Rain Rebalance: Miscellaneous Tweaks
Showing 1-10 of 29 entries
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Update: Jul 4 @ 5:06pm

Version 2.7:

-Added PEXM support for PCP Scouts and Drone Pilots

Update: Jul 4 @ 1:26pm

Version 2.6:

-Combined Lab/Workshop Changes
--Removed broken edit for Living Space Changes (now part of base-mod support)
--Restored Buildable-Armors to the Proving Grounds

-Set Proficiency Patchworks, Scouts, and Blutengels to use Full Class Decks
--Patchworks have been implemented through a different method than usual due to release order silliness, but it works out the same.

Update: Oct 2, 2023 @ 7:07pm

Version 2.5:

-Removed increased AP gains from Chosen (down to 5 (vanilla) from 10)
-Reduced AP gains (down to 5 from 10 (vanilla=0)
-Added AP Values for modded enemies on par with Boss enemies and Primes.
--Boss Enemies = 2 AP
--Prime Equivalent = 1 AP

Update: Sep 23, 2023 @ 7:37am

Version 2.4:

1) Added a tweak to set the class of Den Mother to my new class mod, Proficiency Support Medics.

Update: Sep 19, 2023 @ 8:37pm

Version 2.3:

1) Removed Camera Rotation tweaks and cut Free Camera Rotation entirely from my load order as I can no longer stand white screen bugs.

2) Copied Odd Season 7 PBNCE tweaks as they pretty much perfectly address everything I wanted changed from the base mod config.

Update: Sep 11, 2023 @ 5:12pm

Version 2.2:

1) CombiWorkshopLab
1.1) Replaces Lab & Workshop for living space requirements
1.2) Fully removes old lab and workshop

2) MimicBeaconChanges - Reverted Mimic Beacon Overhauls health reduction; retained other changes

3) Augmentations - No longer required from 20% of grave wounds

4) Rulers Regen reduced healing to 15% from 33% and armor regen to 50% from 100%

5) EU Psi Armor reduced will (15 down from 25) and psioffense (10 down from 15) bonuses to be more in line with pexm

Update: Sep 5, 2023 @ 5:47am

Version 2.1.1:

1) Removed all "Run After" lines as those don't actually do anything for config changes, only for script, which this mod doesnt' contain. Additionally, those RunAfter commands trigger dependency warnings for soft requirements.

Update: Sep 4, 2023 @ 9:51am

Version 2.1:

1) Replaced Proficiency Marine's Splinter Armor perk with Shredder. Splinter armor is a completely insufficient means of shredding with the number and difficulty of mod added enemies in my campaigns.
1.1) Re-organized the marine's perk trees to better fit my perceived identity for each row (no changes to actual ranks at which ability is obtained).

2) Reworked Proficiency Phalanx moderately. Increased base mobility by 2 to compensate for the shield's movement penalty. Reworked aim progression from 7 (backloaded) to 10 (frontloaded) like other low aim classes.
2.1) Removed Blank AWC Cards like all other Proficiency Classes.
2.2) Moved Blast Padding and Reflex from AWC to core tree (replacing Combat Field and Aggression, which become new AWC perks). Removed Lock and Load entirely and replaced it with Combat Conditioning. Moved Opportunist to Aggression's old position.

Update: Sep 4, 2023 @ 8:03am

Version 2.0:

1) Removed all changes for Psi Overhaul v3 as this metamod is now intended to be played alongside Psionics Ex Machina instead.
1.1) Add PEXM support for the following proficiency class mods: Field Support, Field Alchemist, Combat Engineer, and Phalanx.
1.2) Warlock's Crown: Psi Bonus reduced to 30 to be the logical next step from Alien Psi Amps in PEXM. Removed the free Mind Control, but didn't add any new free skills as the 5th PEXM slot is basically a free skil. With any other Psi Overhaul this is a strict and massive downgrade.

2) Warlock's Crown: Turned off automatic cosmetic equips and enabled No More Psi Amp animations.

3) A Better Advent: Reworked Sectopod Prime into Sectopod Mk II. Sectopod Prime was unique amongst Primes in that it was able to consistently kill multiple soldiers if it walked into an overwatch ambush with virtually no counter play. I've configured A Baby's ADVENT to only removed Sectopod Prime's reactions, renamed it to avoid confusion, and given it +25 defense (now 15) and +1 armor (now 6) to compensate for the nerf.

4) Removed all prior changes made to Spark Arsenal, Shield Rework, and Immolator Overhaul. These were (failed) attempts to balance LASER Sparks. As this mod is meant to be played with Modular SPARKs going forward and I don't know what the balance of these items looks like in that environment, I've removed all of those changes.

5) Removed the Kill Assist changes I had made as they were very minor and mostly aimed at lowering the leveling speed of LASER Sparks.

and now for the changes adopted from other people's tweaks mods:

6) Bio Division: Added RambelZambel's fix for the Bio Purge and Bio Troop Deployment SITREPs which previously did nothing.

7) Adopted localization changes from Odd Tweaks 7 to rename the Warlock, clarify shield bash, and prefer the more neutral "NewTrait" message.

8) Adopted Lalup's Spark Arsenal change and removed Speed Loaders and Experimental Magazines from the drop pool as I virtually never used these.

9) Adopted some weapon changes from Alpha 115's Weapon Rebalance, namely:
9.1) Maintained stun chance going from t2 to t3 on Ripjacks and Swords.
9.2) Gave rifles +1 weapon mod slots.
9.3) Increased Vektor Rifle damage by 1 and added 1 spread.
9.4) Changed crit progression on Bullpups to be 1/2/3 up from 1/1/2.

10) Removed all Dependency Flags as this mod has no hard dependencies.

Update: Aug 10, 2023 @ 9:16am

Version 1.6.6:

1) Changed Kinetic Strike Module nerf (Again). This version actually works!