Master of Orion

Master of Orion

Unofficial Code Patch Steam Workshop
851 Komentar
raven_gotreks 17 Jun @ 9:41am 
Hello, I have two gugs using the ucp, the first is that the shift change button does not work, preventing me from changing turns and I have to load the game for it to work again and the second is that the game remains processing the turn, I have to exit the game again has to enter and load a game that is not a turn prior to the failure
roland.johansen 28 Mei @ 10:08pm 
Did you remove your subscription before deleting and reinstalling? I think you automatically reapply a mod if you don't unsubscribe.

There must be something lingering. UCP is very widely used and widely appreciated, so I think some conflict between mods is still lingering on your end. Maybe check the various subscriptions that are still there or even go over to the location where they are downloaded and manually delete any remainder.

Maybe WhatIsSolln has some better advice. He is the expert.
mercury1978kevin 28 Mei @ 9:43pm 
No, I installed your UCP mod not just subbed to it. IDK why I'm getting the terraforming error even after deleting the entire game and reinstalling MOO and then only UCP without that extra planets mod.. only UCP.. and still the same damn error. I just lost my 2nd match after winning my 1st without UCP installed (base game that worked with no errors terraforming). The Meklar in UCP on the normal skill level were way ahead of me in a huge galaxy. I know I did not have balanced starting conditions... but come on man! Ha, ha! Crazy... so, I'm just going to unintall UCP and try a new match using only the base game with no mods at all. See if I can win then on the normal skill level (I did so my 1st match in a medium galaxy, easy). So, my guess is that UCP increases the difficulty of MOO by a lot, even on the same skill level setting. *sigh*
roland.johansen 28 Mei @ 3:27pm 
I think he installed a bunch of mods and now he just gets Gaia transformation when inventing terraforming. That's what I got out of it. I bet the mods are conflicting.

Also, he is talking about subscribing she activating your mod, but I didn't see anything about installing it. So maybe he didn't do that.
WhatIsSol  [pembuat] 28 Mei @ 9:25am 
@mercury1978kevin: Having a hard time understanding what you are saying, but I know of no active bugs with terraforming
mercury1978kevin 14 Mei @ 3:29pm 
opps... I meant to say version 6.4b of UCP has that error...
mercury1978kevin 14 Mei @ 3:27pm 
Says 'terraform' but really does a Gaia Transformation to my planet's biome. That is the game-breaking error occuring now with both UCP and Lots of Planets mods subbed and activated. I deactivated the one that I could, being the Lots of Planets mod, and still this game has that same exact error. I cannot terraform any planet that is less than 'terran'. NOTE: I researched up until that Gaia Transformation tech and got it to see what (maybe the opposite?) if anything it would do. NOTHING! So, any easy fix for this WhatIsSol? I guess you should update/fix version 6.2b of UCP for us?
mercury1978kevin 14 Mei @ 3:22pm 
I got/bought MoO Conquer the Stars about a couple months ago or so. I played the tutorial for this game and in that match/game I experienced no game-breaking problems/issues. I then make the decision to get (I both sub and activated each/both mods within MoO) 2 different mods and now after several turns into a long match in a huge galaxy I basically hit a road-block that was present since turn 1 (I just did not know
WhatIsSol  [pembuat] 14 Mei @ 6:29am 
Editing the files in ../steamapps/Master of Orion/Modding will have no effect. The game does not actually read those files from what I recall. The developers added that folder to make it easy for others to get the YAML data they needed to create their own mods.

Something like that change I would always recommend a new game, it might work, but it might do something crazy,
Shabutaro 2 Apr @ 11:30am 
Thanks for your answers, i have another question than. Personally i think Lithvore growth is way too slow, so much so that i would consider it a negative trait.
From looking around in the files i found "lithovoreLifePointProduction" in the PlanetMineralRichnessTypes.yaml file. I assume this is for Lithvore growth.

Do i have to edit that one in the MOO Modding Folder? (../steamapps/Master of Orion/Modding, though this file here had completely different values than any of the files in any mod) or do i have to edit the file in the mod i load in last that changes this file (in my case the Compatilibity Patch for 5X and UCP)? I just run the basic mods, 5X, UCP, Comp Patch and Massive/Diverse Planets + Assets.

Also will these changes work in an ongoing game? I am ~Turn 250 and the AI just gets like 5 pops a turn while i get maybe 1 in 19 turns.

I was going to change the values to those who came with base 5x mod (1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4.0, 5.0)
WhatIsSol  [pembuat] 28 Mar @ 7:19am 
@Sheta: Not possible with the current state of this application.
Sheta 27 Mar @ 3:20pm 
Enable diplomatic victory in multiplayer is possible? How?
SneakyBoa 11 Mar @ 5:38am 
@Shabutaro 1. Yes, 2. No
Shabutaro 10 Mar @ 9:39am 
This was probably asked before, but:

1) Is it possible to enable Diplomatic Victory in Multiplayer?
2) Is it possible to allow Alliance players to win together? (maybe just trigger a win screen if anyone in an Alliance achieves a victory for all in that Alliance?)

Or are these strictly not possible to achieve with the limited amount of modding that can be done to this game?
ShadowDancer1 29 Feb @ 2:06am 
May I suggest 2 additional improvements to the game?
1. When you load a save game, the bubbles above each of your colony that had a change from last turn are not showing, as they are after pressing "End Turn" and starting a new turn. This may be somewhat frustrating later in game, when you have a long list of colonies with a change and you micromanage them. Can this bubbles added when loading a save game?
2. You can't press "End Turn" button till you issued orders to each and every ship currently not in transit (or in sleep/ guard). Later in game, when you have many fleet ships spread across the map, this may be annoying to press "Skip" so many times. Putting the ships in "sleep" mode may cause to forget some ships spread across somewhere over the map. Can a "Skip All" button may be added, so that the remaining ships which you haven't issue any command this turn ("ready" status) will be skipped altogether?
Thanks for the great work.
WhatIsSol  [pembuat] 28 Feb @ 5:03pm 
@SneakyBoa: There is already a in the zip file.
ShadowDancer1 25 Feb @ 11:11pm 
Is there a clock (see the real time while playing) option in MoO?
If not, can you add one into the mod (or is there anther mod doing that already)?
Kriton 18 Feb @ 3:09pm 
I had to reinstall this mod and now diplomacy victory/galactic council no longer works. Is there a minimum galaxy size and number of opponents you have to be facing now?

Thank you.
Vuyek 17 Feb @ 11:58pm 
before anyone asks, yes, I do have Java 64 bit
Vuyek 17 Feb @ 11:52pm 
interesting. I am getting "error opening registry key Software\Javasoft\Java Runtime Environment"
Could not find Java.DLL

running 64 bit Java, is this a 32 bit program dev?
Jago Bear 9 Feb @ 6:35pm 
Your name applied itself to the modlist. So I guess it just happens over time.
WhatIsSol  [pembuat] 9 Feb @ 11:57am 
You should have 2, one that says Local and one that says WhatIsSol. If you do not that is a steam issue. Exit Steam and restart. Make certain that Steam is also not in offline mode.

But it really will cause no issues, it just means Steam did not send the workshop author information to the game to display on that screen.
Jago Bear 9 Feb @ 11:54am 
i copied i can show you with snipping tool
Jago Bear 9 Feb @ 11:52am 
when i open mods in the game menu and look at mod load order your code patch mod doesn't display your WhatIsSol it just says unknown. I not sure it's suppose to do that.
WhatIsSol  [pembuat] 9 Feb @ 11:37am 
What says unknown author ?
Jago Bear 9 Feb @ 9:33am 
says unknown author?
Nebulawolf 4 Feb @ 10:18am 
Awesome mod, thank you for all your hard work and time. You have come close to completely fixing one of my all time favourite games. If you have a chance could you please consider adding another five or six available characters length to star naming. Can't fit Antares Proxima :-(
Der Kaiser 30 Jan @ 12:53pm 
for the readme instructions separate them into different ones because it's very hard to read through and find what you need
WhatIsSol  [pembuat] 4 Jan @ 1:53pm 
@Arrian76: Unsubscribe to the mod, exit the game. Navigate to the Steam workshop folder - "Steam\SteamApps\workshop\content\298050\1109736522". Delete all content there. Navigate to the local mod folder under "My Documents\Master of Orion\Mods". There delete any folders with "Unofficial Code Patch" in the name. After that is done resubscribe and attempt re-install.
LRG_NL 4 Jan @ 10:54am 
appriciated WhatIsSol, very gratefull for the mod
Dizzy Ioeuy 3 Jan @ 2:39pm 
WhatIsSol  [pembuat] 2 Jan @ 7:14pm 
Bug. <UCP-6.2> If the player is attacking a planet that has a planetary shield that blocks Invasion or Mind Control this operation will fail if at the start of the attack the colony's shield strength is greater than 0
Fix. A check is not taking into account the damage already applied during this attack, just added logic so bringing it down to 0 will allow the invasion or mind control to work as expected
LRG_NL 28 Des 2023 @ 12:27pm 
did 6.4 change the function for the planetary flux/barrier shield? I have come to notice that I am unable to invade a planet even thought the shield is "depleted". I can now only invade if the shield is properly destroyed.
Arrian76 20 Des 2023 @ 6:18am 
WhatIsSol, thanks for your continued work. I decided to update my version of this mod, as I was using 6.2b. First I tried just re-running the javascript. But that didn't change the version. So I thought ok, I'll unsubscribe and resubscribe and do it again. That didn't work (still 6.2b). So this time I unsubscribed and deleted the UCP folder, and then resubscribed. But the UCP folder has not reappeared. In-game, it still says version 6.2b and UCP local is still there. What would you suggest I do?
Alpharius 22 Nov 2023 @ 3:59am 
Where would i find the ReadMe.txt? thanks :)
WhatIsSol  [pembuat] 7 Nov 2023 @ 9:44am 
Think it is need to be positive, UCP defaults it to 99999
Jaylo 7 Nov 2023 @ 5:23am 
If i make this number -1 will it kepp the messages on permanently or do i have to make it a high number?

"01 Globals.yaml
- globals: &Backend.Settlements.NotificationReduction
ON_TURN: 200
Dizzy Ioeuy 1 Nov 2023 @ 4:54pm 
You're the best man, thank you so much. Fixed it.

Also for future generations or just me later if I have to redo this- that YAML is in the 5x UCP patch mod- not the base 5x mod.
WhatIsSol  [pembuat] 1 Nov 2023 @ 4:47pm 
01 Globals.yaml
- globals: &Backend.Settlements.NotificationReduction
ON_TURN: 200
Dizzy Ioeuy 1 Nov 2023 @ 3:39pm 
OK... I give up, which yaml has this? I can't find it...
Dizzy Ioeuy 1 Nov 2023 @ 3:30pm 
oh THANK YOU. that setting in 5x is exactly what happened I bet... off to investigate the file that may contain those and change it.
WhatIsSol  [pembuat] 1 Nov 2023 @ 3:25pm 
UCP added a way to disable those, but has it turned off. 5X sets those to stop notify after/on turn 200
Dizzy Ioeuy 1 Nov 2023 @ 2:13pm 
Anyone know how/if it's possible to turn on/off the planet construction anouncements by this mod? I no longer get "X built on Y" announcements anymore- just "select new construction" now. I'm sure I hit a key or something because they were working fine just a bit ago.
Dizzy Ioeuy 1 Nov 2023 @ 11:58am 
Nevermind, fixed at my end. Was a minor patch order not of the main hitters causing it.

Fixed, holy WAH! PIRATES!
Dizzy Ioeuy 1 Nov 2023 @ 11:00am 
This likely is not UCP-

5x patch,

Pirates on turn 200 are still just two little frigates attacking. Just mentioning in case it's UCP.

No other bugs noticed at all- unless maybe this is intentional?
WhatIsSol  [pembuat] 1 Nov 2023 @ 9:34am 
The parts for the AI made it, just not for the player. I will address in a 6.4a. But going to wait a few days to see if anything else crops up before doing a steam update.
WhatIsSol  [pembuat] 1 Nov 2023 @ 9:19am 
grumble looks like that did not make into the final merge
Ragnaman 1 Nov 2023 @ 8:52am 
Export still is bugged, once a planet has Export as its work item, it will not switch to something else in its automated build queue. You said this is already fixed. I even provided solution.
frog_gamer 31 Okt 2023 @ 12:02pm 
Not a itch!! Perfect, thank you