ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Shads Atlas Imports
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Update: Sep 7, 2023 @ 1:43pm

-Fix for a potential issue regarding aggravic mushrooms of aberration converting into a useless unused basegame resource.

Update: Sep 1, 2023 @ 7:04pm

-Due to an issue where any buffs that inflict tick-styled damage mostly ignore armor, all buffs that scale with melee no longer respect any damage boosting buffs caused by the damage causer, such as imprint, mate boost, or yuty roars.

Update: Aug 28, 2023 @ 1:07pm

-Increased base damage of Atlas Cyclops side swings from 85 to 100
-Extended the cooldowns of Atlas Cyclops slam and uppercut from 10 sec to 15.
-Buffed Atlas Cyclops uppercut from 100 damage to 150
-Increased base damage of Atlas Cyclops spin attack from 74 to 100
-Sped up the basic club swings of atlas cyclops by 20 percent.
-Slightly increased atlas cyclops walk (and thus run) speed.
-Atlas Cyclops can now use helmets
-A unique, non-spawning, admin-only version of the Atlas Cyclops has been added. This creature cannot function as wild AI due to how its set up. It also does not have high stat scaling in melee, deals half the usual damage with its attacks, and does not have the slam or uppercut attacks. However, it has the ability to use tools like Mantis, and Offhand Shields from Pyria.
-Made Gorgon 50 percent bigger. still cannot be ridden.
-Removed ability for Gorgon to summon snakes.
-Gorgon now runs faster
-Gorgon no longer shoots dilo-spit projectiles. Instead, its ranged attack shoots a deluge of snakes. Each projectile is 25 base damage and is effected by hit-zone modifiers (headshot, head armor, fliers, etc). These projectiles inflict a Blood Curse that is 6 seconds instead of 4, and stacks up to 8 times.
-Changed Gorgon ai. It will now prefer not to go into melee, staying at least 2600 units away from its target and frequently firing its blood curse projectiles.
-The Blood Curse of Gorgon can be inflicted on bosses.
-Increased Rattler Rage buff time from 15 to 25 seconds for Apophis Rattlesnake
-Buffed apophis rattlesnake bite damage from 40 to 45
-Rattler rage now provides a stacking one percent resistance
-Capped Rattler Rage max stacks at 10 (50 percent bonus melee and 10 percent res)
-Apophis Rattlesnake and Naga have IK now.
-Removed Tortugar eggs from Mythos Kibble
-Allseer Squid no longer shoots depth charges, uses basic squid ink instead.
-Fixed some tuso code that was broken on Allseer.
-Gorgon now has an AoE that buffs all allied snakes in a large vacinity around it, granting them 25% damage and res, +25 HP per sec, +15 stam per sec.

Update: Jul 31, 2023 @ 4:12pm

-Fix for shieldhorn icon

Update: Jul 23, 2023 @ 5:15pm

-Stability Recook for servers struggling.

Update: Jul 23, 2023 @ 1:23pm

-Removed natural armor from shieldhorn.
-Removed bleed from Harbinger bite.
-Harbinger base bite damage raised to 100
-lowered Harbinger base grab bite damage from 110 to 100
-Harbinger Maul bleed weakened to the bleed that was on the initial bite, base 45 per tick, respecting armor pierce.
-Cross-compatibility with AC: Aquaria. Harbinger now prefers Raw Squid Meat as its preferred food, even over kibble.
-Fix for an issue where Atlas Kodiak could stand up when swimming.
-Projectile of Allseer Squid should now be visible
-Tyrant Scorpion now behaves properly to Bug Repellant and will now trigger Megatherium insect killer.

Update: Feb 13, 2023 @ 1:24pm

-Due to unknown factors causing a glitch, Razortooth is now completely immune to being frozen solid to avoid said glitch.
-Due to a glitch, rather than cease dealing damage if the damage causer of mod bleeds dies, the buff will now deactivate instead.
-Due to a glitch, female lions no longer use half stam. instead they gain 1.5hp per sec
-Fixed an issue where bleeds and venoms of the mod ignored armor
-New dino icon for Yakalo

Update: Dec 31, 2022 @ 1:46am

-Alphas in mod are now incapable of healing
-Male Lions in the mod now deal 15 percent more damage than females and naturally ignore 10 percent of damage.
-Female Lions now have 15 percent more movement speed and loose 50 percent less overall stamina than males.
-Reduced Maul damage of atlas tiger from 15 to 5
-Removed the slower of Yakalo attack anims to speed up attack rate.
-New colorized texture for Atlas Horse so it wont look so plain.

Update: Dec 22, 2022 @ 12:15pm

-Bleed inflcited by Harbinger after grabbing a victim has had its time lessened from 10 sec to 5
-Bleeds inflicted by mods should now stop dealing damage if you kill the damage causer
-Bleeds and venoms of the mod no longer work on Overseer and Titan level bosses.
-Bleed tick of the mods cannot exceed more than 2,500 damage per tick
-Fixed death anim for atlas horse

Update: Nov 30, 2022 @ 3:10pm

-Fixed the taming affinity and rates of herbivores in the mod:
-Forest Elephant needed no change, it was the same as mammoth. Its affinity drain rate has been halved, though
-Atlas Giraffe keeps the same Paracer values, but with slower affinity drain now
-Reduced Olfend torpor from 680 to 500
-Olfend rates and food changed to Parasaur
-Ostritch changed to Pachy in taming rates and food
-Reduced Ostrich torpor from 600 to 300
-Heracles changed to pachy in taming rates and food
-Pangolin Rhino changed to Anky in taming rates and food
-Shieldhorn is now Theri in taming rates and food
-Yakalo is now Trike in taming rates and food
-Fired up both the atlas and ark dev kits to completely overhaul the fur and feather materials of the textures. (LION LOOKS SO GOOD NOW AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Tiger is pretty pog too now.)
-Changed the tick damage of bleeds and venoms to no longer be physical
-Reduced the tick damage of venom from 3 to 2.25
-Reduced the unit-per-second drain (rabies style) of venom from -3 per sec to -1.75 per sec