

Star Wars - Mos Eisley Cantina
Showing 1-10 of 17 entries
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Update: Sep 19 @ 2:56am

Mos Eisley Cantina Update V1 - Release Notes

New Characters Added:


Outside the Cantina:

Landspeeder Mobquet A1

I hope you enjoy these last update as I continue to enhance your experience in the immersive world of Mos Eisley Cantina. Stay tuned for more updates or new projects .

Thank you for your continued support on Patreon too !

Update: Dec 27, 2023 @ 4:25am

Mos Eisley Cantina Update 0.95 - Release Notes

New Characters Added:

Obi-Wan Kenobi
Han Solo
Dr. Evazan
Ponda Baba
Three astronauts
Bom Vimdin
Djas Puhr
Elis Helrot

Outside the Cantina:

Void Spider TX-3 added
A stone circle next to the TX-3

Other Changes:

Relocated the Steam monitors to the entrance of the cantina for better accessibility and visibility.

I hope you enjoy these updates as I continue to enhance your experience in the immersive world of Mos Eisley Cantina. Stay tuned for more updates and improvements in the upcoming Final release.

Thank you for your continued support on Patreon too !

Update: Dec 27, 2023 @ 3:15am

Mos Eisley Cantina Update 0.95 - Release Notes

New Characters Added:

Obi-Wan Kenobi
Han Solo
Dr. Evazan
Ponda Baba
Three astronauts
Bom Vimdin
Djas Puhr
Elis Helrot

Outside the Cantina:

Void Spider TX-3 added
A stone circle next to the TX-3

Other Changes:

Relocated the Steam monitors to the entrance of the cantina for better accessibility and visibility.

I hope you enjoy these updates as I continue to enhance your experience in the immersive world of Mos Eisley Cantina. Stay tuned for more updates and improvements in the upcoming Final release.

Thank you for your continued support on Patreon too !

Update: Jan 26, 2022 @ 3:22pm

Happy New year ! ;)

Mos Eisley Cantina 0.85 - Furry update

- Arrival of Chewbacca !
- Reworking of Luke
- Added eight new customers:
- Arleil
- Atheloé
- Ferlipern
- Kabé
- Muftak
- Lak
- Kitik
- Customer Bith

- Two Camels/Bantha at the entrance
- People in the distance
- Gray characters removed
- Lod of multiple animated characters and creatures
- Fixed sound bugs
- Player starting point in the cantina

I hope you'll enjoy it!

The next update, 0.85, will be the Space-Man update.
A second environnment will come in few month. I hope you'll like it.

You can help me and follow the WIP on this link :

Thanks a lot !

Update: Jul 12, 2021 @ 4:39pm

Mos Eisley Cantina 0.83 - Girls and Droids update

Indoor :
- Added 5 new customers: Corey,Jenny, Tonnika sisters Brea and Senni and Leesub.
- A new smoke machine for the sisters and some little add

Outdoor some droid and sound :
- C3PO and R2D2 !
- A Gonk droid
- two Jawa places
- A red R2 unite
- A LIN unit
- A NPC woman who walk (I cant add more NPC in SteamVR because I'm unable to create custom NPC profiles. Actually I use a train system that is limited )
- A backpack for the sandtroopers
- Some environnment object
- New animations
- New sounds ( the management and simulation of sounds effects and sound environment is always an horror with SteamVr tools! :'( )

I hope you'll enjoy it!

The next update, 0.85, will be the Furry update.

You can help me and follow the WIP on this link :

Thanks a lot !

Update: Feb 19, 2021 @ 1:52pm

MosEisley Cantina 0.8 - Farmer Update

A new update and a lot of new things !
Indoor :
- Luke Skywalker is there
- the back of the cantina has been furnished
- new items have been added
- two musicians complete the band
- 10 new customers !! Including: Mando, Lafoe, Sunlet, Debnoli, Deomaley, ...
- A darker ambient with much more dirt and scratches
- Bar dispensers have been upgraded. they look better now
Outdoor :
- Luke's land speeder X34 is park near the cantina!
- You can found some terminals near the cantina... maybe have you seen them in other galaxies?
- A new landspeeder and a ship moves far away (its not easy with the Hammers Tools :/ )
- Some new sounds ( the management and simulation of sounds effects and sound environment is an horror with SteamVr tools! :'( )
- Texturing of the holographic basement
I hope you'll enjoy it!
The next update, 0.83, will be an other big one. Its name is: Girls and droids!

You can help me and follow the WIP on this link :


Thanks a lot !

Update: Aug 22, 2020 @ 3:00am

StarWars - Scum and villainy Update

Indoor :
- Greedo join the Cantina!
- Some smugglers join him in the Cantina: Two other Rodians, Yeens, Dannik, Boelo, and a henchman
- Added some elements in cantina decoration
- Glasses are now interactives
- More physbox
- Darker ambient

Outdoor :

- Jawas comes in town
- Added two Sand troopers
- A Dewback
- The capsule ship
- Change the sky and light to be closer of the original version of the movie
- Added some animated tarpaulins
- Texturing of the vaporator
- Added some exterior prop

- And few fix and optimisations

Hope you'll enjoy !

Update: May 4, 2020 @ 6:43pm

V0.75 May the 4th be with you.

- Better sound env
- A land speeder and a shuttle to test the steam entity
- Some fix and optimisations

You can help me and follow the WIP on this link :


Thanks a lot !

Update: Apr 30, 2020 @ 2:08pm

40 000 subscribers ! Thanks !

For the quarantine I'v done a special update !

New content :

- You can now go outside of the cantina and see Mos Eisley
- 5 new customers
- somes little adds in the cantina
- the walls and objects have physics but not interactiv

No more Roadmap in the cantina. I will migrate the project to Unity soon. No worries, there will be no change for you except more optimisations, improvements and interactivity.

Follow me or the project on :


Update: Dec 26, 2019 @ 11:37pm

StarWars - Mos Eisley Cantina V0.5

Thanks for the 30 000 Subscribs ! I'm so glad !

Sorry for the late update, I work on other projects than VR so I do my best. Please, help me to improve the Cantina faster, and why not, create an entire free game by supporting me here:

New content :

- The Jawas comes to the cantina !
- You can now see the shadows of the futur customers
- Modified vr menu size 100 to 150 (cant use my Oculus DK2 since the last update so I cant check it)
- Some little add