign yet. I do use "Panic Mod WOTC", which I forgot about when I last posted.

I don't really have any great ideas for diagnosis, it sounds like the problems don't happen in a consistent, repeatable way. My usual approach is to create a test save and then repeatedly reload and try to trigger the bug with different enabled mods. Changing mods mid-tactical mission can create its own problems though. So identifying what's causing the problem can be hard, particularly if it's only happening some of the time.
Lebowskichild Apr 11, 2020 @ 5:16pm 
@Dragon32, I'm really just trying to discount anything that may deal with hits and misses. I'd be extremely surprised if it were EU Aim Rolls to be honest. May I ask though, do you use this mod also and have no issues? Any recommendations on how to go about finding the issue as I just had the problem with a miss proccing a panic check yet again. Do you use Panic Mod also?
Dragon32 Apr 11, 2020 @ 2:39pm 
I've been using "EU Aim Rolls" and "Extended Information" without those problems you describe.
Lebowskichild Apr 11, 2020 @ 2:18pm 
@=[NK]= Col. Jack O'Neil, I have removed this mod from a current playthrough, regenerated my config file on that save and have not noticed any of the issues I was previously having. Still need to test this further but I believe this mod either by itself, or in conjunction with others causes those issues.

What problems have you encountered yourself? And do you by any chance use Panic mod, Eu Aim Rolls, Extended Information or Multiple Attacks Increase Chance To Graze?

I ask as they are other mods I was looking at as the culprits.
=[NK]= Col. Jack O'Neil Apr 10, 2020 @ 7:18pm 
I'm getting some irregularities similar it to what lebowski mentioned, but haven't been able to narrow it down yet
Lebowskichild Apr 10, 2020 @ 4:37pm 
As much as I love the concept of this mod. I believe it may be the cause of some unintended side effects. They may be the result of a bad interaction with another mod however I believe removing this mod will help resolve the issues.

This comment in the X2Action_DisplayCoverDR.uc - "It seems that misses contain a hit result but no damage results." has lead me to my conclusion as the mentioned issues are to do with missed shots causing unexpected reactions listed below.

1; Missed shots stop suppressing units suppressing.
2; Missed shots proc panic checks.
3; Units that have already taken damage, somehow regain their health/armour for no apparent reason.

Hope this helps if anyone else may have had similar issues.
MrMister Apr 3, 2020 @ 2:48pm 
Cover DR is applying to Viper's binding attack if they grab their adjacent target from across low cover, which doesn't really make sense. Can you exclude it without also excluding other melee attacks across low cover?
Fishy Jan 21, 2020 @ 1:06pm 
Does the multiplicative DR round up or down?
Shark Dec 11, 2019 @ 3:14pm 
One of the best mods.

This mod should be used with

Which does enviromental(cover object) damage reduction.

Tim_ Oct 8, 2019 @ 4:53pm 
I just completed a WOTC campaign with 104 mods including this one. It all went well.
Jaonsdheurason Jul 18, 2019 @ 12:23pm 
I love this mod, but I have one issue... I use it alongside WotC Ballistic Shields and keep running into an issue with the shield providing the enemy cover when I close for a melee attack... Is there a way to exclude certain weapons (IE Sword) or abilities (IE Slash) from receiving the cover bonus?
Syro System Jul 10, 2019 @ 4:56am 
Is there a way to edit the cover's 'health' or the enviromental damage of explosives? I REALLY hate when a single grenade takes out someones cover and they then die to focus fire.
I hate seeing aliens go down to it as well, it takes the tactics out of the tactical combat.
José Jul 7, 2019 @ 1:33am 
This should be updated so that piercing ammo could pierce cover DR if it is less than DR and armor combined.
RaRaRazuri Apr 17, 2019 @ 7:12am 
This mod just saved my soldier's life when he got sniped by an officer while behind cover, he had 1 health left thanks to the extra DR. Thanks!
sAiNtgOtEn Apr 15, 2019 @ 3:25pm 
@PM_Zigg Price it works fine, I use that mod too
Zigg Price Mar 6, 2019 @ 10:23am 
So, with the note above about not compatible with mods that overhaul weapon damage mechanics, does that mean adds in new mechanics, or mods that just tweak the numbers?

For instance, I would like to try the mod to add in the LW tech tiers:

It changes the damage for most of the weapons to more smoothly integrate. Will that be a problem?
Nor Dogroth Nov 26, 2018 @ 10:17am 
You should include the reduction in the damage preview screen, otherwise it can be a bad suprise if you forget it.
Bullett00th Jun 30, 2018 @ 11:37pm 
doesn't work properly with grenades for me.

enemies get cover damage reduction even if the nade is thrown behind the cover
José May 20, 2018 @ 6:21pm 
Could you update this so that AP Ammo ignores cover DR?
Tim_ Mar 6, 2018 @ 6:57pm 
Just completed a WOTC campaign with 63 mods including this one. All ran perfectly. I like this mod, I will use it again.
Saladofstones Dec 19, 2017 @ 12:17pm 
One small bug I noticied is that the feedback from the templar resistance card is impacted by armor. It seems like psychic feedback shouldn't be cover-reliant
Nor Dogroth Dec 7, 2017 @ 12:44pm 
Well, for those who need it here is the German translation included .
Nor Dogroth Nov 29, 2017 @ 5:33pm 
Can you make a German localisation file please? The German translation for “cover“ is “Deckung“.
José Sep 22, 2017 @ 9:52pm 
Cover damage reduction applies with AP Rounds and other mod/ability piercing, such as that from the Reaper. Could you update this so this pierces properly?
Gliese581 Sep 13, 2017 @ 8:46pm 
I am actually using the alternative mod launcher but I haven't had time to look into it enough, thanks for pointing to it.
=[NK]= Col. Jack O'Neil Sep 13, 2017 @ 8:38pm 
Or do yourself a favour when using mods and get teh alternate mod launcher
Anisotropic  [author] Sep 13, 2017 @ 8:13pm 
Besides using the alternative mod launcher, which makes it really easy, you can also look at the location of this page. Look for the '?id=###'
Gliese581 Sep 13, 2017 @ 11:20am 
Thanks, how do you figure out the mod number though? There's nothing about 1126684731 that makes me go "oh yeah that's the [WOTC] Cover Damage Reduction mod". :)
=[NK]= Col. Jack O'Neil Sep 13, 2017 @ 9:05am 

Go to your steam folder/steamapps/workshopcontent/268500/1126684731/ config/xcomcoverDR.ini

Make sure you have notepad ++ installed
Gliese581 Sep 12, 2017 @ 11:58pm 
Thanks, I'm not really familiar with finding the right file on Steam Workshop mods since I've mostly used Nexus for modding throughout the years but the community chose Steam Workshop for this game so what can you do? :)
=[NK]= Col. Jack O'Neil Sep 12, 2017 @ 9:51pm 
Yep, check the ini.. It would of been quicker doing that than asking :)
Gliese581 Sep 12, 2017 @ 11:51am 
Is there an option to give DR from cover against explosives?
DaddyHammer Sep 8, 2017 @ 7:57am 
i was on roof with enother mod get 10 def on top, have half cover and fuking advent comander headshoot me -.- no one mod works then i shoot him and he got u defence bonus from half flanked shoot hehe
Dusky Sep 6, 2017 @ 4:30pm 
Yes, my poor Templar found the bug the hard way :D
Anisotropic  [author] Sep 6, 2017 @ 4:29pm 
Thanks for the catch, Dusky! That's actually pretty important for templars. Fixed it.
Dusky Sep 6, 2017 @ 10:34am 
Bug: Units with Fortress (Immunity to explosives) still take 1 damage from explosive attacks while this mod is on.
Minor deal, thought you should know :)
TheMan Sep 3, 2017 @ 10:21pm 
Nasarog Sep 3, 2017 @ 9:11am 
Thank you for the update.
[WTS]DrewDawgofWar Sep 2, 2017 @ 7:06pm 
I loved this mod. Thanks for the update!
Datadagger Sep 2, 2017 @ 7:00pm 
Thanks for this! Greatly appreciated!