Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 15 pozycji
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Aktualizacja: 13 listopada 2023 o godz. 18:42

- Fixed configuration not loading when COT was not loaded
- Changed the configuration file, versioning is now based on file name rather than a property in the configuration file
- Removed config value "PushDisabled"
- Added config value "PushFunctionality"; 0 = disabled, 1 = modded, 2 = vanilla
- Updated COT module to reflect configuration changes

I've created more problems for my future self! Don't worry about it! Also this update will introduce some downstream breaking changes if anyone of you modded the FlipTransport configuration scripts. Enjoy!

Aktualizacja: 5 listopada 2023 o godz. 15:59

- Moved GameLabs action registers to MissionServer::OnInit due to a bug by loading multiple obfuscated mods

Apparently if you have enough obfuscated mods loaded, it breaks things randomly and often makes zero sense to other mod developers. In GameLabs the method 'GLActionRegisterHook' exists in MissionServer, but obfuscation straight up breaks this for some bizarre reason. I tested the original update several times before publishing it, and tested it with GameLabs on numerous occasions, this is just something that is not normal or expected behavior.

I do not expect the CF Cloud actions to work at this point, so if they don't, oh well. You can thank the community ruining features for everyone else.

Proof the method exists:

Aktualizacja: 5 listopada 2023 o godz. 14:39


- Fixed an issue with pushing not being powerful enough in specific situations
- Optimized TrafficCone and turned it into a wearable item. Thank you RaG Tyson!
- Added GameLabs integration for CF Cloud actions; you can now push and flip vehicles from the map in CF Cloud
- Added compatibility with 1.23 and vanilla's push action; disabling push in the FlipTransport config will enable vanilla's push mechanic
- Increased sarcasm

I've reviewed all of the scripting for this mod recently, and have considered rewriting most of the action scripts for the next update. For the most part, this should not break backwards compatibility.

Aktualizacja: 29 sierpnia 2023 o godz. 6:47

- Fixes: "Overladed function 'OnRPC#xxxxxx' not compatible"

Was not prepared for COT and CF to update and fix some bad refs this update, this is great news but I was out of the loop on this change. I also pushed this update while at work, nothing was tested other than if the mod compiles when loading. Once you read this ping me in the modders discord to show your appreciation or hate!

Aktualizacja: 10 lutego 2023 o godz. 16:56

- Fixes: "Can't find variable 'matrix'"

Had to cherry pick out a bunch of content for an update later this year, as it's not ready yet.

Aktualizacja: 10 lutego 2023 o godz. 16:48

- Compatible with Community-Online-Tools after the 10 February 2023 update.
- Fixes: "Overloaded function 'SetModule' no compatible"

This update wasn't planned, but it's necessary. While you're reading this if you're wondering what the traffic cone does, I recorded a silent video (totally intentionally silent) for you to enjoy and understand why the cone exists and its purpose.

Aktualizacja: 5 lutego 2023 o godz. 21:17

- Changed instance oriented flipping back to static, because apparently instance oriented breaks client syncing somehow

For some reason without changing any of the actual logic that flips vehicles over, last update has decided to show some very strange bug that wouldn't sync the orientation on clients when flipping vehicles. The only thing that was changed was where this code existed, in which I moved it to within CarScript rather than it being a static external method. Just going to leave this logic alone till further testing. All unit tests past with flying colors which is why I published the update, guess I should go through manual verification for this next time. Sorry for the inconvience and the double update, this is quite abnormal for this mod as there has only ever been 6 updates since it's been originally published in 2019.

Aktualizacja: 5 lutego 2023 o godz. 16:42

- Prevent pushing/flipping when players is linked/attached to vehicle
- Added sounds while flipping a vehicle with the wrench (can be disabled by config)
- Added stamina penalty when pushing vehicles (can be disabled by config)
- Optimized models for HydraulicJack and TrafficCone
- Added model.cfg to HydraulicJack and TrafficCone with hidden selections (zbytek selection)
- Added sounds for placing, dropping, impact, and picking up of HydraulicJack and TrafficCone
- Fixed geometry LODs for TrafficCone can now be picked up and display name is visible while looking at it
- TrafficCone now has proper weight and will mostly land or roll on it's base when thrown
- Adjusted directional pushing angle, it is now dynamically calculated based on the vehicle's collision box rather than a fixed angle of 25 degrees
- Removed forced crouching when flipping vehicles with the wrench, you can now be crouched or erect
- Added soft skills for flipping and pushing vehicles (progression only, no effects or bonuses yet)
- Added WRDG_FLIPTRANSPORT script define
- Added COT menu to edit the mod config in game (FlipTransport Settings)
- Small code flow adjustments

Admin Tools
COT will have a menu for managing the config (uses permissions "FlipTransport.Settings.View" to view and "FlipTransport.Settings.Save" to save)
VPPAT admin menu coming Soon™

- Flipping vehicles does not seem to work properly when using DayZDiag_x64.exe (very low priority as it does not affect players or servers)
- Throwing the HydraulicJack can cause the handle to clip through surfaces due to geometry calculations (low priority)
- Directional pushing (front/behind) may be inconsistent on some modded vehicles that have poor collision boxes (medium priority)

I still need translations for some of my strings, if you can help please let me know.

The steering direction of the wheels will now affect pushing as a result of the vehicle simulation changes to 1.19. So you can have a buddy steer the vehicle as you're pushing it from behind or in front. This was a planned feature but the 1.19 made this feature an unintended side effect without me changing any code to account for it. Thanks dayz!

Aktualizacja: 24 grudnia 2021 o godz. 11:22

- Added support for Expansion, MuchCarKey, Trader, and TraderPlus for safe zone and locked vehicle checks
- Added new config values to allow/disallow pushing/flipping for safe zones and locked vehicles
- Car surfing has been "fixed" when using player attachment from Expansion or RoadTrip
- If a vehicle isn't upright, you'll have the same pushing power as if it was in neutral
- Added additional safety for mods that conflict and disable physics/simulation
- Forced sync for after pushing and flipping

It's Christmas or Christmas Eve, this will be the last update in a long while for this mod. I appreciate the reports and suggestions, please enjoy this update, I understand it's an inconvient time, but it's now or one year from now. The mod integrations for Trader and TraderPlus require compilation, which eventually an update from either of them can cause the mod to not load properly. Join the DayZ Modders discord if you need to report anything, just mention @wrdg

Aktualizacja: 22 grudnia 2021 o godz. 19:00

- Added FlipTransport.json config to ServerProfile
- Added HydraulicJack (alternative to wrench)
- Added TrafficCone
- Added pushing of vehicles

Pushing requires the vehicle engine to be off and have nothing in your hands, pushing is only effective if the vehicle is in neutral, otherwise the strength of a push is quite miniscule. Pushing a vehicle from in front or behind will push the vehicle in the direction of the vehicle, not cursor based as if you were to push from the sides. The hydraulic jack does not have a lot of range, and can be less consistent than the wrench. Flipping vehicles with the wrench and pushing vehicles can be disabled in the new config. Types and default server config are in the mod folder for server owners.

The Hydraulic Jack has to be facing the vehicle for the action to work