Showing 1-10 of 135 entries
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Update: Apr 30 @ 6:08pm

I'm Back.


Fixed Weapon slot compatibility with namalsk LEHS suit
PKM now properly reloads.
PKM mag now uses the proper texture.
M98B and its variants use the correct textures
RPK Also reloads properly
Type81 blood removed

Mini-14 now takes its own magazines : Mass_Mag_Mini14_5rnd & Mass_Mag_Mini14_10rnd
Removed M1-9 and overhauled the mini-14 Ultimately a nerf but it looks better now.
Removed Redundant weapon slots from MMIO RifleCore for compatibility. (Melee, Shoulder)
Removed PPSKN42
Removed WolfAR
Removed YHM1022
Removed Armsan
Removed Glock18
Removed ACR
Removed MassHolo and its variation (Pending Remaster)
Removed Shinigami (Pending Remaster)

MassTextures has been removed, stripped and reformed into MassClothes

Fixed Vest Proxies
Large Canvas bag no longer holds canteen
NBC Bag now uses attachment slots, can be retextured & Displays damage

Added :
Slot Icons for for the following slots
Ratnik Assault Buttpack
Tactical Bag Green (Replacing Tactical Bag WD)

Removed :
MassMedical_Bag and its variations (Temporarily Pending Remaster)
Massmedbag and its variations (Temporarily Pending Remaster)
MassLargeMollePouch and its variations
MasscamoTaloon and its variations
MassBallisticShield (Temporarily Pending Remaster)
MassCanvasBag (The small green one not the iconic large one.)
MassFedora and its variations
MassHeavyPlateVest and its variations
MassImprovShoes and its variations
MassSmershVest and its variations
MassWinterCUU set
MassSM90 set
MassGhillie Variations (Not including the camonet ghillies)
MassLargePlateCarrierPouches and its variations
Double Armbands (Temporarily Pending Remaster)
Improvised Armor (Temporarily Pending Remaster)


Stews (Temporarily Pending Remaster)

Chessboard Pieces position being inverted from their GUI counterpart positions

Changes :
Unfinished Gunrack now has a unique model
Animations for the Gunrack and Dresser have been Polished

Please do not use the Legacy XML for this update, Use the separated xmls, which have been organized and attempted to keep up with vanilla values for other items such as guns and armors.

Please Download this if you do not want this update or if this update causes issues with your server. swapping out MMIO with MMIO Legacy should work just fine.

Join my discord server for updates and to submit bug reports

Update: May 16, 2022 @ 7:02am

Remastered the SlingBag
Fixed some bugs that I've forgotten to list

Redid the stew texture to a wooden bowl

Lots of HandIK work for mres and the stew bowl can now be sipped on.

Update: Apr 29, 2022 @ 10:28am

Fixed Kivaari Magazines not fitting in the Kivaari

Added Marpat Texture for the camonet Ghillie. Remember you can craft them with the red paint can.

Added more slots to the Barrel for mod compatibility

Update: Apr 24, 2022 @ 9:27am

Added The Airborne Mask, GP5 Mask, Combat Gas Mask, And Windstride's Gas mask. As well as the gas mask filters to the Acceptable NBC Bag Inventory.

Update: Apr 22, 2022 @ 10:45am

Fixed a literal page of script warnings and errors from all of the pbos

added NBC and Clothing Backpacks to SmershBag Attachment slot, allowing you to use them on the smersh vest.

Update: Apr 20, 2022 @ 4:41am

1.17 hotfix 2
'Fixed' Shinigami not being able to be scoped into the ironsight. Unfortunately it's no longer possible to have variable zoom with ironsight optics. Meaning the shinigami is now ironsight/6x magnification only. the 4x mode has been removed until the devs fix this mechanic

Fixed M417 Magazine not fitting in the m417.....oops.

The Savage stevens super shorty has been updated to use the Long Horn Animations.
Savage Stevens SuperShorty has been deprecated and a new classname will now be craftable called "MassStevens301SuperShortNew" All coloreed variations now have 'New' Added behind the _color suffix. If you're confused, The XML was updated to include this change.
All previous Super shorties crafted will automatically be converted via script to the new ones when loaded into the world.

Update: Apr 19, 2022 @ 8:43am

Hotfix for 338 Ammunition script conflicting

Changed 338 Ammunition classname to

Update: Apr 19, 2022 @ 6:15am

Overhauled MassGuns PBO thanks to MDC including lots of bug fixes in scripts and general organization of pbo
Added SVT Mount. Allowing the SVT to fit a rail that opens it up for NATO Optics

Added the German MP40 Sub-Machinegun, adding to the WW2 Arsenal.
Added the Russian OTs-03 SVU, An Integrally suppressed bullpup SVD

Renamed all Magazine classnames to better fit in with vanilla classname prefixes (Included a script to automatically convert all previous magazines into the new ones so DW. Just update your Types.xml to the new one for magazines.)
affected magazines
"kivaarimag" to "Mass_Mag_Kivaari_10Rnd"
"Mass308STANAG" to "Mass_Mag_M417_20Rnd"
"Mass338M24Mag" to "Mass_Mag_M24_5Rnd"
"Mass357M1911Mag" to "Mass_Mag_Coonan_7Rnd"
"Mass9x39Palm" to "Mass_Mag_9x39Palm_30Rnd"
"MassG18Mag" to "Mass_Mag_G18_30Rnd"
"Massm300mag" to "Mass_Mag_M300_7Rnd"
"Massppshbox" to "Mass_Mag_PPSh_30Rnd"
"Massppshdrum" to "Mass_Mag_PPSh_71RndDrum"
"MassSVTmag" to "Mass_Mag_SVT_10Rnd"

Fixed Shotgun Suppressor Textures
Fixed the Drying Rack breaking farming plots
Added Pressure Bandage and Pressure Bandage Wrapper
A Continuous action Bandage that continues bandaging until your bleed sources are fixed or you run out of bandages.
no longer do you have to deal with that awkward pause between each bandage action.

Added A Craftable Camo Net Ghillie Suit, Custom modeled by me using ArmaRig to get near as professional weight painting as I could.
There's 4 variations, The default being the only one that you can craft without the MassPaint (Red Paint Can) The first uses the vanilla camo net texture and can be crafted by using any bladed object on a Camo-Net.
The second is a Green variation that uses the Nato Camo Net texture that's in the game files but is otherwise unused. Craft it by using MassPaint(With Rag) On the Default.
Third is the Winter variation which is crafted the same way as the green,
Fourth is a dark urban textured one that can be crafted the same way as the ones above.
You can reset it back to default by using the paint can on the colored variations as well, so you can repaint to fit any situation.

Fixed Various newer medical items not fitting in the Advanced Med kit Container.

Added Zbytek selection to 'MassCatEars' Allowing it to be Retextured
fixed cat ears not having a view pilot (they now no longer show in first person)

Update: Feb 20, 2022 @ 11:50pm

Fixed Barrel proxies not being visible on other mods.
I needed to create my own inventory slot for this fix to function correctly whilst keeping my original functionality.

If you experience the inabiltiy to put barrels into slots after this update please send me the config overriding the Barrel_ColorBase adding custom slots in your mod and I will add them to my version for mod compatibility in the future. You can contact me through my discord on my modpage. New Dawn DayZ I have a channel you can post to.

If you would rather add compatibility yourself, My new slot for the Barrel_Colorbase is simply "massbarrel"

The above also applies to the seachest, My new inventory slot for the seachest is "massseachest"

I'd like to thank RaG Tysonson for helping me fix this issue.

Update: Feb 20, 2022 @ 2:17pm

Had to update to get some files out of the folder. expect a bug fix update later today/tonight for the Barrels.